hero skill mad war naruto

Chapter 221 Xiao Chu's Power!

Chapter 221 Xiao Chu's Power!
"Damn! To be discovered by this kid, it seems that I can't stay any longer!"

The dried persimmon ghost shark in the shark muscle was shocked by the consciousness of the whole person, and instantly controlled the shark muscle to rush out.


But in an instant, a layer of sharp barbs suddenly grew out of Kirabi's palm, completely piercing Kirabi's control, and instantly ejected to the other side.

"Want to escape?"

That Raikage already had several subordinates, and instantly launched a battle, directly surrounding several exits!
But in the mouth of the shark muscle, the dried persimmon ghost shark suddenly appeared in it, and the head also emerged directly.

Xiao Chu and Xian Yun beside him were calm.It's just that Lei Ying and the others were also slightly shocked.

"Boy, it seems that you can feel my presence, but you don't seem to belong to any type of perception ninja. It turns out that this is the person who can control the power of Hokage in Konoha Village. I have seen it."

At this moment, the dried persimmon ghost shark and shark muscle stood on one side fiercely, and couldn't help sighing.

"You are not a shark muscle...you are Xiao's stinky shark!" Qi Rabi couldn't help but scolded, "You bastard, how dare you lie to me! However, my brother and I have clearly broken your bastard!" neck."

Rabbi and Raikage were also shocked at the same time.

"You guy, how did you avoid the lock-on attack of me and the big brother?" Qi Rabi asked.

"Hehe, when I was fighting in the pond just now, I dived into the water, that is, at the moment you spit out ink, I switched bodies with another person from Xiao."

The dried persimmon ghost said.

"Hey, what you said is absolute! I'm afraid only that guy's spore technique can create that kind of infinitely unbeatable person." Xiao Chu also said in a cold voice.

"Spore technique..." Several of Raikage's subordinates also recalled in an instant that someone had sneaked in in Yunyin Village before, that is to say, they used that kind of spore technique. Could it be that that person just now here……

"Ah! As expected of Hokage-sama, you really have a strong deduction ability. It seems that you have seen through everything..."

At this moment, the head of the dried persimmon ghost that fell on the ground suddenly stood up and said.

Jue, who has the spore technique, is like Hiduan's immortal body, as long as there is a little bit of chakra, he can be reborn.

"This guy... still talking with his head broken..."

At this moment, Lei Ying's subordinates couldn't help being a little surprised.


But at the next moment, that guy slashed down fiercely, splitting that Jue's head in half!

"However, you can't escape now!" Xiao Chu said seriously.

"The clone's neck has been twisted, it seems that it is no longer able to fight!" The dried persimmon ghost said with some regret.

"It turned out to be like this. No wonder your clone hasn't disappeared after being killed. It turned out to be the power of two people. But if someone else changed just now, I should be able to find out. This is a difficult problem..." That strange The rabbi said so.

"Hey, my avatar is naturally very special. It is a parasitic avatar that I can control from a distance. Okay, let's stop this topic!" The dried persimmon ghost changed the subject and said, "Speaking of which, I am alone To deal with people, a Raikage and a Eight-Tails Jinchuriki, plus a legendary Hokage, to be honest, it is quite unfavorable."

While speaking, his body backed up, and in an instant, he was extremely fast, and rushed directly to a Raikage subordinate who was guarding one side.

"Hehe, it seems that you are underestimating me!" The ninja was stunned for a moment, and he immediately rallied to fight. Unexpectedly, the dried persimmon ghost was so fast and extremely fierce that he rushed over in an instant.

Originally, the man was indeed ready to attack, but he didn't expect that he was going to soar into the air in an instant, and jumped over his head.

"Come on, once he breaks through, it will be troublesome! Stop him!" Qi Rabi was also slightly startled, you know, the strength of Qianshi Guixiong is unquestionable!

"Stupid resistance, I used to be the Seven Ninja Swordsmen, this lowly weapon is ineffective against me!"

The dried persimmon ghost broke through in an instant, but his heart was very proud, but Xiao Chu's figure flashed fiercely, rushing through in an instant.


Brother Meng then kicked him in the chest and pushed him down!Hit the ground!
"Uh... so fast!"

The dried persimmon ghost shark couldn't help being surprised.

"Damn, is that the technique of instant body?" That Lei Ying was also excited for an instant, and he didn't expect to have such a speed.

"Hey, the technique of instant body, I suddenly found a strong attack! It's like a red flash!" Qi Rabbi started his meaningless rap in an instant.

"Uh... so fast, I didn't expect to have such a speed! Ah!"

The dried persimmon ghost bit the shark's muscle fiercely, bleeding instantly, and under the severe pain, the shark's muscle was directly punched out.

"Hehe, I didn't expect it to be so difficult to escape!"

Xiao Chu also smiled slightly, and said, but just when he was about to get up, he found that he had just used too much force, and the ground collapsed into a huge square hole.

"Hehe, it's not easy to control the power of Mingyan today, it seems that he used too much force!" Xiao Chu couldn't help but sighed and said.

"Really? It seems that this Hokage-sama can't control the instant body technique like that yellow flash!"

That Lei Ying also frowned slightly and said.

On the other side, Xianyun threw it with his bare hands, and saw a flash of spiritual light flying out, like a twinkling rope, directly restraining the shark muscles on the dried persimmon ghost!
"It seems that my strength is a bit too strong, but then I will use physical skills."

Xiao Chu stared blankly, and with a sneer, the samsara eyes dissipated immediately, and his eyes instantly turned blood red.

"Open the door!"

"Konoha ring rock kick!"

That was Xiao Chu's original body art secret, and it was also considered his most basic existence. At this moment, he directly kicked Qianshi Guixier!


The dried persimmon ghost was kicked in an instant, and at this moment, his body was directly kicked into the ground by that kick, and the smoke and dust suddenly rose, and the dust flew up!

Immediately afterwards, Xiao Chu's gaze slowed down, and he clapped his hands, looking at the place.

"That just now...was that the legendary Eight Gates Dunjia?"

"Unexpectedly, the Hokage of Konoha Village has such a high level of research on physical arts. It is said that Bamen Dunjia is the most powerful physical art so far..."

The two subordinates of Lei Ying also said the same.

(End of this chapter)

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