hero skill mad war naruto

Chapter 216 Growing Shark Muscle!

Chapter 216 Growing Shark Muscle!
On the edge of Yunyin Village, on the coast soaked in vast seawater, there was a white corpse lying horizontally.

These corpses are all split by the technique of white spores, but they have no right face, only the outline of the left face, which looks very hideous and terrifying.

"Master Raikage, this is probably a clone formed from a plant without chakra, used on a life body with chakra, and absorbed by the host to detect the technique." It was analyzed by one person.

"So even you didn't notice it?" Lei Ying said a little angrily.

"Master Raikage, this is probably the technique of Akatsuki who appeared on Lei Ze before!" The man did not pay too much attention to Raikage's question, and explained.

"What happened to the other person who came with him? And the guy who has been following us?" Lei Ying asked immediately.

"I'm afraid he is still following us at this moment. I can sense that this kid may have the white eyes of Kirigakure." Said Raikage-sama because of his strong search ability.

"That guy... really doesn't know the heights of the sky and the earth!" The other person also said to himself.

"Then next, I will set up a trap here. If he falls into Lei Ze's trap, he will be lucky."

The other person waved his hand and said.

"Hurry up, Xiao's people should not have gone far. If Yao has not been captured, they should still be able to ask for help from Yunyin Village!" Lei Ying said in a serious voice.

"Yes!" Those people also said in unison, without the slightest doubt about Mr. Lei Ying.


At this moment, in the territory of the Kingdom of Thunder, in a long-lost forest.

"Dried persimmon ghost shark, from now on, we will not know each other without fighting."

The one who spoke was Ganshi Guixier, staring at the huge shark muscle in his hand, when the camera zoomed in, it was the body of that shark muscle that directly surpassed the dried persimmon ghost shark, looking very fierce.

Those rows of sharp teeth made people tremble even more.

But at the moment when the dry persimmon ghost was speaking, the shark muscle couldn't help sticking out his scarlet tongue, which looked very terrifying.

But at this moment, Rabbi Riki, the new eight-tailed Jinzhu, looked at the other party, the so-called Kisame, with a stupefied gaze.

It can be seen that they have fought against each other for a short time. Today's Kirabi does not have as many eight swords as the future, but only six.

However, he thought about it, but suddenly couldn't help it, licked his fingers, then stretched out a small notebook to record and flip through.

But in his mouth, it was as if there was a kind of ink between them, which was unimaginable, and he just used his fingers as a pen to write.

"Dried persimmon ghost shark..."

While writing, of course, he was chanting the name of the other party.

"Hehe, you can spit out ink from your mouth, it really is the legendary octopus bastard." The dried persimmon ghost also couldn't help sighing.

"Just make you cry, you shark bastard!"

But at this time, Kirabi suddenly, as if inspired, suddenly started rapping here.

During the rap, he was even gesticulating with his hands, and he seemed quite excited!

And the next moment, he raised his left hand high, making a death posture in an instant, and scarlet rays of light suddenly appeared on his body, and the breath rushed out, but it was the chakra of Eight Tails that surged rapidly.

This, it turned out to be eight-tailed in an instant!
And at that speed, it seemed that Kirabi had already controlled the eight tails, and this was in less than a month, so he is still quite a genius.

Immediately afterwards, the aura on his body burst out suddenly, and in an instant, seven tails gushed out from behind him, like a peacock spreading its tail, it was truly spectacular!
On the other side, there stood a black-haired singer. He was, of course, Kirabi's, rap teacher, and Xiaojin teacher.

"This is the chakra coat of the tailed beast. The chakra has seven tails. It seems that Kirabi hasn't used the real thing yet?" The little Jin teacher couldn't help but said while watching this scene.

Of course, for Kirabi, he is very confident in defeating this monster-wielding persimmon ghost!
"Do you know?" Qi Rabi suddenly said to Qianshi Guixie.

"What advice do you have?" Gan Shi Gui Jiao asked calmly, calmly.

But at the next moment, Kirabi shot up in an instant, and rushed towards the dried persimmon ghost, and the ghost directly raised the shark muscle in his hand, blocking it head-on, advancing instead of retreating!

"Octopuses can eat sharks!" Kirabi rushed over quickly, and his whole body seemed to be in a state of rage. The seven tails on his body were surging wildly, and his whole body seemed to be on fire.

The speed and attack are all abnormally huge!
call out!
In an instant, the knives of the other ratios rushed over, and Kisame Kisame's speed also did not slack at all, with the huge shark muscle under the central crossbar, the distance was directly opened!

But at the next moment, the dried persimmon ghost shark was a shark muscle with a pair of arms waving fiercely, directly pushing Qi Rabi into the air, and was thrown flying.

"It's so fast, you actually escaped Kirabi's knife!" Teacher Xiao Jin said in a daze.

But the Qirabbi who was thrown away rolled around on the ground, and then suddenly turned over.


And Teacher Xiaojin watched carefully, and secretly thought, "After absorbing Chakra again, that guy's knife seems to have grown bigger again."

Sure enough, as Teacher Xiaojun thought, the shark muscles of the dried persimmon ghost shark mainly devoured chakra, and grew several times in an instant. Then, on the outside, it seemed to be wrapped in the coat of the eight-tailed beast!

"Hey, it looks like it's the shark's turn to eat the octopus this time! Hahaha." Kisame Kisame said in a serious voice.

At this moment, Kirabi, however, stopped in the same place secretly, and under the wrap of the eight-tailed beast's coat, he also thought seriously, "That big knife called shark muscle eats a lot and quickly, The chakra energy that can eat up my six tails at once..."

Sure enough, behind Qirabbi at this moment, only one of the seven tails remained!

And La, who devoured the shark muscles of Chakra, was very excited, sticking out his tongue from time to time, as if enjoying the process very much!
"It seems that if this mentality is not good, what about the next form?" Qi Rabi put away the six knives in his hand, only one knife was on his body.

And the chakra coat on his body dissipated in an instant, and retracted into his body in an instant!
But at this moment, the dried persimmon ghost slammed the shark muscle on the ground, shaking instantly!
(End of this chapter)

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