Chapter 109 Possession
The tall palace exudes a gloomy and cold atmosphere like a beast with teeth and claws.The maids who were busy going back and forth all trembled with white faces, fearing that they would be the next to die.The bustling palace has become cold and depressing, without singing, dancing, or full of courtiers, it looks like a city full of ghosts.

"How is your majesty?" The silver-haired queen mother nervously looked at the imperial doctor kneeling on the ground.

"Chen...Chen..." The imperial doctor wiped the sweat from his forehead, his hands were trembling.

"Report truthfully. If you conceal anything, be careful that Aijia wants your head." The Empress Dowager sat majestically on the edge of the bed, without a single wrinkle in her elegant palace attire.

Kneeling on the ground and trembling, the doctor's eyes were stung by sweat, but he didn't even dare to raise his hand, his face was ashen, but if he stretched out his head, it was a knife, and if he didn't stretch out his head, it was also a knife: "Chen... I am incompetent..."

With a sound of "click", the little court lady was frightened and accidentally didn't hold the teacup in her hand. The emperor overflowed, and all the court ladies and eunuchs were buried with her.

The Empress Dowager jumped up, her eyes were bloodshot: "Bold!"

The imperial doctor sat slumped on the ground, his body shaking like a sieve.Suddenly, he seemed to have remembered something, as if he had grasped a life-saving straw: "Queen Mother, Queen Mother! I have a way, I have a way!"

"Don't tell me soon!"

"There is an expert outsider in the west of the city, who might be able to save the emperor's life."

The Empress Dowager frowned, seeming to think it was absurd.

Qin Ling's heart moved, and he said to Yutu: "You attach to the female official to persuade the Queen Mother to invite an expert."

Jade Rabbit was puzzled: "What would you do, please? If the emperor is harmed by that magical beast, then the expert will be hard to resist. Why should the immortal seek far away? With your ability, it is nothing more than blowing dust."

Da Da lived in the human world, so he could understand what Qin Ling meant by this move: "The monster has a form, but we can't easily reveal the original shape, so we can only use the hands of an expert to eradicate the monster, no matter how capable the expert is, It’s just using his identity.”

Jade Rabbit was clever, she answered this question naturally, and she turned around and attached herself to the female ghost next to the queen of the day: "Queen Dowager, I have also heard about the worldly master in the west of the city, I think I can give it a try." .”

Since this female official can stand on the right side of the queen mother, she is naturally the queen mother's confidant.

Sure enough, the Empress Dowager's expression softened: "This..."

Yutu strikes while the iron is hot: "The imperial doctor is helpless now, why not die..." Yutu originally wanted to say that a dead horse should be a living horse doctor, but was stopped by Qin Ling: "No."

Yutu quickly turned a corner: "Why don't you give him a try?"

"Queen Mother, that Gao Ren has a very high prestige among the people, and many people have received his favor. If he is really a god-stick minister, he would not dare to say such a thing." , if the emperor overflows, it means that his life has come to an end.

"The queen mother..." Yutu was about to speak, but the queen mother raised her hand: "Stop talking, pass on the order, secretly summon..."

"Xu Peiqing." The imperial doctor reminded.

"Secretly call Xu Peiqing into the palace. If the emperor can be cured, I will be rewarded with great rewards!" After the queen mother finished speaking, she waved the imperial doctor out wearily, leaving behind the female official who was possessed by the jade rabbit.

Da Da saw that the curtain beside the bed was tied up by the queen mother herself, and only then did she see the face on the bed clearly.

There are some black spots on the withered and yellow skin, the eye sockets are deep-set, and the eyes are silent. The whole person looks like a living corpse.Even people who don't have a fairy can see the black mist on his Yintang, and the mist is still wriggling, as if absorbing his vitality.

 Today is over, everyone rest early~
(End of this chapter)

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