Chapter 308

Ye Daxian looked at the woman seriously and said: "I am Suzaku." After saying that, he left the Zhanfu's residence without looking back.

"Suzaku." Jun Qingran murmured, there was no trace of resentment in his eyes.

"Jun Qingran, if you dare to touch her, I will make your bloodline disappear from the Jun family." Jun Qingran said coldly, and then returned to the house.

Jun Qingran's body trembled, and his expression seemed to be filled with grievances. "Brother Feng, talk to brother, I don't mean anything else."

Zhan Feng smiled mockingly, looked at Jun's clear and pitiful appearance, and said, "I don't believe that with your weak posture, you can climb to the position of Miss Jun's family." Words, the rest are all branches.A girl who came from a branch of a concubine, climbed up to the main line, and became the eldest lady of the Jun family, would she be such a weak person?

Jun Qingran bit her lip, and said sadly: "I don't want to, but those people are hindering me. Besides, you also know the mission of my visit this time."

Speaking of the task, Zhan Feng obviously looked a little ugly.Taking a deep breath, he said calmly, "The dual cultivation between you and me is something that the Jun family and the Zhan family must do. I know this. But my little junior sister is the sister I watched grow up, and it is my upbringing. Sister who used to be."

"Qingran understands." Jun Qingran expressed his indifference, indicating that he understood.

"Let's go, mother wants to see us." Zhan Feng said coldly.

Jun Qingran immediately changed into a submissive expression, showing shyness on his face.A few steps forward, stood beside Zhan Feng and said, "Brother Feng, let's go."

Zhan Feng sarcastically said: "This change of expression makes me amazed."

Jun Qingran blushed and said, "Thank you for the compliment."

Zhan Feng shook his head, not paying much attention.So they went to Mu Yayan's residence together with Jun Qingran.

After leaving the Zhanfu residence, Ye Daxian held a sound transmission slip in his hand and contacted Xin Zihuan.

Xin Zihuan explained the location, and stood at the gate of Shangyuan Palace with Caidie, waiting for Ye Daxian.

"Here we come." Cai Die excitedly said, and then began to sniff Ye Daxian.

Ye Daxian pushed it away with embarrassment, took out another storage bag and lowered it. "here."

Cai Die took it happily, and looked at Xin Zihuan with a smug look on her face.

Xin Zihuan shook his head helplessly, and then invited Ye Daxian in.

"Master is not here, I went to discuss the Tao with my old friend." Xin Zihuan said, made a pot of high-quality spiritual tea, and poured a cup for Ye Daxian.He also poured a cup for Caidie.

"Does the butterfly have a physical body?" Ye Daxian asked.

"The pendant given by Master Zihuan kept her body shape. It also found the place where her soul is." At the end of her speech, Cai Die felt like gnashing her teeth.

"What's wrong?" Ye Daxian asked, frowning.

"The remaining soul was locked in a long whip by someone as a weapon spirit." Xin Zihuan also said a little angry.

"Can't I get it back?" Daoist Li Yang is here, and there is Shangyuan Palace, so why can't he get it back?
"It's from Peach Blossom Island." Xin Zihuan said helplessly.

"Peach Blossom Island?" Ye Daxian felt a little strange when he heard this name for the first time.Seeing Xin Zihuan's strange expression, he understood that this Peach Blossom Island seemed to be an extremely famous existence.

"Xiaojixian Island, Peach Blossom Island, and Shenshui Palace. They are inherited from ancient times. There is Shangyuan Palace on Xiaojixian Island, Taohua Island is the Hua clan, and Shenshui Palace is full of female cultivators. They are all powerful and not easy to mess with." role. Hua Lingling from the Hua clan is the owner of the long whip, and when we were looking for her, we were rejected. Because this weapon has been used for many years, it is difficult to give up."

"Did Taoist Li Yang show up?" Ye Daxian asked.

"Yeah." Xin Zihuan nodded, "I originally asked my master to do a divination, but we didn't want to, so we put it on hold."

"That woman actually asked Master Zihuan to tell her fortune. It's thanks to her that she thought about such a shameful and life-span thing." Cai Die said here, even more furious.


"Yes, go to fortune-telling. This is against the law of heaven, and we are naturally unwilling."

"Is there no other way?" Ye Daxian asked with a frown.

"Take a weapon that is better than the long whip in her hand, but that long whip is made of the back of the green dragon, the back of the divine beast, how can it be defeated." Xin Zihuan shook his head slowly.

Ye Daxian pondered for a while, but couldn't think of a way for a while, and then thought of the holy artifacts that were looted in Qingxuan Palace that day, wondering if there were any whip-shaped ones. "I'll go back and look for it in the holy artifacts of Qingxuan Palace."

"The Great Immortal is the best." After saying that, Cai Die pounced on him.Ye Xiaohei, who was so frightened that he closed his eyes and rested his mind on his shoulders, was startled, and quickly jumped away.

The three talked for a while, and made an appointment to meet at Shangyuan Palace tomorrow.Ye Daxian bid farewell and went back.

Back at the Zhanfu residence, Ye Daxian walked in the direction of my Zhanfeng Space House.As he approached, he saw a slightly smaller space room beside him.After thinking about it, she didn't bother the two senior brothers, besides, she still had things to do.Then went directly into the space room.Then set up the formation.This formation is the unique formation of Qingxuan Palace. Presumably, apart from the traitor, only he can untie this formation.With this layer of protection, Ye Daxian felt relieved.

"Xiao Hei, watch over it for me."

"Are you looking for the holy artifact?"

"En." Ye Daxian nodded, then turned and entered the small world.

Ye Xiaohei stood on the wooden table with a somewhat uncertain expression.

in the small world.It was as quiet as ever, only the plants brought back by Ye Daxian were growing gracefully.Luoshi was in seclusion, so he shouldn't be disturbed at this time, so Ye Daxian thought about it, and went to the place where he left the sacred artifact that day.When he got there, he found that the holy artifact was missing, and he slapped his head, secretly thinking that he was stupid.Didn't the sunset say it was put away?Thinking of putting it away, Ye Daxian came to his room.Sure enough, I saw the holy artifact in a corner downstairs in the house.

Ye Daxian stepped forward and inspected it carefully.That woman is good at using long whips, so find a weapon that looks like a long whip.After searching for a long time, Ye Daxian really found a long whip.The whole body of the long whip is fiery red and radiant.Looking at its appearance, I think it is not bad, but I don't know if it can compare to the long whip made by the green dragon spine.As a divine beast, Ye Daxian felt that the divine beast Qinglong should not be underestimated.I don't know which powerful person actually peeled off the Qinglong spine.

Taking the long whip, Ye Daxian looked at Luoshiju from a distance, and then left the small world.

Outside the small world, Ye Xiaohei was crouching on the wooden table, as if closing his eyes and resting his mind.

"Little black."

Ye Xiaohei was startled, and immediately opened his eyes and said, "Got it?"

"Well, how about this?"

Ye Xiaohei looked at it carefully and said: "Not bad."

"Then this is it." After finishing speaking, he went back to the room, sat cross-legged on the bed, and started the daily homework: refining Fen Tianyan.

(End of this chapter)

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