hero skill mad war naruto

Chapter 286 Madara Uchiha Shot!

Chapter 286 Madara Uchiha Shot!

. .I dare not have any stay at all.At this time, many Bai Jue had already approached, surrounding the surprise attack troops and their support troops from a distance.

"The enemy's reinforcements seem to have arrived... and there are quite a few of them." Hatake Kakashi said to himself while looking at the enemy with a beheading sword in his hand.

"For nothing... Is this the guy who can even change Chakra and pretend to be someone else? It seems that the next big fight is coming, Kakashi..." Mike Kay said very enthusiastically.

However, at this moment, an unusually fierce figure suddenly descended in front of them. That figure, like a mountain on the left, instantly resisted many Bai Jue!
"Hey, our reinforcements seem to have arrived. Although there is only one, it is enough!"

Hatake Kakashi smiled slightly and said.

"Xiao Chu has the technique of clone body! In the current situation, I really can't separate myself..." Mike Kai from behind also said with a smile, hoping that Xiao Chu could use the technique of clone to kill many Bai Jue. Give resistance.

"No, this time we will win with quality."

Xiao Chu said directly, "So..."

While speaking, above Xiao Chu's right hand, suddenly appeared a whirling Thunder Calamity, but he looked at the person in front and said, "This time it's different! Jun Malu! Take the move!"

"You actually recognize me?" Jun Malu looked at Xiao Chu with some doubts, and said.

"This guy seems to be very strong..." The Chidai family on the other side also said in a stern voice.


the other side.

"I'm going!" Xiao Chu's avatar also couldn't help but rushed up directly!

bang bang bang...

However, it was Xiao Chu's clone, the speed was too fast, and Hei Jue couldn't dodge it, so he had to split quickly. At this moment, it passed directly by Xiao Chu's side.

But that Xiao Chu, on the other hand, recklessly rushed from the side of Hei Jue to the distance!


"Woo... It seems that I rushed too far, I'm sorry..."

At this moment, Xiao Chu got up slightly and said.

"What are you doing?"

Terumi Mei from behind was also looking at Xiao Chu's actions, and said somewhat at a loss.

"It's all Hokage, why are you still so frizzy, don't use your brain..."

The water country ninja on that side also couldn't help but sighed and said.


The person next to him also echoed directly.


On the battlefield where Kara is.

"It seems that my avatar has arrived in various battlefields!"

Xiao Chu said flatly, "The Fourth Army seems to have sealed all the enemies."

"The 1st and 2nd merged troops have also discovered all the enemies, and they really launched a berserk attack!"

"The situation in the Fifth Army is similar."

"As expected, the situation of the battle has turned around, and our side has gained an absolute advantage..."

"The third unit has also gained the upper hand, and the medical unit has also suppressed all the enemies."

"From now on, as long as you suppress Madara and those people, Churiki will be fine..."

Xiao Chu went on to say, "At that time, concentrate all the combat power and annihilate them in one fell swoop, and it will be done!"

"Please, please wait a moment, we seem to have enemies here...and...how could Chakra..."

But in the fourth unit, the perception ninja suddenly said suspiciously.

It was at this moment that everyone was suddenly shocked.

"How...how could...that...over there..."

"That guy is..."

At this time, everyone will see where the other side is, will they be a little shocked?

That is to say, on one side of the rock, the second generation of Dokagemu gradually walked out.

"Isn't he already sealed by Kara's seal?" Xiao Chu also looked at the second generation Tuying suspiciously and said.

"Isn't it? In that case, the split can still be completed..." Tsuchikage Ohnoki also said in shock. He naturally knew the truth, but knowing the truth was equally shocking!


"It seems that there is another person!"

"He... he is..."

"Who is he?……"

"Finally showed up... Uchiha... Madara..."

It was at this moment that Uchiha Madara, who had the strongest pupil technique, stood on that rock, with the evil wind blowing, and his wildly long hair surged wildly!
"He...he is..." Xiao Chu was also slightly puzzled. Although he had watched the plot in the anime, he never expected that Uchiha Madara would appear so soon!
"What's going on here?" Kara also looked at Uchiha Madara's figure here, and his whole body broke out in cold sweat!

"Look carefully...that guy's eyes, that is also the reincarnation of the filthy earth..." Xiao Chu also said seriously, "If it is really a technique that can reincarnate the dead in the world of Zhaohui, that guy should already be dead. "

"Wait...wait a minute, didn't the previous news from the headquarters say that Madara is now rushing to the battlefield with Jinchuriki?" The ninja on the other side was Wei Wei, who said doubtfully.

