hero skill mad war naruto

Chapter 272 Fight!

Chapter 272 Fight!
call out!
But it was the moment of fighting against the second generation of Tsuchikage's "Dust Dungeon Stripping Technique". Afterwards, the old Hokage Onogi also realized something, and then returned to the fifth generation of Kazekage's side.

But the many soldiers behind the two are standing still and standing behind!

"Chen Dun?... Hehe, he can't be your little ghost apprentice who used to be called Daimu?"

The second generation of Mizukage, however, looked at Onoki secretly, and said, naturally feeling a little bit, "What's wrong, time flies, time has passed, and you are already so old!"

"Father, long time no see..."

It was also at this moment that Kara said to the fourth Kazekage below.

"Kura, it seems that you have become Jinchuriki, but where is Shukaku?" The fourth Kazekage asked, he obviously didn't feel that there was a tail in Kara's body!

"Ah...that guy no longer exists now." But Kara said, "I'm also... no longer the Jinjuriki created by my father. As an older brother, Gaara has also grown very much. it is good!"

"You're not Jinchuriki..." The fourth Kazekage frowned secretly, and asked solemnly, "How is that possible?"

"Speaking of which, the person manipulating you right now has pulled the ending out of my body, and now I feel like I have been reborn! Moreover, I still have many good friends."

"You said...friends..." The fourth Kazekage frowned secretly and asked in shock, "Have you made friends yet?"

"Hey! That brat is no longer an ordinary child? It's normal to make friends..." The second Mizukage interrupted the fourth Kazekage secretly.

"Yeah, isn't it normal for him to have friends at his age?" The third generation Raikage on that side said the same thing.

"Father, I remember...you killed me and my younger brother... six times...I hated and feared you at that time..." Kara looked at his father from a height, calmly Said, "But now I don't hate you anymore, and I can understand you. At that time, I had difficulties..."

"..." The fourth generation of Fengying heard this, feeling like putting the cart before the horse.

"And, now that I have become Kazekage, I know very well that cutting off the evil forces threatening the village is also a leader's full responsibility."

That Sura immediately said very solemnly.

"What? You...you...became...Kazekage?!" The fourth Kazekage was so shocked that he hesitated to speak.

"Not only that, but now he is still fighting in the Ninja Allied Forces, the commander-in-chief of the Dalian Army. Although he became Kazekage at a young age, he is not lost to any other Kage."

And beside him, the old Tuying Onoki also echoed.

"No wonder, I can feel the different types of chakra in each village..." The second-generation Tsuchikage, who was originally a sensory ninja, said secretly, "It turns out that everyone is united and can make everyone The one who unites should be a very extraordinary person, right?"

"That's right, that character is now an unprecedented Hokage!" Said Tsuchikage Ohnoki.

"But this kid really looks a bit sneaky, but then again, I seem to be pretty good when I was young." The second-generation Mizukage also boasted on one side.

"Second Mizukage, with a mustache, do you want to be the leader?" On the other side, the second generation Tukage, couldn't help but sarcastically said.

"It seems that he is your son. He is indeed a good hostage, a good material." The third-generation Raikage said secretly, with his hands on his waist, "But before we do anything, we should solve that one first." , go to the man with the bandage, we will also support from the side."

"..." Kara was a little depressed, what are these guys doing.

At this moment, the fourth generation, Fengyun looked at the Kara in the sky, sighed and said, "It seems that this dirty reincarnation technique...maybe it has some value..."

"Let me personally explore the top again, your value, come, try, surpass me!" The fourth Kazekage said passionately.

"Onoki... It seems that you must stop me! For me who can use Dust Dungeon... no matter how many people there are, it is useless. I am afraid that the only person who can stop me is you!" And the second Tuying on that side , also secretly confessed.

"I know!" The old man Tuying also said calmly.

"Also... you know what to do when the war is over?"

Immediately afterwards, the second generation of Tukagemu asked directly, "It is to seize the spoils. Only in this way can we grasp the dominant power in the land of land in the future."

"You despicable and shameless villain, Tsuchikage!"

The second generation of water shadow was indeed, so fiercely accused, the projection said, this guy has reached this point, but he is still thinking about adding something beneficial to Yanyin Village.

"You don't want to succeed in this!" The third generation Raikage also accused.

"This time, I don't have that kind of plan, my lord!"

But Tsuchikage Ohnoki said directly.

"Oh? Really?..." The second generation Tsuchikagemu said with some doubts, "It seems that you are no longer that stubborn old man."

"Investment means that we can't help ourselves, and we will subconsciously counterattack against the attack." The second-generation Mizukage analyzed it directly, and then said with a sneer, "So kill us quickly, let us go back, I I will tell you my weaknesses and abilities!"

"Yes, you must stop us no matter what!"

The third-generation Raikage also echoed on one side, "Although this seems a bit difficult."

At the moment Yin Yin spoke there, a stream of sand was swallowed up and released from the gourd behind Kuro's back.

But la, the fourth generation of Kazekage is, behind him there is also a burst of sand rushing out!


Sure enough, the two monstrous waves began to collide again, making a sound like destroying heaven and earth.

At the moment when the two killing intents confronted each other, several shadow-level characters had already been dispatched!
"United Army! Attack!" That Onoki immediately gave orders and said.

"Everyone, come on!"



For a while, rows of troops rushed directly to the past. Tens of thousands of people, dense as locusts, were quite shocking.

But for them, the vanguard in front was that unimaginable sand wave, which simply added a natural barrier for them.

"Sand haze!" Kara said in a deep voice immediately.

And at this moment, the second generation of Tsuchikage Mu, but Tsuchikage Onoki, confronted each other again!
(End of this chapter)

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