hero skill mad war naruto

Chapter 273 Intense duel!

Chapter 273 Intense duel!

The next moment, it was above the sky, and countless fist-sized sand balls fell from the sky. The sand balls fell like dense rain, terrifying like hail!
But the fourth Kazekage La was about to get up, but his feet were entangled by two strands of sand in an instant.

"It actually separated all the alluvial gold from the sand..."

At this moment, the fourth Kazekage was completely shocked and at a loss.

It was also at this moment, during the sale of the building, he raised his hand, followed by a pull.

where?The fourth generation of Kazekage and Meng De, behind the second generation of Mizukage, appeared two strands, a huge sand man, this is.Two magnetic lights, the body directly hugs the two of them in their arms.

It shocked people instantly, and they didn't know what happened at all.

"Jariulo...you...are still doing this for this child..."

And seeing the sand man behind him, the fourth Kazekage couldn't help feeling a little distressed...

Also in an instant, a huge sand man appeared on the body of the third-generation Raikage in an instant, and directly restrained him.

But at the same time, Sidai Kazekage couldn't control his hands, and raised the power of gold dust he summoned.

"That... really is... Master Kazekage's father!"

And the people in Shaying Village on that side also frowned secretly and said.

"Kura, you've really grown up. It seems that Gaara is about to grow up too..." The fourth Kazekage also said directly.

"Parenting . . . just trusting your child."

The fourth Kazekage nodded secretly and said, "That...is the value of being a parent."

"Uh..." But at this moment, the salesman felt a little distressed seeing his father like this.

"Am I right? Jia Liuluo..." The fourth generation of Kazekage said secretly, "It seems that I... really don't have the ability to judge the value of things..."

"You... what are you talking about?" Na Shiluo also asked suspiciously.

"These sands will always protect you and your brother..." The fourth Kazekage said uncontrollably, "It's all because of you, not because you and Gaara have a guardian crane in their bodies, and that's actually The power of your mother Jia Liuluo..."

"What a weak child, no matter what happens? I will always be by their side..."

At this moment, Nagaryura's voice rang in the ears of the fourth Kazekage...

"Yes, your mother has always loved you deeply."


At the same time, Nagato and Uchiha Kagami walked in a desolate land like brothers and sisters.

"It's really been a long way since the dawn... It seems that the battle is finally going to start." Uchiha Kagami, on the other hand, walked slowly with the Nagato on his shoulders, talking while walking.

"Who are you fighting with?" Nagato said with some doubts.


"I originally..."

However, Shou Luo was a little shocked when he realized that he had always thought that he was an orphan, and no one cared about her or loved her, so he had no friends. Until now, he finally figured out something and made some friends. After being a good friend, I suddenly heard a certain key, something important, and I was also shocked.

"In fact... I have always been deeply loved by my mother..." Na Shouluo's face was pale, but he was more and more in touch with the truth, and he became more and more timid.

The fourth Kazekage was noncommittal and did not answer.

"But at that time..." Shou Luo's thoughts drifted to the past.

"But that was when Yashamaru was killing me..."

"She doesn't love you at all..." Yashamaru's voice echoed.

"I ordered Yashamaru to lie to you." The fourth Kazekage said with some guilt, "I just want to push you to a corner, to see if the leader will go berserk... This is also for the village..."

Hearing his father's words at this moment, Kara didn't know how to answer.

"If Yashamaru hates...he hates me, not you." The fourth Kazekage said with some self-blame, "After all, he sealed his hands and seals in the body of his own sister, Kaliura, who was pregnant... Man, it's me."

"However, Yashamaru as a ninja..."

The fourth Kazekage continued, "As my right-hand man and Anbu's person, for the sake of the village, he must obey me..."

"Now that I think about it, I really failed..." It was at this time that the fourth Kazekage fell, looking as if he had aged countless years, "It seems that what I did was all wrong..."

"I imposed too many things on you, but I self-righteously denied... the value of your existence...

"I turned you...into Renzhuli...took your life...took your mother...took your longing for your mother...even, I took away your and other people's fetters..."

"In the end, I even want to take your life away..."

