hero skill mad war naruto

Chapter 241 Surprise Troops!

Chapter 241 Surprise Troops!

Next, a real ninja war is about to break out.

But Konoha, the powerful exploration team, was the first to find the secret base of the Xiao organization, and after that, Xiao Chu also ordered a group of surprise attack teams to attack and prepare to scare the snake!

This illusory sky is cloudless, and a few giant birds composed of portraits are carrying the surprise attack team and gradually fly to the place where the surprise attack point has been explored.

Based on the leader, it is Huangtu, and there is another person who volunteered from the Kingdom of Wind, one of the members of the puppet family, Jiukan Murang.

Because of the joint efforts of the five major powers, all ninjas who join the Peace Construction Army have their foreheads represented by the pure word "forbearance", without any change at all.

At this time, there was a young man behind Jiukan Mulang. Although the giant bird under him was carrying him and was gradually flying forward, his thoughts had already exceeded the limit.


And from time to time, he sighed.

"It's really sad. There will be a big war when you are alive. I really don't want to experience this kind of thing, just in case..."

The guy looked at the sky slightly and meditated.

"In case we are suddenly attacked by the enemy, and I am the only one who survives, I will become a hostage and undergo all kinds of torture..."


That guy couldn't help but close his eyes, it was too scary to think about it.

"And that's not counting. In the end, the enemy may control his mind at will and send him to the battlefield to fight Hokage-sama and the others..."

When thinking of this, he suddenly couldn't help but shook his head, feeling particularly horrified.


But at this moment, Jiukan Mulang was direct, shouted, but interrupted his whole thinking from it.

"Why, Omori, are you still listening?" Najiu Kanmuro said.

"We are preparing to descend now. This is the enemy's territory. Don't be dazed, brat!"

That Jiu Kanmu Lang said, and the other side of the barren land was also saying similar things to their subordinates!

"Well, captain, I... can I ask a question?" It was at this moment that O'Molly, who was in a daze before, suddenly said.

"Stinky boy, what do you want to ask, hurry up!" Jiukan Mulang said angrily.

"Captain, let me tell you that your age is about the same as mine. I'm afraid it's the first time... to experience such a war?" O'Molly asked with a guilty conscience.

"En!" Jiu Kanmu Lang also responded noncommittally.

"That...captain, don't you feel scared?" O'Molly said timidly.

Hearing Omori's question, Najiu Kanmuro naturally had his own thoughts in his heart, so he flew directly to the front and said to everyone: "It's the best, everyone! The outcome of this war depends on our surprise attack force." The same is true of the deeds and the number of war dead.”

"That's right, everyone just needs to think about how to succeed!" That Huang Tu, who was also the captain of the surprise attack force, said to the other party.

"Well, if you want to better protect your family and companions, you should do a good job of attacking the surprise attack force this time!"

Najiu Kanmuro reminded everyone in the same way.

At this moment, O'Mori also sighed slightly, but obviously he was not as absent-minded as before.


At this moment, the country of Tang near Konoha Village.

Because, they had already mastered the situation of the Akatsuki organization attacking Muye Village before. As a small country, they were naturally worried that it would be reduced to a battlefield, so they were the first to seek help from Muye Village.

That is, right now, the entire Yuno Country is busy moving things to Konoha Village.

And there are many small countries like this, such as the country of sound and the country of frost.

And of course, the ninjas of Konoha Village also became the targets of the Akatsuki organization for those who sent news to various countries outside Konoha Village.

At this time, in the sky that was also cloudless, two white birds appeared in front of the two figures in the windbreaker of Xiaozhi.

But the two birds were facing down, and the two running forwards, the ninjas of Konoha Village, kept advancing.

But one of them stretched out his left hand, and saw that in the palm of his left hand, there was a mouth in his heart, slowly wriggling, and the next moment, he spit out a tongue, and above the tongue, there was a mass of white clay.

However, with this person's casual grasp, the ball of clay directly turned into three strange spherical things.

Then, the figure directly threw the three clays out completely, and immediately formed a seal!
Bang bang bang!
In an instant, the three clays exploded directly, turning into countless fine clays, which filled the air directly.

The next moment, the clay fell straight down, and when it touched anything, it exploded instantly.

