hero skill mad war naruto

Chapter 287 Shocking Meteorite!

Chapter 287 Shocking Meteorite!

Uchiha Madara's strength is impeccable, and his speed is too fast to be resisted. Killing people is a matter of an instant, and no one can see clearly how fast that speed is. Even Xiao Chu secretly Some amazed.

"Lord Xiao Chu, don't use this clone, use your strongest mode!" The people behind him also said to Xiao Chu.

"No, I am not his opponent now, my avatars are scattered in various battlefields, and I dare not take them back!" Xiao Chu also said directly.

So, at this moment, Kara was manipulating the sand to protect everyone, and when Uchiha Madara slashed at everyone with his sword, there was something protecting the sword and shield in an instant!
call out!
Naturally, there is also the kind of ninja who is not afraid of death, swinging a huge machete, bursting out with an impact force, and slashing directly towards Uchiha Madara!

"Writing round eyes!"

However, at this moment, Uchiha Madara's eyes and pupils spun violently!
So, that person seemed to be flying directly in mid-air, but he was suddenly stunned, and was kicked away by Uchiha Madara in an instant!
And at this time, the second generation of Tukage also performed ninjutsu in this way!

"Perceptual ninjas, be optimistic about Master Wu." Tsuchikage Ohnoki also said directly, "He gave me points, but I can't use Chendun..."


"Super Jade Thunder Tribulation!"

But at this time, Xiao Chu's avatar jumped up suddenly, that fierce body suddenly appeared in the sky above Uchiha Madara, a huge thunder calamity force.The elimination of Blood Successor came suddenly!

"Well, let's deal with Madara first." Tsuchikage Onoki also said directly, "Tudun! Earthquake core!"

this moment.Under Uchiha Madara's feet, suddenly, there was a vibration, and the square inch of land he was in rose up to the sky automatically, to welcome Xiao Chu's power of thunder calamity!
Bang bang bang!
So at this moment, that Xiao Chu directly hit the Uchiha Madara's place directly with the super-large jade thunder calamity, and for a while, it also formed a huge shock!

Knowing the normal-sized one, the breath shot out in an instant, shaking the people around, too, couldn't help it, and covered his eyes...


However, at this moment, Xiao Chu was startled suddenly, seeing that the scene in front of him was a bit unbelievable!
Uchiha Madara was not injured when he was attacked by the super-large Yulei Jie just now.

At this moment, Yu Zhibo Madara's body was covered with a huge aura, but this aura suddenly burst out, turning into a gigantic Susanoo!

But Nasunohu is very weird, with arms at the front and back, you are like a monster, with jagged bones, so ferocious that people can't help but feel fear!

"What is that? What a terrifying power!"

The big guy also felt the horror, and said in shock.

At this time, Uchiha Madara's eyes are also exuding it, the innate super pupil power!

"It's Susano!" Tsuchikage Onogi also said in astonishment, "Still in the state of Kaleidoscope Sharingan!"

In an instant, Xiao Chu's avatar was crushed by the hands of Susano!
"Aren't you alright? Master Xiao Chu!"

But it was at the back of the battlefield, that Shou Luo hurriedly asked another clone of Xiao Chu.

"It's still a little bit..."

Xiao Chu also directly said that for him now, Chakra is not completely enough. If you want to move your phone, after finding out, it will take a certain amount of time to activate the fairy mode first.

And that Uchiha Madara used his huge Susanoo, but he was about to kill everyone!
It was also at this moment that many ninjas were facing a tragic death, and their screams were earth-shattering!

"Forget it! Kill him with one move!"

"Wind Dun! Spiral Shuriken!"

Xiao Chu didn't want to at all, and made everyone wait a lot, he directly raised a force and released it on the palm of his hand, and immediately, the spiral shuriken began to enlarge!
"I've been waiting for a long time, and it's finally ready, everyone get out of the way!"

Xiao Chu immediately said in a deep voice.


That Kara also said directly.

"Let's go! Kazekage!" At this time, Tsuchikage Ohnoki put his hand on the back of Kara and said, "Tudun, the art of light and heavy rocks!"

"Okay, now I've lightened the sand around me!" Tsuchikage Ohnoki also said directly, but by doing this, the speed of the sand can be made faster.

"I made the sand lighter, so... the speed of the sand will also become very fast..."

That Kara also said analytically.

"I'm going!"

