Chapter 124 Peach Blossom
The person in front of him still had the same face, but it wasn't. After thinking for a long time, Da Da finally figured out what the difference was: "It's the temperament, which is very different from the Jia Wanning temperament I saw before!" Jia Wanning, like the snowflakes in the sky, is as cold as ice, but now Jia Wanning is like a flower that has not yet bloomed in spring, with a gentle fragrance.

He finally walked in front of her with extremely complicated emotions, his bright eyes were full of excitement and confusion.Jia Wanning threw herself into his arms suddenly, and murmured with tears: "You are finally back... Ah Zheng... Ah Zheng... I have been waiting for you for a long time, I almost thought you would never come back, I didn't Waiting for you, what should I do... I didn't wait for you..."

Meng Chuzheng couldn't help but his eyes turned red, he tightened his arms around her, and said in a low voice, "I'm sorry miss, Ah Zheng didn't come back so late on purpose. But it doesn't matter, you've already waited, haven't you?"

Jia Wanning shook her head, her beautiful eyes were full of tears and she was about to speak.Suddenly, as if she saw something terrifying, she turned pale and pushed Meng Chuzheng away.

Meng Chuzheng asked eagerly, "Miss, what's wrong with you?"

"What are you carrying?" she asked with trembling lips, looking at him in horror.

Meng Chuzheng untied the star anise from his waist and showed her: "Look, this is a gift from me."

"No! Don't! Take it away!" Jia Wanning moaned in pain, she clutched her head and kept struggling.

"Is it a demon?" Jade Rabbit asked uncertainly.

"No." Qin Ling stared closely at Jia Wanning, looking at the looming blood red between her brows.

"Ding~" Suddenly, the star anise ring sounded, and it became more and more urgent and harsher from the slight sound.It's just that the voice of the star anise can't be heard by ordinary people.

"It's a Yin soldier!" Da Da shouted happily: "I found it!"

"But why didn't the Anise Ling sound just now, it only rang later." Yutu was talking, when he suddenly saw Jia Wanning's body slowly disappearing like ashes.

"No!" Meng Chuzheng shuddered from the sudden scene, and cried out in despair, "Miss!"

Jia Wanning smiled at him and shook her head: "After all... I still haven't waited for you..." After the words fell, she turned into a petal and fell to the ground.

Qin Ling understood: "So that's the case. This Yin soldier is not on Jia Wanning's body, but devoured the peach blossom essence in the yard, and used its original body to hide himself." Then, he pointed his finger and released the true fire of samadhi to burn the whole place. peach tree.A scream came from the root of the peach tree, and then a round fireball rolled out and rolled around.

Qin Ling covered Da Da and Yutu's eyes, and said softly, "Close your eyes and don't look."

That night, Meng Chuzheng's cry attracted the servants and the prime minister, and Jia Wanning's disappearance sent Meng Chuzheng to jail.Desperate, he didn't make an excuse, and was arrested and thrown into prison just like that.If it weren't for the fact that he had just made great contributions, he would have started to torture him a long time ago.

Da Da sighed with some regret, and said, "Then Jia Wanning died a long time ago? Then who is tonight?"

Qin Ling stroked her long hair, it seemed that she could not see any unhappiness in her more and more.This feeling is really strange, for such a short moment, the love and pity in his heart are like a flood that has been blocked for a long time and suddenly bursts out.He vaguely sensed that this might be the reason for being cursed, otherwise how could it have changed so quickly?
"Don't be sad, we can help him." Qin Ling said, with a smile on his handsome face: "She's still waiting."

 end today

(End of this chapter)

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