hero skill mad war naruto

Chapter 242 Attacked

Chapter 242 Attacked
"There is no room for relaxation on the battlefield. This is fatal to us. Can you be more serious, George?"

The guy next to George also directly accused him.

"Understood, I understand, don't look at me like this, anyway, I am also an elite who was selected into this army. By the way, captain, is there any other precautions?"

But George is still full of confidence, making people feel completely insecure.

"There is one more thing, Master Hokage reminded you."

The wasteland continued, "It is very likely that they will use a kind of ninjutsu called Dirty Reincarnation. Lord Naruto told us that, judging from the data, although it is very likely that they are a group of walking dead whose souls are bound, no matter how hard they attack, they will not be able to kill them." Yes, if you want to stop them, you can only seal the soul or use ninjutsu to control their actions."

"And even if the caster is killed, the effect of the spell cannot be removed. It is also possible that Orochimaru has cooperated with them now. Every army is the same. Once they find their traces, immediately control him, and then cast It is Hokage-sama's order to let him remove that tricky technique with illusion."


At the same time, at the junction of the Land of Earth and the Land of Fire.

Between the two countries, legions of countless ninjas are planning to gather here.

"First team, disperse!"

This is what a captain-like person said before the crowd.

Sure enough, the man's voice fell, and the crowd suddenly boiled up. These are ninjas who have experienced professional training, but they are like locusts, and they are directly thrown in one direction!
But it formed two troops!
But at this time, the surprise attack troops who were charging into the battle were preparing their traps.

"This is interference technique?"

George, who was full of confidence before, suddenly felt something.

"what happened?"

Huangtu had keen ears and asked quickly.

"Someone used interferon, I can't perceive it accurately, but it seems that something is approaching..."

But George was slightly surprised and said.

At this moment, there was no movement in the dark forest.

"Is it an enemy?" Huang Tu also looked around suspiciously.

"It's the oily girl Makita, you can feel it through Chakra! It's from the oily girl family in the scouting team..." But George jumped up from one side in an instant, and ran over in shock.

"Wait a minute, hello!"

But the barren land was a little worried, and shouted fiercely.

"There's a trap ahead, I'll bring him here." That George also said hastily, but his temperament is just like this, very frizzy.

"That rascal……"

Faced with George's disobedience, Huang Tu had no choice. Could it be that the guys in Muye Village were so undisciplined?
"Fire disciple!"

The barren soil immediately said something to the person beside him.


The fire disciple also immediately said, "Blind eyes!"

In an instant, his eyes were directly projected there. At this moment, he could indeed see that George in the distance was helping the injured girl Makita on the ground!
But in the vision of the white eyes, it can be seen that there is something strange in the other party's two chakras.

"The worm bag on his body is not filled with worms from the Younu clan!" the Huo Lian disciple said instantly.

"What!" Huang Tu was also startled.

"George! Come back quickly, beware of fraud!"

At this moment, the people around him also instantly reminded.


At the same time, the oily girl Makita who was being supported suddenly said directly and with difficulty: "Stay away from me..."

At this time, it can be seen, but George can suddenly see that the oily girl Makita has silk threads flickering behind him...

But looking along the silk thread, you can see the two figures in Xiao's costume staying on that side.

"It seems that he was discovered." Didara said with a slight smile.

But the red-haired boy in front of him had a silk thread floating in his palm, and the next second, the oily girl Makita stood up directly. Originally, George, who was avoiding, was instantly restrained by the oily girl Makita.

"Makita..." George was shocked and completely at a loss.

"I'm sorry, run away!" The oily girl Makita uttered the involuntary words.

But soon, his body and George under restraint appeared directly within the scope of the camp.

"Everyone... I'm sorry! I... I can't control myself."

The oily girl Makita said rather bitterly.

"This movement... Could it be..." Jiu Kanmulang on the other side was shocked, but he could see that the rigidity of that kind of movement was clearly a puppet technique!
"That's why I said not to relax!" At this moment, it was the person who persuaded George before.


But at this moment, the oily girl Makita directly hugged George in her arms, and then directly rushed over.

"What should I do? He seems to be charging forward with George's body!"

On the other side, O'Molly said directly in horror, "What can we do!"

He was already a little scared, let alone such a weird scene.

But at this moment, Jiu Kanmuro threw out ten chakra silk threads with his fierce hands, and instantly wrapped the oily girl Makita!

But at this moment, the red-haired boy felt that there was enough distance, and slightly reminded Didara beside him.

"I see."

Didara also said immediately, and then formed a seal with one hand.

"In the worm bag on Makita's body, there is a large amount of chakra gathered into a white object! There must be a problem!"

The fire disciples on that side also noticed some problems with their white eyes, and said quickly.

"No mistake, that should be the detonating clay of that traitor Didara!"

At this time, the ninja Yi Duan from the Land of Earth said.

"Yidan, please!"

That Jiu Kanmu Lang also sensed the power, and said hastily.

"Earth escape! Earthquake core!"

Na Yiduan immediately slapped it down with a palm, and quickly circulated the Chakra seal. At this moment, the land with them as a square quickly split away from the front!

At the same time, Nadira directly opened the explosion.

The explosive clay on the oil girl Makita exploded in an instant, forming a blank space in the void. The violent explosion was really unimaginable!
But at that moment, the earth-moving core directly lowered the ground where everyone was on for several feet, in order to avoid such an explosion!
However, the terrifying explosion instantly formed a huge red mushroom cloud, which rose directly into the sky, very terrifying!
An explosion like a nuclear bomb is difficult to achieve with ordinary detonating symbols!
(End of this chapter)

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