hero skill mad war naruto

Chapter 250 Four Shadows Appear!

Chapter 250 Four Shadows Appear!

"What? The fog cleared?"

At this moment, the ninja army, which was originally trapped in the thick fog, suddenly realized that the surrounding fog seemed to have subsided a little, and those so-called Seven Ninja Swordsmen also appeared in front of people's eyes.

"Very good, now you can see the enemy."

At this moment, the ninja army, who had been in a passive state before, was also full of energy at this moment, and the aggrievedness before seemed to disappear without a trace at this moment!

Therefore, at this moment, Liang and Taodi's bodies, which were no longer cut off, were directly sealed by the technique of cloth binding, and that real tree immediately trapped the two of them firmly in it.

"As long as you have this spell, you can't be summoned." At this moment, Makoto put his hands on it, and quickly, the bandages that restrained the two were covered with a spell barrier.

"If they want someone, let me watch over them." That real tree also volunteered.

"Understood." At this moment, Hatake Kakashi twisted the beheading sword, replied, and then said angrily, "I will never forgive this kind of ninjutsu!"

"Guangwu, you will need to use your root sealing technique next! Come with me!" Hatake Kakashi also said immediately.

"But...but I still have that sealing technique..." However, at that moment, Guangwu said somewhat hesitantly.

"Danzo was the one who brought you up, right? You don't need to suppress your feelings anymore." Kakashi Hatake also said directly, "Forget it, I'm also a slow-heating type. This time I rarely have a low boiling point. Kakashi, the copy ninja who has copied thousands of ninjutsu, will live up to his name this time."

"Blood battle to the end!"

When he said the last four words, Kakashi's eyes were filled with a terrifying mood!


But at this moment, the army on the other side is the loess army, and what they are facing is the Baijue army measured by the number of Laofafa.

"Go on!"

That Huangtu was the first one, but he gave the order directly!

"Tooth and teeth!"

That is, the moment he gave the order, the man on the other side, and a puppy beside him instantly transformed into two swirling sharp rays and charged towards him.

"Secret technique, insect jade!"

And among them, there are also ninjas of the oil girl clan, who instantly unfold the ninjutsu of insects. It can indeed be seen in the season that many insects instantly wrapped up those standing in the front. The Baijue army directly formed a group. something dark.

Under the bite of the insects, those Bai Jue were directly devoured.

"Bagua Chain Palm."

In addition, among the ninja army, there are also members of the Hyuga family. They are born with white eyes and cannot use ninjutsu, but their soft gossip is quite terrifying!
That one, the air wave rushed out in an instant, and a group of Bai Jue's army standing in front was instantly enveloped in thick smoke, but it was directly blasted to pieces!
However, those Baijue troops rushed forward quickly without stopping.

"Baguazhang! Go back to heaven!"

But at this moment, a slightly stronger young man from the Hyuga family directly rushed over, opened his hands, and danced a huge ball-shaped edge in an instant!

One can imagine the terrifying strength of that Baguazhang back to the sky!

Those Bai Jue troops who were originally isolated and seemed to have no consciousness, were instantly sent out by the breath of heaven like some targets!
However, the moment the young man stopped, a Bai Jue behind him suddenly jumped up. The Bai Jue, who had not changed at all, suddenly opened a huge skeleton and white bones, wrapping the young man directly. up.

"Uh...too many!"

The young man of the Hyuga family was also shocked, but immediately he felt that his chakra was being absorbed by the white man behind him.

"Will he still absorb Chakra?!"

He was also slightly shocked!
"Soft boxing, one strike!"

Immediately, he was passive, the chakra on his body surged rapidly, his body vibrated directly, and he separated from Bai Jue!
And behind him, dozens of Bai Jue's bodies suddenly appeared, which looked very strange.

So, this scene also appeared!

Those Bai Jue who fell down in batches, and then a large number of Bai Jue troops appeared behind them!
And if you look at it this way, it is impossible for the ninja army to resist completely.

"What? One after another, endless!"

"Stop complaining, move quickly!"

Those people also became serious, and instantly initiated a state of emergency.

"Every one of them is so difficult to deal with. If this continues, it will become a war of attrition."

The members of the Younu clan also said while destroying Bai Jue with insects.

"Captain Huangtu, news from the headquarters!" At this moment, a person behind Captain Huangtu said.

"What, tell me quickly!" Captain Huangtu also asked directly.

