hero skill mad war naruto

Chapter 215 Carole's Intentions!

Chapter 215 Carole's Intentions!
Obito Uchiha, who had obtained the eyes of reincarnation, returned to that dark cave.

At this moment, he has changed into a mask with a white circle, but he has already taken off his left eye and replaced it with the eye of reincarnation.

"Hey, it seems that your hard work was not in vain, you should get a good eye."

But in the dark place on that side, Orochimaru said with a smile immediately.

"It originally belonged to me." Obito Uchiha responded indifferently.

"Look, this one was delivered too."

And at this time, the Jue of that side also held a small scroll and said excitedly.

"What's that?" Orochimaru asked doubtfully.

"This is the information sent by Kisame, which means that he has already grasped the location of Eight Tails." Najue also explained.

"Hey, it seems that this is really the right time, place and people, and God is also facing us!" said Orochimaru in a cold voice.


And at this moment, Uchiha Obito thrust the weapon in his hand onto the ground violently, and said vigorously: "We are going to Yao!"

"Well! Since you have given the order, I have no choice but to obey!" That's what Orochimaru said.


At this moment, in Muye Village, Xiao Chu was at a loss for what to do when A Ling's body had directly revived an unidentified person.

"Come on, this is for you."

But suddenly, Ah Ling took out a letter from her bosom to Xiao Chu.

Although Xiao Chu was a little puzzled, he still took it.

However, when Xiao Chufu opened it to read it, he was stunned. The tone in it was written by A Ling!

"To be honest, A Ling is a good girl. She has already arrived in the fairy world. She asked me to help you."

At this moment, the consciousness in A Ling's mouth said so.

"Brother Xiao Chu, I can feel that you have always kept my body, but once the spirit enters the fairyland and is reborn, it will never go back, so I let sister Xianyun shuttle to me to help your!"

"Sister Xianyun is a good sister I met in the fairy world. She happened to fall physically. I thought the best way to revive her is to let her enter the ninja world..."

"You...you are the elder sister Xianyun mentioned in the letter?" Xiao Chu asked suspiciously.


But the consciousness in A Ling's body directly refused, "At my age, you have to at least call me grandma. For a generation like sister, you are calling me wrong."

"Khan, this title is casual. According to the meaning in the letter, could it be that A Ling has entered the fairy world?" Xiao Chu asked doubtfully.

"A Ling? Are you talking about the owner of this corpse? She is almost on the verge of becoming a fairy and is struggling. However, a person who can enter the fairy world with a mortal body has extraordinary perseverance. She is very good."

From Xian Yun's mouth, it could be heard that she appreciated A Ling very much.

"However, her greatest wish is to see you again, but you won't be able to go to the fairyland for the time being." Said Xianyun.

"Immortal Realm? Do you know where the Immortal Realm is?" Xiao Chu asked.

"Not necessarily. The entrance to the fairyland is weird, and I can only rely on guesswork. However, I feel that you haven't finished your work in this world, so don't even think about entering the fairyland!" said Xianyun.

"Yeah, I haven't finished it completely yet..." Xiao Chu thought of his system tasks, and the way he was going seemed to be far away.

"This person who asked you for help with blood paper, I advise you not to save her, she has just entered the fairyland!"

But at this moment, that fairy rhyme said.

"What? You mean...she entered the fairy world?" Xiao Chu was shocked suddenly.

You know, Xiao Nan is in Yuyin Village. If she enters the Immortal Realm, then the entrance to the Immortal Realm must be in Yuyin Village?

Is there Penglai Island there?

Xiao Chu thought about it, but kept his face.

"The thing represented by her consciousness can float so far after death, and the whole piece of paper has a shroud of spiritual light, which is indeed a sign of entering the fairy world." Xianyun said.

"Thank you for your guidance, senior." Xiao Chu also reacted immediately.

Hearing the word senior, Na Xianyun felt very comfortable, "You're welcome, I'm just talking."

"Senior, can I ask you a question? What is the fairy world like?" Xiao Chu asked suspiciously.

In fact, it is not difficult for him to see that people in the fairy world should all be stronger than the ninja world. For example, the person in front of him is really beyond the existence of ordinary people.

"Immortal world? To be honest, that place is too big, and countless planes point to it. I don't know how big it is. However, compared with this ninja world, that place is naturally much more comfortable. Every trace of air is Possesses countless auras."

That fairy rhyme also smiled and said.

"Is it that magical? I feel that the aura of the ninja world is strong enough, and the natural energy is inexhaustible."

Xiao Chu said.

"Don't believe it, the energy of the fairy world can absorb the spiritual power of moving mountains and filling the sea within an inch, and this ninja world can absorb at least a whole day, or even longer." Said Xianyun.

"Uh..." Xiao Chu's heart shuddered, no wonder the Dragon King of Tibet said that his power was limited. It turned out that the power of the ninja world was too weak and could not be easily condensed to that level!
Thinking about it now, that fairy world is really powerful and terrifying!

"One more thing, I have to explain to you." Na Xianyun said.

"Senior, tell me." Xiao Chu was also in awe of this person. Although she didn't know her strength, she was certainly not weak.

"People in the fairy world, whether they are reborn or come to the lower world, their strength will be limited. Now, my strength is also limited, but naturally I can surpass those ninjas at will."

"However, there are still survivors from the Immortal Realm in this ninja world, such as the original blood of the Six Paths, which belong to them. The restrictions of the Immortal Realm are not valid for them, so they are the most dangerous existence." Xian Yun said.

"I understand. From my point of view, there are only a handful of people." Xiao Chu laughed.

That's right, there shouldn't be many people who can stand shoulder to shoulder with Liu Dao, it's nothing more than the existence of Hui Ye and others, these people have long been noticed by Xiao Chu.

Moreover, now that he is so powerful, he doesn't care what bloodline the opponent is, as long as he can be destroyed, he can accompany him at any time.

Fighting was something that he didn't know before, but now Xiao Chu is very good at it.

"Then... next, where is senior planning to go?" Xiao Chu also asked suspiciously.

"Protecting you for the time being, I also got the girl's heart. Besides, don't you want to enter the fairyland, after you finish those things for you, I can take you into the fairyland!"

(End of this chapter)

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