Chapter 106 Barrier Crack
The alternation of the barriers made both Qin Ling and Immortal Zhenxu tense up. They sat facing each other, with Da Da and Yutu guarding both sides.

"Are you ready?"

Yuanqing nodded: "Okay."

"Then let's start." Qin Ling adjusted his breathing, and slowly retracted the released fairy, while Yuanqing followed along the trajectory of Qin Ling's retraction.It's just that the Tu family is considered to be the best in enchantment, but it is still far behind Qin Ling. This made Yuanqing a little bit hard, and sweat soon accumulated on his forehead. Yutu stared at him motionlessly, afraid that he would What an accident, anxious.

Suddenly, the barrier floated like water waves. Qin Ling was startled, and quickly released the fairy spirits to stabilize the barrier, but was pushed away by a powerful spiritual force.

"Oops!" Yuan Qing exclaimed, and quickly formed a preventive magic, but the attacking spiritual power was not blocked, but directly hit Yuan Qing's chest.

"Pfft..." Yuanqing spat out a mouthful of blood.

Yutu and Dada rushed forward to support him, but Yuanqing pushed him away: "Don't touch me!" As he said, he quickly stabilized his figure and sealed his fairy spirit.

"What a domineering spiritual power, it's backlashing back." Qin Ling frowned tightly, with a serious expression: "Was it just now?"

Yuan Qing shook his head, he couldn't help coughing because of a tight pain in his chest: "Cough... no, no, he is from Jiuchongtian."

"Ah, is there a traitor in Jiuchongtian?" Yutu bit her lower lip: "But even if there is a traitor, it can't hurt Xianjun Qin Ling and you. The defensive technique just now was useless at all, and the fairy pierced through it in an instant. , without even a pause."

Da Da also agreed with Yutu's statement, and nodded: "There are not many people as powerful as Jiu Chongtian, except for the chief commander of every clan."

As soon as the answering voice fell, there was a sudden thunder from heaven and earth.

Qin Ling's expression changed: "Oops!" He wanted to make amends, but it was too late. A gap was opened in the barrier separating the mortal world, and the dark soldiers on the edge fell one after another.

"Quick! Repair the barrier!" Qin Ling gave an order, and the generals immediately came to help.

"Xianjun! The crack is too big to hold up!"

"I'm coming!" Yuanqing Qingjun frowned tightly, his robe flew up, his hair was stroked behind his ears by his burst of spiritual power, revealing the totem on his neck.

The totem emitted a fiery light, gradually gathering the spirits of those generals, and then violently erupted from Yuanqing's body.

"The crack is healing!" Yutu looked closely at the crack that was slowly merging, and murmured, "Is this the power of Tu's?"

The exhausted Yuanqing staggered and almost fell, Yutu hurriedly stepped forward to support him: "Xianjun, how are you?"

There was a soothing smile on the pale lips: "I'm fine, don't worry."

"Yin soldiers will have three souls when they fall into the mortal world." Yuanqing said, which means that once the yin soldiers fall into the mortal world, they will have thoughts. Although their souls are incomplete, it is enough for them to harm the world.

"Immortal Qin Ling, hurry up and bring Da Da and Yutu down to earth, those dark soldiers will cause chaos in the world!"

"Okay, if you can't support it, let Chi Ming help you." Qin Ling was a little worried about whether Yuanqing could hold it, and it was a great waste to repair the crack just now.

"Don't worry, Da Da and Jade Rabbit will be handed over to you, take care of... Da Da." He looked at Da Da with tears in his eyes, and continued: "Immortal Qin Ling, Da Da has suffered a lot. "

Qin Ling frowned, not understanding why Yuan Qing told him this.

Yuanqing sighed in his heart, and waved to Yutu: "Yutu, come here."

 There is another update today~ I will post it later~
(End of this chapter)

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