Chapter 309

Although Fen Tianyan is not as irritable as before, it is Fen Tianyan's name after all.And Luo Shi also explained not to be greedy, so Ye Daxian just gently drew out a strand and refined it slowly.

"I'm back." Jun Yan said with his eyes seemingly out of focus. "It's not like when I was a child."

Zhan Feng shook his head and said: "If you are still the same as you were when you were a child, the little junior sister will not be able to make it this far. Besides, it is exactly what you hoped for."

Gathering his mind, Jun Yan looked at Zhan Feng and said, "Have we discussed it?"

"Well, my mother means that on her birthday, we will do it together."

"It's still a way to save face." Jun Yan mocked.

Knowing that Jun Yan's words were not aimed at himself, Zhan Feng didn't care. "Cooperation requires a little sincerity."

"Tomorrow, I have something to do. Xian'er wants to find the person from Peach Blossom Island. You send someone to follow, so don't let her suffer." Jun Yan said.

Zhan Feng nodded, and said, "I guess my junior sister won't suffer. The people from Peach Blossom Island are not the most vicious people."

"It's better to follow along." Jun Yan slowly stood up and said.Then he went up to the second floor and returned to his room.

"Okay." Zhan Feng replied softly.

The next day.

Ye Daxian rushed to Shangyuan Palace early in the morning.Seeing that it was Ye Daxian, the cleaning boy opened the door and let him in.All the way to Xin Zihuan's residence, Xiaotong resigned.

"Daxian, there is a solution." Cai Die said happily.

"How does this whip compare to her whip?"

Caidie took a closer look at the whip and said, "Of course it's better than her whip."

Xin Zihuan had no choice but to interject, "Let's evaluate objectively."

"It's better than hers. This holy artifact is blessed by formations. Hers is just an ordinary whip with a bit of aura." Cai Die said bitterly, "It's my soul, caught by her In order to become a weapon spirit, I even have to exchange things with her!"

"Change the soul first." Ye Daxian said.

"That's right, after changing it, let's see if I don't poison her to death." Cai Die said angrily.

Ye Daxian and the others went to the residence on Peach Blossom Island. On the white flag, there were peach blossoms the size of bowls embroidered.The temporary residence on Peach Blossom Island is like the residence of Mo Chang'an that Ye Daxian saw that day, it is a courtyard.From this, we know that the power of Peach Blossom Island cannot be underestimated.So hard can't come.Ye Daxian also learned from Xin Zihuan that only two people came to Peach Blossom Island this time, but they were two geniuses of Peach Blossom Island.Two brothers and sisters, elder brother Hua Xi, younger sister Hua Lingling.

Xin Zihuan stepped forward and typed a sound transmission talisman. After a while, someone lifted the restraint and opened the door.

"It's you again." A head poked out from behind the door, with a delicate face and big watery eyes, innocent and harmless like a child.Hua Lingling opened the door completely, and Ye Daxian finally saw the whole picture of Hua Lingling.A pink dress made this girl look like a flower fairy.Also wearing a pink dress, Ye Chun'er was a little less spiritual.Ye Daxian could only smell the faint fragrance of peach blossoms on this woman's body when she got close.

Hua Lingling opened the door wide, and the three walked in.Hua Lingling closed the door, then walked in front of Ye Daxian, Hua Lingling looked at Ye Daxian for a long time before saying: "You are Suzaku?"

Ye Daxian nodded calmly, it seemed that everyone in this upper world knew her identity.

After saying that, Hua Lingling stood in front of Caidie again, slightly teasing Caidie, and said, "Why are you here again?"

Cai Die didn't talk nonsense, and directly handed the whip that Ye Daxian gave her to Hua Lingling's eyes and said, "Should I change it?"

(End of this chapter)

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