"Thousands of enemies have passed under our feet and are rushing towards this direction!" The man said directly.

"Damn enemies, how many are there?" Captain Huang Tu said the same thing, a little unnaturally.


At the same time, within the territory of the Land of Earth.

Those one after another, among the hills and peaks that seem to have no edges.

There was no one there at first, but there were strange footprints appearing among the long yellow sand.

A moment later, the footprints suddenly became heavier, that is, at this moment, a human body wrapped in white cloth was dreamily formed on top of the footprints!
That body was like a ghost, slowly emerging from the bottom to the top, and the last thing that appeared was his face.

His face only showed nostrils and eyes, which looked quite strange. Of course, his eyes could also be seen to be black, which was the representative of the reincarnation of the dirty soil.

That's right, he is the former second-generation Tukage, none.

Has the ability of invisibility, and has the terrifying ability that makes people unable to perceive Chakra. The cloth strips on his body are injured by the steam and explosion of the second generation Mizukage.

It is said that he cannot use Chakra when he is invisible, so he has strong body skills, and he has two swords on his body, which are his weapons. He can use his own powerful Chakra when he is invisible. A powerful existence that will die together!
At this moment, after he appeared, he looked at the chilling Gobi around him from a distance.


The ninja of Sand Hidden Village, who was waiting here, was horrified.

Sure enough, behind him was an unimaginably dense army of ninjas!
When the wind rises and falls, everything stops!
But it was a terrifying scene, and at this moment, the ninja army was about to launch a real showdown.


At this moment, at the place where Dashewan was, a white python accompanied his mood, but its head was suspended in the void, swallowing snake letters and making sparse sounds.

"No action has stopped, I can't feel it, Chakra, the whereabouts are weird."

But Orochimaru said to himself with some doubts, "The second generation of Tsuchikage, known as "no one", seems to be perceived. The European battlefield is becoming more and more mature, and the real highlight will be next."

While speaking, Orochimaru took out five chess pieces again, but he was playing with them, and there were really none in his hand, so he let them out at first.

"Ninjas of that level can bring me better results if they retain their thinking and emotions."

At this time, Orochimaru looked at the chessboard under him, and then considered one by one, where to put it.

"Okay, let them act freely after summoning..."

But at this moment, Orochimaru made such a decision.


At the same time, the sky is full of yellow sand, the border of the Land of Earth.

The second generation Tsuchikagemu, however, quickly formed a seal with his slender fingers, and pressed them to the ground suddenly.

In an instant, the ground at the boundary he was in was vibrating extremely.

Boom boom boom!
After three full voices resounded, three coffins suddenly appeared in front of him!
But the coffin did not directly open the lid, but it suddenly became transparent!
Then, the figure inside can be seen clearly!

I saw a Taoist priest on the left, a huge and strong man, in the middle he looked like a wealthy businessman in very gorgeous clothes, and on the right was a very simple-looking middle-aged man.

In the next second, the coffin was lost, and the three of them emerged!
"The second generation of Tukage, the third generation of Raikage, the second generation of Mizukage, and the fourth generation of Kazekage, it is a pity that there is no group photo, but the private parties of all generations have assembled, so let's fight each other with the descendants. "

At that moment, Orochimaru smiled sinisterly, and immediately formed a seal with one hand, directly waking up the three of them.


First of all, the third generation Raikage, when he woke up, he suddenly let out a bewilderment, his heavy aura seemed daunting!
"Where is this place?" He looked at the second generation Tsuchikage in front of him with a sharp gaze, and asked.

But at this moment, the second-generation Mizukage waved his hands, shrugged, and said, "Hey, I didn't expect the former enemies to gather again."

"No, I don't know him." However, the second-generation Mizukage immediately looked at the fourth-generation Kazekage, and said with some contempt.

"This is the despicable strategy of the second generation of Hokage. It can summon the dead from the underworld and bind the soul. You were forcibly summoned by him." At this moment, the second generation of Hokage speculated, Said.

"Summoning the dead? What's going on here?" The second-generation Mizukage asked with a glint in his eyes.

"Have you forgotten? I was the one who killed you!" The second Tukage suddenly clenched his fists and said, "You're already dead, the second Mizukage!"

"Ah! That time..." The second-generation Mizukage's face was a bit gloomy, and when he said it suspiciously, his consciousness suddenly became clear, and he quickly pointed at him and said, "Isn't that right? Didn't you die with me that time?" Yet?"

(End of this chapter)

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