hero skill mad war naruto

Chapter 220 Naruto Arrives!

Chapter 220 Naruto Arrives!

That sudden chakra power stunned Kisame Kisame, who hadn't fully reacted yet.

"Bi, we're late!"

At this moment, on the other side of the tree trunk, it was Raikage and several of his subordinates who rushed here together. The Chakra Blade Severing technique just now was where Raikage directly threw his hand and threw the dried persimmon ghost in his hand. The knife was broken.

"Sorry for being late, bro."

At this time, the two subordinates also quickly said, looking at Kirabi, it seems that they have already experienced a big battle!

"It's okay!" Qi Rabbi also stood up and said.

"Lei Ying? Why are you here?" The dry persimmon ghost was suddenly stunned and asked.

"Hmph, such a big water polo can be seen with the naked eye, not to mention, I can feel that there are Chakras from Kirabi and Eight-Tails mixed in there."

"Hehe, attracting other people's Chakra without any scruples, and making use of it, it seems that you are completely exposed."

The two subordinates of Yunyin Village also said the same thing. While speaking, they had the cold appearance that Yunyin Village always had, but they looked very domineering.

After the dried persimmon ghost heard this, he was slightly sweaty, unexpectedly, he was discovered.

"Haha! It's really violent..."

Kirabi also shook the dust on his shoulders on one side, and said, and at this moment, Yuji, who was kicked away by the dried persimmon ghost before, took the initiative to move forward to send a check for Kirabi. carat.

It was at this time that the chakra on Kirabi's body was gradually recovering.

"That shark muscle guy, passed more Chakra to Eight Tails..."

Dried persimmon ghost shark was stunned and said.

"Go ahead!"

That Lei Ying groaned and said.

At this moment, Kirabi's body has already started the eight-tailed form, and the recovery of the entire chakra seems to be renewed!

"No problem, big brother!"

Rabbi also responded to Lei Ying and said.

That is, at the moment when Kirabi finished speaking, Raikage and Kirabi stepped out at the same time, directly facing Qianshi Kisame!

The two powers, one red and one blue, are actually the power of Eight Tails and Lei Dun, which have just been released.

"Water escape! The big shark flicks..."

And the dried persimmon ghost shark quickly began to form seals!
But before he finished speaking, it was Lei Ying and Kirabi, and the two rushed over in an instant, and it was shocking that one of them charged in front.One person rushed to the rear, but anyway, the arms of the two were placed on the neck of the dried persimmon ghost in an instant.


"Lei Li Hot Knife!"

The two groaned almost at the same time, and in an instant, Chakra gushed out. The mighty Chakra directly held the opponent's Chakra, broke it, and suffocated the opponent's head at the same time!

At this moment, the head of the dried persimmon ghost was instantly blown away, and in mid-air, he continued, "This is really too fast."

If this is the case, it makes people very suspicious, but no one knows the personality of Ganshi Guixie, so they don't speculate too much.

Afterwards, the two also took away their own chakras, but the body of the dried persimmon ghost shark had already been buried, lost its head, and it was difficult to get up again.

The two stood opposite each other, but they were looking at the headless dried persimmon ghost.

"Then next, my knife will be this shark muscle!"

It was Na Qirabbi who felt that he was especially welcomed by the shark muscle, so he directly picked up the shark muscle.

At this moment, Qirabbi's whole body was slightly excited, but he felt that this shark muscle was full of spirituality, which was very suitable for his own cultivation.

However, the moment he touched the shark's muscle, the dried persimmon ghost, which had been hidden for a long time, laughed secretly, but how could the dried persimmon ghost, which was hidden so perfectly, be discovered?
"Is there anything special about this knife?" Rai Ying also asked.

"This knife has always been the key to this dried persimmon ghost shark. It can devour chakra and use it for the caster. However, because my chakra exists, I chose to follow me!"

When Kirabi picked up the shark muscle, he waved it a few times and said, "Although it's too big, I'm not used to it yet, but it can also increase a kind of strength!"


"Qirabi, do you really think this shark muscle will follow you willingly?"

But at this time, Xiao Chu's figure suddenly appeared!


But at the moment Xiao Chu spoke, even Lei Ying didn't notice his coming, he just came here instantly!

"Who... who are you? Why are you here?"

The subordinates behind Lei Ying also asked the same question.

"Next, Konoha Hokage!"

That Xiao Chu glanced at Xian Yun on his body, and said.

"Hokage of Konoha Village? How is it possible!"

Lei Ying and the others were also slightly taken aback, completely unbelievable.

How could Hokage appear in the Land of Thunder?

But what he just said has a meaning, what exactly does it mean?
"Impossible! My chakra and shark muscles are exactly the same, how could it be discovered? What is the origin of that guy!"

The dried persimmon and ghost shark are in the body of the shark muscle, so naturally they don't know the origin of Xiao Chu.

And it is particularly good at hiding, how could it be discovered!

"Hey, Kirabi, you have already controlled the Eight-Tails, why can't you feel it?" Xiao Chu asked doubtfully, but his eyes were fixed on the shark muscles.

"Really? I don't feel anything strange anyway. Who are you? I'm afraid you're not some Hokage. How could Hokage be so young?" Kirabi asked rhetorically.

As for Xiao Chu, he felt that he did not have the courage to be Hokage at all, that is to say, he had a slight doubt about Xiao Chu.

"Oh! It seems that I have to remind you, that's not some chakra! It's a kind of malice similar to ready to move, you should experience it carefully."

When Xiao Chu spoke, his eyes moved, and in an instant, his eyes turned into eyes of reincarnation!

"What! That's..."

The subordinates behind Lei Ying had naturally seen the eyes of reincarnation, and said in surprise.

At this moment, with the simple help of that fairy rhyme, Xiao Chu has been able to merge with Tianyu Mingyan. Now he doesn't bother to let out miasma at all, and his eyes can be changed freely, and both eyes can become The existence of reincarnation eyes.

"Reincarnation Eye..."

The dried persimmon ghost was startled for a moment, but it was as if he was locked on by that sharp gaze instantly!
"Come out, how long are you going to hide, do you want me to use my fist to invite you out?"

Xiao Chu said with a cold voice, looking at the shark muscle.

(End of this chapter)

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