hero skill mad war naruto

Chapter 251 A large number of resurrected people are dispatched!

Chapter 251 A large number of resurrected people are dispatched!
On the border of the Land of Earth, four Kage-level ninjas looked at each other, but the scene was quite shocking.

"That time, didn't we die together? No, it seems that I killed you, right?" The second Mizukage said, gradually recalling what happened with the second generation Tukage.

"Oh? Is there such a thing?" The second generation Tuying thought about it in doubt and said.

But he thought about it for a while, but he was at a loss, and then said, "Forget it, let's put these arguments aside for now, and talk about what's in front of us."

"I want to know, where is the Second Hokage, who resurrected our artist?"

The second generation of Tukage thought that he was resurrected by the second generation of Hokage, Senju Feima. After all, in his era, only Senju Feima had that ability.

But when he said this, those few people looked at it with some doubts, and they didn't know where to start.

"In this section, I feel that several kilometers ahead, there is the same Chakra as this new face, and it is with a large army."

At this time, the second generation of Tukage Luo looked at it with some doubts, and the fourth generation of Kazekage said.

Indeed, in the direction of the ninja alliance, it is the fifth Kazekage, the son of the man in front of him, who is the captain, so it is entirely possible to feel this way.

Of course, in front of a few old guys, the fourth generation of Kazekage just looked a little dignified, feeling helpless, despised, and even hostile.

"If I remember correctly, you are..."

But at this moment, the third generation Raikage said doubtfully.

"I am the fourth Kazekage." The plainly dressed, middle-aged man said solemnly, "The previous generation mentioned several heroic deeds many times."

"Ah... that means Sand Ninja has lasted at least to the fourth generation, no, the fifth generation?" The second generation Mizukage also analyzed slightly, "But the feeling of being in the future world is really weird."

"Fool, let me be clear first, this is not the future, we are creatures of the past, don't interrupt, or I will kill you." The second generation of Tsuchikage has a violent temper, and he is about to strike!

"What's wrong? I was killed long ago, but I also killed you at that time!"

The second generation Mizukage grabbed the neck of the second generation Tukage with a punch, and said.

"The point is the second generation of Hokage who resurrected us!"

The second generation Tuying also reminded him when he was arguing with the other party.


The second-generation Mizukage was stunned for a moment, but immediately let go.

So the fourth Kazekage embraced it with both hands, and said with some doubts: "The second generation of Hokage in my era is already dead, but there are other ninjas who can use dirty soil to reincarnate."

"Who?" The second generation Tuying also asked immediately.

"His name is Orochimaru." The fourth Kazekage said.

It is at this moment that there is an extra eyeball in the originally empty space, and that floating eyeball seems to be able to see the surrounding situation clearly and monitor the few people here!

"One of the four... is..."

It was at this moment that the eyeball disappeared instantly.

"It turned out to be the father!"

He was naturally the fifth Kazekage, and his heart was slightly shocked.

Immediately afterwards, the deputy captain below received a message, so the deputy captain directly spoke from below: "The headquarters sent a message, the surprise attack force encountered the enemy surprise attack force, the enemy is as expected. , is the dead who was reincarnated by the filthy soil and went to the battlefield after being resurrected."

When he said this, the people around him were also slightly shocked. After all, what kind of concept is it to come back from the dead and then go to the battlefield.Simply unimaginable.

"So, it's the same in this battlefield right now. I don't know. What kind of enemies will be faced, so everyone must be aware."

When the deputy captain said this, the big guy's gaze was directly looking in the direction of Fifth Kazekage, only to see that Fifth Kazekage standing in the front raised his hand slightly.

"It's a code!"

The deputy captain also said directly, "That means the enemy is nearby."

"But the deputy captain, the headquarters didn't send a message to remind you that the enemy's existence has been sensed?"

A subordinate beside him said directly, "What's going on?"

"There must be some opponents among them, even the headquarters can't perceive it. No wonder, the resurrected ones are all powerful characters." The vice-captain naturally had his own analysis, said.

"What should I do about fighting... the dead...? I'm getting more and more scared when I think about it now." On the side of the vice-captain, one person couldn't help but said.

"Hey, Ding Zuo, we've come to this point, it's too late for Lu Qi."

The vice-captain was Lujiu, and the one who was a little scared was Akidou Dingzao. Naturally, they were members of the ninja army.

So, in the headquarters at this moment.