Speaking of this time, Na Sura couldn't bear it anymore, the pain in his heart was unimaginable.

Father, are you really a sinner?
"In the end, as a father, I only have the same thing as you..."

And at this moment, the fourth generation of Kazekage also said helplessly, "That is a trauma to the soul..."


"Although there is no blood, I feel that it hurts here..."

"The body does bleed when it's injured and it looks like it hurts."

"But the pain will disappear naturally with the passage of time... If you take medicine, you will heal faster, but the wound in your heart is not so easy to deal with, and it is difficult to heal..."

"A wound in your heart?"

"The wounds in the heart are more serious than the wounds in the body, but they are completely different. They are not as curable as the wounds in the body...they can't even be cured in a lifetime."


"There's only one thing...that can heal a wound in the heart."

"What is it?"

"However, it is not so easy to get this thing...it can only be obtained from others."

"That's love."



"...how can I get this thing?"

"Master Kara, you've got it!"

"is it?"

"I think, sister, he loves you very much. Sand guarding cranes are creatures that exist to attack... Sand will automatically protect you, and it is precisely because of love for you... I think, those sands contain, Your mother's will."

"I think even if my sister is dead...she still wants to protect you..."


It was at this moment that the memory of Yashamaru when he was a child appeared in Kara's consciousness.

For a moment, Kara burst into tears.


And the fourth generation of Kazekage is completely self-blaming...

"Your mother is really great... Even if she died, she still believed in and guarded you... Accompanying you to this day, she made you Kazekage... Let you have friends, let you get the fetters with others... ..."

"Let you regain everything that was taken away by me..."

"But as a father, I can only deprive you... No! I am not worthy to be your father at all!" The fourth generation of Kazekage said really, completely irrationally.

"...Mother is indeed great!"

Na Sura also said while wiping away tears.

"But I first got it from my father, the medicine to cure me."



It was also at the moment when the fourth generation of Kazekage said this, a seal talisman suddenly appeared on his chest, but it appeared from the sand. Immediately emerged.

"Actually, you have already surpassed our ancestors. The village is entrusted to you, Shura, and your brother!"

At this moment, the seal directly approached the three of them.

"Use this kind of talisman to seal us." The second-generation grandson also asked, and said, "Not bad, well done, kid!"

However, the moment she spoke, the seal talisman paper on his chest was inexplicably wet with water.

But the third generation of Raikage smashed the talisman paper with one punch!

"What's going on?" The two were a little shocked!

"It seems that as long as the opponent uses the technique, the body will automatically respond." The third generation Raikage also said secretly.

That is to say, they were talking, but in an instant, the two of them shot up into the sky, aiming directly at the allied ninja army behind them.



However, it seemed as if two fierce bulls appeared, and countless ninja bodies were directly bumped into flying all over the sky!

That scene is very spectacular!

"Wow wow... ahhh!"

A burst of screams came one after another.

"Quickly surround the two of them!" A general on that side said directly.


And the other side.

Onoki, who was floating in the sky, looked at the second-generation Tukage below him, and the clothes on his body were chattering!
"Time is not forgiving, Onoki!" The second generation of Tukage also said with a smile.

It was also at the moment when she spoke that the body of the second generation Tuying, starting directly from the left arm, was directly hidden in the void.

And Onogi's eyes just didn't turn a bit!
In an instant, the body of the second generation Tuying was completely invisible, as if it disappeared in an instant...

"Call him Kazekage, if you don't sense me immediately, you will die, Ohnoki!"

The second generation Tuying also reminded directly, as if it was a void, talking to Onoki.

When I was a child, the third generation of Raikage and the second generation of Mizukage were surrounded by allied forces of ninjas.

"Hey, my skills are not that easy to deal with, stay away from me, really!" The second-generation Mizukage also reminded everyone, "However, I will tell you my weakness."

"It's pretty good, I'm using Yin Dun...that's illusion! Psychic, it's..."

The second-generation Mizukage talked about his fingers while talking, and began to directly summon his psychic beast.


In an instant, the psychic beast appeared, violently overturning countless ninjas present!

(End of this chapter)

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