Chapter 108 Lie
The monster took shape after 700 years, sucking the souls of 49 people in seven days before it broke out of the cocoon. This monster may have been raised in the palace for a long time, and it has only now awakened.

"Which dynasty was it 700 years ago?" Da Da asked suddenly.

Jade Rabbit made a calculation and said, "Bei Yu."

Bei Yu, Bei Yu... Da Da closed his eyes and remembered.

Those fragmentary memories appeared in his mind like a fleeting glance. In her previous life 700 years ago, she lived in that dynasty.

The carriage slowly stepped into the high wall, the eunuchs and court ladies had already swept the snow aside, the horse's hooves were still a little slippery, and Yuan Xing was a little startled by the swaying, so he simply led her down and walked away.

"Who is that? It's so flamboyant." The faces in the distance are not real, only the eight sedan chairs can be seen.

Yuan Xing seemed to be a little unhappy and replied: "The teacher of the dynasty, Sanskrit."

Thinking of this, Da Da couldn't help murmuring: "It must be him..."

She once asked him: "What's in that cage? A fox?"

Sanskrit laughed lightly, his face was like a peach blossom, and the landscape couldn't compare to his handsomeness: "Silly girl, it will get angry if you talk about it like that."

"Then what will it look like when it gets angry?" She made a hideous look: "Is that so? Or will it bite?"

Sanskrit held her face and kissed her: "No, it will kill you."

At that time, she still couldn't understand and didn't believe that the beautiful "little fox" could kill people. She took candies to tease the little thing, and she didn't care when she heard its threatening whimpers.

Fanyin is the national teacher, he is the only one who can raise monsters in the palace, and the "little fox" she saw may be the murderous monster.

"What are you thinking?" Qin Ling didn't like the way she was frowning and thinking.

"I was thinking that I might know the origin of this monster." Da Da blurted out, but she regretted it as soon as she finished speaking.

"How did you know?" Qin Ling's inquisitive eyes surprised her: "You are not cultivating immortals with a human body, but flowers and plants. Do you have memories of your previous life?"

"I...I..." She was at a loss for words, she didn't know how to explain.

"Ah, by the way, I grew up in the palace, so I know." She didn't dare to look into Qin Ling's sharp eyes, for fear that he would see some clues.

"you are lying."

Da Da was startled, at a loss what to do, did Xianjun think of something?Thinking of this, Da Da couldn't hold back the excitement in his heart, and suddenly felt his heart was lifted by a hand.

"Chu Xia said that you were formed in a temple, that's why you cultivated into a flower fairy so quickly."

Da Da's heart suddenly fell into the bottom of the sea, she laughed at herself, sure enough, she shouldn't have expected something that she shouldn't have.When Qin Ling first lost his memory, she always believed that as long as he was by Qin Ling's side, he would definitely remember it.She was ready to say a lot to him, saying that he had forgotten herself, about her grievances, and her own guilt.But as time went on, she began to lose confidence more and more. One day, two days, three days, four days... She spent many days and nights and suffered a lot, and finally let herself give up.

But once in a while... I still have extravagant hopes...

"Forget it, if you don't want to say it, I won't ask. I don't care how you know it. Now that we have encountered it, we have to deal with it." Qin Ling turned and left. Da Da looked at his back and rubbed his eyes hastily. followed.

Yutu looked at them and sighed, filled with indescribable frustration.

(End of this chapter)

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