And at this moment, Xiao Chu held a huge spiral shuriken and rushed directly to Uchiha Madara's Susano!
But at this moment, Uchiha Madara was stunned for a moment, and the mass of sand passed directly over Susan's light body, and directly bound his right hand!

And immediately after, Uchiha Madara was pulled out forcefully, from my Susanoo's body!
"For the live broadcast, Susano of the family, external attacks are useless? In other words, you can only restrain him with the sand at the foot of the class..." Kara also thought directly.

"Die, Spiral Shuriken!"

However, Xiao Chu shot fiercely, and directly blasted Uchiha Madara's body with a spiral shuriken!
But at this moment, Uchiha Madara's eyes changed directly, becoming reincarnation eyes!
"It seems...you are not simple!" Uchiha Madara also secretly admired.


"What? Was...absorbed!"

"This... this is, why?"

"How could it be absorbed by this guy? Could it be that this guy... really is the eye of reincarnation!"

Xiao Chu was shocked, but he hadn't had time to watch the later episodes of the anime, so he didn't know how to deal with Madara Uchiha!
It was at this moment that Uchiha Madara gave up fighting and directly returned to the previous rock formation!
"Sure enough, as I expected..." The second generation of Tukage was controlled by Orochimaru's tone, and said, "Sharingan, the final evolution... is Samsarayan."

"I opened these eyes just before I died. Your name is Orochimaru, right... What did you do to my body?" Uchiha Madara asked immediately.

"Hey, didn't I say, I will make you stronger than in your heyday..." Orochimaru also said with a smile.

"You bastard... the secret of my body... how did you, a guy who can't read the Yojimami slate, know?" Uchiha Madara asked with some doubts.

"This is a hypothesis I put forward based on the data I have obtained through years of research..." Orochimaru said with a slight smile.

"From today's point of view, you have completely proved that hypothesis..." Uchiha Madara also said, "The Sage of the Six Paths... can finally show some power of God? I built you..." The Orochimaru He said to himself, but at this moment, Orochimaru's words were suddenly interrupted.

"Make it clear to me, this is not the power that you, a bastard, might create..."

Uchiha Madara's body was once again shrouded by Susano, and said in a stern voice.

It was during this conversation, above the crowd, that a very strange power appeared.

"Then... what is that?"

"No... isn't it? Such a big..."

"This...is not on the same level at all..."

"This is... the power of God..."


At this moment, seeing that scene in the sky, many people may have begun their own despair!

This moment.But it was Uchiha Madara, who used the eyes of reincarnation, to form one, said unparalleled in the world, the soil ball suddenly appeared at this time, as if it had been prepared long ago!
The earth ball announced that a planet had fallen down, and the darkness enveloped everyone in an instant!
Then, in a crazy scene, the soil ball was about to fall like this.

"Meteorite...how did he do it?"

"Can this... still be called ninjutsu?"

"Even if you escape...you can't escape, right?"


Those ninjas, however, are completely carried away and don't know where to escape?

"Now is not the time to give up lightly!" Tsuchikage Onogi also said in a stern voice, "You can't just surrender without doing anything, at least you have to try to know!"

That is, the moment he finished speaking, he flew directly to the huge earth ball!
"Lord Tuying!"

"Do your best to withdraw! Quickly withdraw!" Feng Ying was also on the side, desperately ordering.

And at this time, the second-generation soil shadow standing on the rock formation looked at the soil ball meteorite in the sky, and couldn't help but say, "Do you want us to suffer as well?"

"Of course... the dirt reincarnation should be used like this." Uchiha Madara said in a cold voice, "Anyway, it won't take long, and we will recover again."

"Able to fly in the sky... Is that kid a two-dimensional scale in Yanyin Village?"

Uchiha Madara also looked at Tsuchikage Onogi's figure and said.

"What will Tuying do now?"

Those people were also surprised.

"Now he wants to lighten the meteorite and pull it down!" Xiao Chu also explained from one side.


At this moment, Tsuchikage Onoki has already touched the huge soil ball. From a distance, it looks like a fly under the soil ball. It is really too big, and the insignificance of human beings is gradually seen!

But the soil ball kept falling down!

And the hunting Luo on that side also quickly used sand to resist!


Tsuchikage Onoki also desperately said, "It's only a little bit close, as long as you work harder, let it... come down!"

"That brat of Liangliang...has grown up a lot..."

At this moment, Uchiha Madara also looked at this scene and smiled secretly.

And at this moment, the soil ball meteorite above the numerous sands actually stopped.

(End of this chapter)

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