"The fifth-generation Kazekage troop, is it the troop that sent the contact, and found four enemies, namely the second-generation Mizukage, the second-generation Tukage, the fourth-generation Kazekage, and..."

"Who is the other person?" It was the fourth-generation Raikage-sama who asked this question. At this moment, Raikage has completely negotiated with Konoha Village, and naturally he compromised to join the Land of Fire.

Now they are negotiating how many troops to reinforce, and when they suddenly heard the news, they naturally asked secretly.

And the liaison officer, who really knew your violent temper, was a little hesitant to continue talking.

Of course, Xiao Chu on one side naturally knew about it, but he was not sure, so he didn't say anything, after all, this era has changed, and some things will even change completely, which is not certain.

"Eh...there is another person, the third generation... Master Raikage!"

The contact person gritted his teeth and said.


Hearing this, the fourth-generation Raikage stood up instantly, and the table trembled when he slapped it!
"What! Even Dad..." The fourth Raikage, who was completely out of control, said angrily, "Damn Akatsuki!"

Master Lei Ying pays the most attention to family affection, so he is naturally unwilling to do so!

"However, this does not match the number of our perceived responses, so is it true?" The family leader in the mountains on one side also asked doubtfully.

"The one who showed up is the second generation of Tsuchikage!"

At this moment, the old man Tuying said.

"Uh... that's right!" The captain of the mountain squadron was also startled immediately, thinking of something, "No wonder, the reaction suddenly became three!"

"Then even our sensing troops can't feel it. The reason why they can't sense it is undoubtedly because of Mr. Wu." When the old man Tuying said, Xiao Chu also nodded slightly.

"The second generation of Hokage, who can be invisible, can naturally avoid the perception system technique." Xiao Chu also continued.

"Uh! Since you can avoid the perception system technique, what a terrifying enemy!" The perception troops on the other side were also shocked, and he naturally didn't have any doubts about Xiao Chu's words.

"Master Lan, there are too many white monsters. With my ability, I can't perceive and track specific people." And this moment.A person on one side suddenly said.

"Moreover, the first Darui unit is about to contact thousands of enemy troops, requesting to group the sensory personnel of the white monster and the reincarnation of the dirt." The other sensory ninja also said.

"Understood, you are responsible for expanding the perception." So, the man hurriedly followed suit, but when his consciousness was about to reach the mainland's first army, he was suddenly taken aback.

"Oops, the Darui first team is about to face off, there are too many people in the Dirty Earth Reincarnation group, and everyone is worthy of a name!"

The perception captain said in a shocking voice.


Therefore, the first army, that is, where the Darui army is located, is close to the sea, which is where the border of the Kingdom of Thunder is located.

At this moment, slowly, some heads surged up in the water. Those heads all had Zhangzhou's gray-green hair and white skin. Appear!
At this moment, Captain Nadarui looked at the many Bai Jue below him, but he didn't show too much nervousness, and it would not be an exaggeration to describe it as calm.

"Come here, send the signal to prepare for battle." Nadarui saw them surfaced, and gave the order directly.

These locations were also provided by Xiao Chu, and they were indeed the places where the enemy dispatched.




All of a sudden, the numerous troop personnel nodded their heads one after another, indicating that they were about to launch an attack.

"What an astonishing amount!"

"It seems amazing, not just the number, the news from the headquarters is correct, you can see through the white eyes, there are resurrected people among them!"

The one who said this was a white-eyed ninja from the Hyuga family. With his white eyes, he could see things that ordinary people couldn't see. Sure enough, some of the people who slowly surfaced in the water were reincarnated from the dirt.

So, they gritted their teeth and became a little dignified.

"Master Nizuzu, ten o'clock direction." At this moment, another member of the Hiyuga family reminded.

On that day, Mr. Zuzu immediately looked over.


That person was shocked immediately, the person who came was none other than a former leader of the Hyuga family, you just watched the leader gradually walk from the water, his eyes were so shocking!
And those resurrected people, also mixed with many Bai Jue, gradually walked to the shore, and were about to attack the first brigade!

"Could it be...how could..."

At this moment, a ninja from the Kingdom of Thunder looked ahead and said suddenly.

"What's wrong? Is there something wrong with the enemy?"

A young man beside him asked quickly.

"Those two are..."

At this moment, the man looked at the two people walking under the water in horror, and said, "Master Jinjiao and Lord Yinjiao!"

(End of this chapter)

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