Chapter 139 What Did I Do Wrong?

When she wrote these two sentences on the letter paper, she smirked at the table for a long time, Shan Yao heard it from outside the door, and asked Shao Yao in fright: "What's wrong with Lian Shu?"

Shao Yao was more puzzled than she was, she shook her head and said she didn't know, she had to ask the prince.Just as she was talking, the closed door was suddenly pushed open, and Shao Yao was so startled that she patted her chest several times.

"Quickly, send this letter to the Imperial Teacher's Mansion." The rosy glow on her face did not fade away, her eyes were shining brightly, she was stunned by Shao Yao, she was stunned for a long time before she remembered to catch the letter, and walked halfway, He couldn't help but look back at her again, sighing and muttering in his heart.

She had a dream for many days. Fanyin wrote her a long letter with a beautiful peach blossom drawn on it.She waited and waited, and one day, Fanyin suddenly touched her hair and said, "Lianshu... Lianshu... I really can't escape." His words were so affectionate that her heart almost jumped out In her heart, she completely forgot about replying to the letter.

But now, the reply letter that she waited for until the sun, moon and stars were transformed was finally placed on her desk, but there were words she couldn't understand written on it, see you no more, don't read!Why is that?Why is that!She really didn't understand, even if she smashed her head away, she couldn't figure it out, she cried and went to find Yuan Xing, she almost crushed those words, Yuan Xing didn't say a word, just hugged her tightly, He kept patting her on the back.

"I still have you...Yuan Xing, Yuan Xing...fortunately..." These were the last words she passed out, as if she had caught a piece of life-saving driftwood before she calmed down.

It rained all night in spring, a thunder in the middle of the night woke her up from her dream, and the lightning shone on her pale face, she suddenly lifted the corner of her skirt and ran out quickly, Shao Yao in the small room heard the movement and hurriedly gave the yam to her. Push up.

The raindrops hit her body like silver needles piercing her skin. She couldn't control her tears. In the rainy night, she ran forward like a desperate little animal.

She slapped the gate of the National Teacher's Mansion vigorously, and kept shouting in a hoarse voice: "Sanskrit! Sanskrit! Open the door, Sanskrit! I am Lianshu! I am Lianshu! Sanskrit! Open the door, Sanskrit... ..."

The National Teacher's Mansion was as quiet as a tomb, there were no dogs barking, no human voices, and the quietness made her despair.

I don't know how long she shouted, how long she stood, she fell numbly to the cold bluestone slab.When Yuan Xing found her, she was still staring at the closed door with her eyes open.

Yuan Xing shed tears, and he asked her: "You said, you still have me... Lianshu... Are you going to abandon me?"

She didn't speak, two lines of tears flowed out, and she said in a hoarse and disfigured voice: "I don't understand..." She couldn't understand even if she died, it was like a sudden nightmare, she wanted to wake up, but It hurts more and more.

"I will bring you into the palace tomorrow, and you can ask him face to face, okay?" Yuan Xing hugged her cold body and promised: "I will definitely let you see him, let's go home first, shall we go home first?"

Those desperate eyes finally had light, and she hugged Yuan Xing tremblingly: "Really? Can I really see him tomorrow?"

It was still the high red wall where they met for the first time, and the long aisle could hardly see the end. She suppressed the desire to jump up and watched the sedan chair covered with totems making "ding dong" bells.

Finally, she saw the person who had changed overnight, but his brows and eyes were so indifferent, even if she was so desolate, he would not look at her again.

She really wanted to ask him: "How can you be so cruel!" But all the words were like a thorn stuck in her throat.She didn't wake up until the sedan chair passed her by, she turned abruptly and stood in front of the sedan chair, shouting: "Sanskrit!"

"Fanyin, what did I do wrong?"

 Enter V tomorrow, okay?

(End of this chapter)

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