Among the two people below, this is one of them with exploratory white eyes. At this moment, under the corners of his eyes, the veins are bulging, and he is forming a wait-and-see mode.

"What, so fast? Have you started throwing explosive clay all over the floor?"

The ninja with white eyes was secretly amazed. He had checked with the man in the sky before. This man is a traitor from the land of earth, and naturally he is Didala who likes clay explosions.

"No, I have to gain some distance!"

The man said secretly.

With a sudden bang, the insect-like white clay fell directly on his shoulders.

The next moment, the person in front was slightly shocked.

"It looks like it's the effect of this guy's strengthening technique, and the range is so wide!"

The man said to himself, "It seems that I can only use that trick."

While you were talking, this person opened his hand, but black and sharp insects flew out. Within a moment, these insects flew into the sky and directly stuck to Didara's flying bird mount .

"Damn it? What an annoying bug!"

Didara looked at these bugs and heard the buzzing sound, feeling very unhappy.

"But these guys are hiding from XZ, it's really troublesome." On the other giant bird, there was a slightly shorter red-haired man, said, "These bugs also disturbed my chakra perception, This is a kind of insect interference technique!"

"Hehe, you really deserve to be the guy who infiltrated Akatsuki's investigation team, but don't underestimate the strength of our art group!"

But Didala smiled secretly, and said, he just joined the Akatsuki organization, so he naturally wanted to perform well.

Then, in the palm of his hand, three balls of clay appeared again.

"Since it's heavy, let them taste this." When Didara said, he was about to put the thing out.

Professionally, those three white clays suddenly grew wings, appeared like three living bats, and flew up in mid-air by themselves.

In the blink of an eye, there were more and more white clay bats.Fly to the jungle.

The man below who had white eyes before had escaped the carpet-like explosion just now, but at this moment, many white bats suddenly appeared and followed him directly.

"Damn it, so many things are flying over!" The ninja took out his shuriken, but it was impossible to kill them.

You try to get one to explode behind him, and immediately after that, a lot of bats all gather around and explode around him.

"Bang bang bang bang..."

But it is continuous, it looks quite tragic!
Soon, thick black smoke rose from that place, and one of the two was directly killed.

And the ninja who abused the bugs ran forward with difficulty, seemingly throwing them off temporarily.

In a bush, he slumped on the ground somewhat exhausted.

"Damn it, I got separated from my companion..."

At this moment, he sighed, not knowing what happened to his companion.

Immediately, he took out a scroll, this, is what they explored, and those opinions about various countries were directly written in it.

At this time, there were many bugs floating in the hand, which was directly giving the scroll, including floating into the void, and gradually flew to the distance.

"Please, you must be sent to the headquarters, and I too... must join the main force." The ninja then stood up.

However, all of a sudden, a sudden white bat sprayed out the explosion factor, instantly blasting it into ashes.



At this moment, the surprise attack force of Muye Village had landed around the enemy's territory.

"Now that we have entered the enemy's territory, we are going to set up a small camp here as a base, and then launch surprise attacks and set jet lag traps!"

But it was the barren land, which commanded and said in front of everyone.

"Now let me announce the structure of the small camp!" Then, Jiu Kanmulang stood up and said, "Within a radius of ten meters, the directions of 2 o'clock and 6 o'clock are the exits, Omori, and detonating traps are arranged in all other directions. !"

"En!" O'Morley also nodded abruptly and said.

"Okay, then, Guangwu, you continue to conduct reconnaissance from the air." Then, Huang Tu said.

"Yes!" Guangwu nodded cooperatively.

Yi Duan dug trenches with soil. "

"Understood!" Yi Duan said seriously.

"Duan Wu, you arrange the communication chakra antenna! Don't interfere with the enemy's communication equipment!"


"George and the Huo Lian are in charge of sensing and patrolling!"

"Understood!" The two also nodded in unison.

"Jiukan Murang and I stayed to discuss the next combat deployment."

The barren land then turned his head, looked at Jiukan Murang, and said.


That Jiukan Mulang was also very cooperative and said.

"Hey, if there is a perceptual ninja like me, everyone can rest assured." At this time, one of them said confidently.

"There is no room for relaxation on the battlefield, George!" The other person reminded him immediately.

(End of this chapter)

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