hero skill mad war naruto

Chapter 214 The Ninja World's Ancestor?

Chapter 214 The Ninja World's Ancestor?

at dusk.

Xiao Chu is in a wooden house in Muye Village.

The door of the room was locked, but a trace of miasma could not help but seep out.

"If you want to revive a person, you need to reverse Yin and Yang to change time and space. She has been dead for a long time, and she is likely to fail."

Die Mingyan said that day.

And Xiao Chu didn't respond to his words, he just wanted to bring A Ling back to life. He had been going on for three hours, but it didn't have the slightest effect.

Xiao Chu, who has the eyes of reincarnation, needs to summon A Ling's soul to bring her back to reality.

At this moment, A Ling's body was lying flat in front of her eyes, but it was fused with a trace of miasma.

However, the speed of fusion was very slow, and it took three full hours before the miasma began to envelop her.

However, there was a sound of "click", when A Ling in the miasma made a slight movement, Xiao Chu's heart trembled.

These days, Xiao Chu has been hoping that A Ling can wake up as soon as possible, every day there is something in her mind that may be A Ling who has come back to life.

However, this A Ling who was suddenly disturbed by the miasma made him a little puzzled. It seemed that he hadn't found A Ling's soul yet?

what happened?

Fortunately, after that, A Ling, who was surrounded by miasma, remained silent for some time, and Xiao Chu's heart calmed down a little.

He believed that the eyes of reincarnation could not go wrong!
But the next moment, he suddenly heard the sound of "click" miasma bursting.

A Ling in the miasma really made a movement, but it shocked Xiao Chu, and that day Yan Mingyan suddenly became confused, and said, "Be careful, it may be that the miasma has invaded too much, maybe the corpse will explode! "

"How is it possible...you mean it will explode?"

Xiao Chu asked in a low voice.

"That's right, a corpse in reality should rot immediately after death. She was preserved so completely by you, so it shouldn't be!" said Mingyan that day, and it naturally understood the meaning.

It's just that this time it didn't seem to be some corpse explosion, and A Ling in the miasma continued to make some rustling sounds.

And Xiao Chu's reincarnation eyes are also constantly scanning her!

Then, just as Xiao Chu was about to examine carefully, A Ling finally woke up from a deep sleep. After waking up, he sat up slowly.

Xiao Chu was stunned, he didn't seem to feel any aura of A Ling from A Ling in front of him, but suddenly he was at a loss, not knowing what to do.

After A Ling came to her senses, she slowly sat down cross-legged, glanced at Xiao Chu who was standing in front of her, and with a quick sweep, all the miasma appeared in front of her eyes!

It is not a means that ordinary people can have!
At this time, she spoke slowly in a strange tone, "This is the ninja world, right? Is it still unified by the six realms?"

As soon as A Ling's words came out, Xiao Chu immediately got a little dizzy!

Why does this tone seem to be not A Ling at all!

Moreover, listening to his tone, he asked if the person in charge of the ninja world was Liu Dao, why didn't Xiao Chu be terrified when he heard it!
Could it be that she is not A Ling, but a person from the Six Paths Era?

Like staying on this body like traveling through time with yourself?
For a moment, he didn't know how to answer the conversation.

"The ninja world, now... is now divided into five major countries, and they are not unified."

At this time, Xiao Chu came back to his senses, and said, while speaking, he clearly felt that Tianyu Mingyan had hidden in Moxibustion Demon Eye.

The A Ling in front of her looks very natural, but she asked the ruler of the ninja world as soon as she opened her mouth. Moreover, Tianzhu Mingyan was so afraid, could it really be said that she was a certain ancestor in the past!
But at this moment, A Ling just glanced at Xiao Chu indifferently.

However, it was A Ling's plain gesture that made Xiao Chu startled, because now he was not sure about the origin of the person in A Ling's body.

Could it be that she was really an ancestor?
"I don't know Your Excellency, what should I call you?"

After much difficulty, Xiao Chu swallowed his saliva and asked.

When he asked this question, he was also well prepared.

He didn't know the origin of the young man in front of him at all. If something went wrong and something happened, Muye Village or Ninja World would be over.

You know, people in Liu Dao's era were quite vicious!
"What? You kid, do you want to find out my details?"

At this moment, A Ling glanced at Xiao Chu, and said slowly: "When I was discussing with Liu Dao, the Ninja world had not yet been born, so if I tell you the names, would you know?"

As soon as she said these words, Xiao Chu was in a trance.

The Sage of the Six Paths is the ancestor of the ninja world. The entire Ninja World was established by the time of the Six Paths. The origin of the entire ninjutsu comes from the hands of the Sage of the Six Paths.

And being able to discuss the Tao with the Immortal of the Six Paths?Could it be Otsutsuki Kaguya?
No!Absolutely not, that guy is over the moon!
Now this A Ling in front of me claims to have discussed the Tao with the Sage of the Six Paths, so anyway, she is not a descendant of the Sage of the Six Paths, but a certain ancestor who fought the world with the Sage of the Six Paths together!
I didn't expect such an ancient existence to be revived by myself by accident!

However, in this way, there will be problems with A Ling's body. What if this person destroys A Ling's body?
In fact, what the person in A Ling's body said was not bragging.

The Sage of the Six Paths of the Ninja World is a young man with immortal skills in this leftover land.At that moment, this young man had met her once. She had been to the ninja world, and she also came here to find some answers.

Of course, in my memory, the young man was not called the Immortal of the Six Paths, and I only called him the Boy of the Six Paths.

It's just that Xiao Chu's heart is a little anxious now, he clearly knows that this guy is not A Ling, and suddenly occupies this body, he really doesn't know what can be done!
And at this moment, a piece of blood-stained white paper suddenly penetrated in the middle of the originally sealed wooden house.

"This is……"

Xiao Chu was taken aback for a moment, this kind of square white paper was clearly very similar to Xiao Nan's technique paper.

But now, it turned blood red, could it be that something happened to Xiao Nan!How could something happen so quickly?
Xiao Chu was surprised.

"This bloody paper seems to have a history. The owner of the paper seems to have died in the sea!"

But at this moment, A Ling said calmly.


Xiao Chu was slightly shocked, this person actually knew what was going on just by looking at it, it was really not easy, but if something happened to Xiao Nan, something bad might happen to Nagato's body.

(End of this chapter)

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