"In that case..." Tsuchikage Onogi also secretly analyzed, "Who is that masked guy?"

"That guy is naturally not, the real Uchiha Madara, the person in front of me is, that guy, just an inconspicuous little character!" Xiao Chu clasped his hands, smiled, and said.

"Small character?" Tsuchikage Ohnoki was also shocked by Xiao Chu's words. One must know that the masked guy is not as simple as ordinary.

"If...if this guy in front of me is Madara's real body, then the guy we thought Madara was someone else...There are actually two such powerful people in this world..." Tsuchikage Ohnoki He also analyzed it seriously, but felt a little troubled in his heart.

But at this moment, on the rock, Yu Zhiboban really held his hands, looked down and said with contempt: "The word "forbearance" is engraved on the fire, but the attire is still from each of the five major countries, is it the newly formed coalition? "

"That's right, it was caused by the war..." The second generation Tuying also said beside him.

"Lord Xiao Chu, I want to ask who is that masked man? Even Master Tuying who has been using "Xiao" can't figure it out? Why don't you just say it straight?"

The other ninja also asked with concern.

"Yeah, I really can't figure it out. Anyway, no matter who it is, we can definitely stop them." Tsuchikage Ohnoki also said directly.

"Well, what Tsuchikage said is right, our top priority now is to fight this guy in front of us!" Xiao Chu also didn't directly tell them about Uchiha Obito.


But at this time, Uchiha Madara on the high place looked at the people below and thought to himself: "Is that guy doing something wrong? What is he planning? It seems...he didn't follow our agreement proceed."

"It actually revived me in this form..."

Uchiha Madara immediately looked at the second generation of Tukage, and asked, "Who is using this dirty soil to reincarnate?"

"This... I don't know..."

As soon as the second-generation Tuying finished speaking, his whole body suddenly felt a humming in his heart, and the next moment, his eyes suddenly stretched out!
"I'm Orochimaru...their helper..."

It was Orochimaru who said using the mouth of the second generation of Tsuchikage.

"It turned out that you talked to me through the reincarnation of the dirty soil..."

Uchiha Madara, on the other hand, stared at the second-generation Tsuchikage and said, "You are such an annoying guy!"

"This is the reincarnation I specially prepared for you. You are stronger now than you were in your heyday!"

That Orochimaru said immediately.

"The heyday..." Yu Zhibo was sure, slightly puzzled, "You guy... how do you know how strong I was in the heyday?"

"No...so, let us see the legendary power of the Uchiha clan here..." You also have the Orochimaru, the second generation of Tsuchikage, mouth, continued.

You are right there, at the moment when the two of you were talking, on one side, a very fast gust of sand rushed over!

The sand was aimed at the two of them, but just when Uchiha Madara was approaching, Uchiha Madara turned into an afterimage and disappeared, at such a speed that even the second generation of Tukage couldn't see clearly!
And the next moment, Uchiha Madara came directly in front of everyone!

"Then... just watch it!"

Uchiha Madara continued to be in the conversation, self-serving, landed for a moment, and made a fierce seal!

"Huo Dun..." He hadn't finished speaking yet.

"It's not that easy to catch it, he's coming..." Xiao Chuwo said solemnly.

"Don't look directly into that guy's eyes!" Tsuchikage Ohnoki also said solemnly!

"The fire escapes, the arrogant fire is extinguished!"

this moment.It was Uchiha Madara, who spit out a terrifying flame from his mouth in an instant. That guy, the fire shield, was almost stronger than ordinary ones, and the fireball technique was hundreds of times. It called the police. It was huge in scale and powerful. !

"The range of that technique is too big!"

The ninja in the back, having seen the power of the extinguishing fire, immediately said sharply.

At this moment, those who used the Water Dungeon formed seals quickly, and did not dare to stay any longer!

"Water escape! Water formation wall!"

This is what everyone said in unison. On the opposite side of the raging fire, a vertical and horizontal wall of water collided with the flame, and the flame was too strong, but the strength of that one person really required all the troops to resist. It can be called a terrifying strength!

But indeed at this moment, amidst the huge water and fire, a shadow suddenly appeared!
The next moment, the shadow directly impacted out and fell directly into the crowd, but Uchiha Madara's speed was between lightning and flint, and he quickly entered the crowd, starting with his killing power!

"Ah ah ah..."




Sure enough, at this moment, many screams came directly, and Uchiha Madara did not stop, the killing hand, this is even faster!

(End of this chapter)

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