Chapter 105 Finding Qin Ling
It's meaningless for Qin Ling to be quick-tongued. Kai Mian is best at deceiving people. Qin Ling carefully watched his movements.

Kai Mian smiled suddenly, looking at the blue sky in the distance, like a drop of water sprinkled in the dark, Kai Mian's fair cheeks showed an indescribable expression, like joy, like disdain.

"She's here..." Kai Mian finally spoke, with a voice like Wang Qingquan, finally parting the thick clouds to welcome the arrival of the three people.

Qin Ling's heart tightened. Oops, who broke his barrier and broke in?
"Immortal! Immortal Qin Ling!" Yutu couldn't help but screamed from a long distance away, Zhenxu protected the two of them, resisting those thoughtless puppet soldiers.

Qin Ling breathed a sigh of relief, and then frowned again. He had already seen clearly the two people who broke through the boundary.But then, Qin Ling's heart hung in the air again. He caught a glimpse of the pinellia in Yuanqing's hand, and his heart was clenched for an instant, making his chest tight and difficult to breathe.

Kai Mian disappeared in the chaotic battlefield at some point, and Qin Ling flew over, staring at the pinellia plant fiercely, and tremblingly said: "She, she..."

"Don't be nervous, she's just too tired, it would be better to return to her original form." Zhenxu explained.

Qin Ling seemed to be aware of his gaffe, he calmed down, and then asked, "Why did Immortal Zhenxu come here? Was it sent by the Jade Emperor?"

"I'm here not to be pointed out by the Jade Emperor. It's a long story, but it's really an urgent matter." Saying that, Zhenxu clasped his hands together to create a space-time gap to separate the four of them.It happened that Da Da also woke up at this time.

Opening her eyes again, Da Da finally felt less pain all over her body. She slowly opened her eyes and found Qin Ling standing in front of her.

"Xian, Xianjun!" Seeing Qin Ling again, he couldn't tell what it was like, his trembling lips were almost speechless with excitement.

"Da Da, why are you with Immortal Lord Zhenxu?" Qin Ling was very dissatisfied with the sudden appearance of this immortal servant who was supposed to be in the temple on the battlefield: "The battlefield is extremely dangerous, how can you leave Jiuchongtian at will?" Then The tone was stern, but Zhenxu couldn't help sighing, even if he lost his memory, even if the Jade Emperor cast a spell, but the habits that were deeply connected were hard to change, subconsciously Qin Ling still cared about Da Da's safety.

"Immortal Qin Ling, now is not the time to pursue this matter. The reason why Da Da came down to earth is to take you to find the magic flute."

"Yes, yes, I don't know if the little tail has been stolen." Yutu was a little worried.

"The magic flute? Have you found the magic flute?" Qin Ling frowned, "Where is the magic flute?"


Qin Ling lowered his eyes: "It seems that Mei Yan still hasn't given up. No wonder Kai Mian was able to be born so smoothly. Mei Yan really put in so much effort." Keep one hand, thinking about controlling Kaimian.

"Little Tail is my good friend, Xianjun, can you stop exposing Meizu?" Da Da begged.

Qin Ling refused without hesitation: "The existence of the Meizu is a disaster for the Heavenly Court."

"But..." Da Da wanted to say something, but Immortal Zhenxu stopped him: "This matter is of great importance. This is not only about Meizu, but also Immortal Dongli. Our first task now is to get the magic flute , if there is no magic flute, the Meizu will not be able to do tricks, don't you think?"

Now is indeed not the time to discuss Meizu, Meizu is just waiting to reap the benefits of the fisherman, he can't be an enemy of Meizu now, otherwise he will suffer from the enemy.Qin Ling nodded, agreeing with Immortal Zhenxu's statement.

 Finally posted it before twelve o'clock~ I'm so nervous~ Huh~
(End of this chapter)

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