good luck

Chapter 566 Years of loneliness

Chapter 566 One Hundred Years of Solitude ([-])

Pu Anhao's diary, May 2013, 5 Have you ever seen that happy blue bird?

I don’t remember when it was, but when I went to sing, I had to choose a repertoire. It was no longer all Rene Liu’s repertoire, but Wang Zheng’s school nursery rhymes.

A cool memory, countless white birds flying overhead.

We are all good kids

Open the window and look at the white bird in the sky
I think of your peppermint smile
when you were running on the playground

Shout out I love you, do you know
then we were not afraid of anything

Watching the coffee-colored sunset set again
You said to always love and always be good
just like this never parting
We are all good kids

whimsical child

Believe that love can last forever

We are all good kids

kindest child

miss what hurt us

Shout out. (I love you)

then we were not afraid of anything

Watching the coffee-colored sunset set again
You said to always love and always be good
just like this never parting
We are all good kids

the most innocent child

Brilliant, lonely, becoming far away

We are all good kids

cutest kid

Weep for happiness together
We are all good kids

whimsical child

Believe that love can last forever

We are all good kids

kindest child

miss what hurt us

Open the window and look at the white bird in the sky
I think of your peppermint smile
when you were running on the playground

Shout out I love you, do you know
when looking back

Looking at the time gone, I know that happiness has come
In fact, we are all happy children

running in heaven of happiness
Moved or lost or happy by those little things

for a long time
I always feel that I have been standing outside the door of happiness
happiness is very close to me
But I can't get in
been displaced
I always wanted to be a simple child
until later misunderstood and deceived

Is it true that people become more complicated as they get older?
a long time later today

I finally understand

Not all sincerity and trust will be exchanged for equal sincerity and trust


I want to learn not to believe
It should take some time

met him today
in fact
I really want to tell him many things
but facing him

I really want to cry

My mother accidentally saw the piles of new but blank notebooks in my drawer. Then, she told me her thoughts.
——Daughter, the collections you have collected are really exquisite. These are very special, but after many years, the paper will turn yellow, and they will no longer be beautiful.And nothing was left at that time. They also lost their original meaning, and so did life.

——You have to remember. Never let down because of love.

Now my mother's words are still echoing in my mind, don't let me down because of love.

My mother always said that she is not a well-informed person. But in my impression, all her words are very correct.

Sometimes it is also very cute. For example, she took my hand and said proudly to others, "Look, my family and I are safe, we are good sisters."There is no generation gap at all.Very considerate.My daughter is so nice.

Then I just laughed and laughed.

But since what happened to Lu Jinnian, my subconscious mind seemed to blame her for something.I know it's totally wrong.She did nothing wrong, she did everything for me.So sometimes I think wildly, what should I do if I fail her in the end...

Being disappointed because of love is the saddest thing.To encourage each other.

(End of this chapter)

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