Chapter 125 The Death of Jia Wanning

The dark and damp prison exudes a dizzying musty smell. Meng Chuzheng seems unable to accept a good person. How could he just disappear before his eyes?He is a general, and he is used to seeing life and death when he goes to battle and kills the enemy. He doesn't believe in ghosts and gods, but how can he explain what happened at night?

The moment he saw her, his heart trembled, and he hadn't seen her for four years, four years.He looked at the peach blossom in his hand with a wry smile, his eyes were blood red, but he couldn't shed any tears. He only felt pain, his liver and gallbladder were torn, but he didn't have any strength to express it, so he just sat there all night in a daze.

At dawn, people gradually woke up in the cell, and when they saw the newcomer Meng Chuzheng, they came to inquire one after another.

This prison is really lonely, and I can occasionally hear a few words from the jailer about outside affairs. When there are new prisoners, I can't wait to inquire about outside news.

"Hey, how did you get in?" The woman next door with disheveled hair asked through the arm-thick wooden fence.

Meng Chuzheng's eyes were empty, and he sat there without moving.

The woman snorted disdainfully, and muttered: "Jindu has come in, why pay off the tall one?"

She didn't understand, what is there to be proud of with a dead heart?
The old man on the opposite side didn't give up, and asked again: "Hey, what's your name?"

Meng Chuzheng stared at the peach petals in his hand with eyes full of admiration, and was too careful not to touch them with his hands.After a night of erosion, this peach blossom is still bright and beautiful, as if there is a fresh life hidden in it.

The old man whose hair almost covered his cheeks couldn't help shaking his head: "Isn't it a fool?"

The woman biting the grass chuckled: "Who knows, maybe it's true."

From dawn to dusk is the transformation of the sun, the moon and the stars. Meng Chuzheng seemed to be still in a dream. He refused to close his eyes, and he did not dare to close his eyes. He was afraid that yesterday's nightmare would reappear and he would see the cruel man again. picture.

"General." Unknowingly, there were three more people in the cell, and Qin Ling cast a spell to make everyone sleep soundly.

This time, Meng Chuzheng finally raised his head, his clenched fist made a "creak" sound: "Who the hell are you? What did you give me! Why did she turn into a peach blossom when she saw it!"

"Don't get excited." Da Da couldn't bear to see him like this: "Don't get excited, listen to Xianjun to finish."

Meng Chuzheng suddenly opened his eyes wide, lowered his head and murmured, "Immortal Monarch? You are a god..."

"Are you a god?" He shouted excitedly: "Please save Wan Ning, god, god! I beg you to save her!"

Qin Ling shook his head. Although he regretted it, he had to tell him the truth: "Jia Wanning died a long time ago."

Meng Chuzheng didn't believe it, how could he believe it, the day before yesterday she stood in front of him and called his name, no, he must be lying: "You lied to me, I don't believe it, how could she die, she is clearly here! No! You lied to me, you must have lied to me, what kind of goddamn god are you, I clearly saw her standing under the peach tree, it was her!"

Da Da turned his face away, unwilling to see his desperate expression.

"If you don't believe me, I'll take you to a place where she is still waiting for you and wants to see you again." Qin Ling looked at him indifferently, and continued: "Whether you want to go or not, it's your choice."

"She's waiting for me?" Meng Chuzheng was stunned, and then repeated: "Miss is waiting for me..."

Qin Ling gave a "hmm" and said, "Since you don't believe what I said, let Jia Wanning tell you the whole truth in person."

(End of this chapter)

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