Chapter 140
Sanskrit did not speak coldly, but looked down at him from a high position, his originally gentle eyes pierced her heart like ice knives.The copper bell rang again, jingling so happily, that steady footsteps disappeared from her eyes in a short while.

She turned her head and asked Yuan Xing, "Why?"

Yuan Xing was silent for a long time, and she just kept looking at him stubbornly.

Yuan Xing's eyes were dim, and the breeze blew up his long robe, brushed his long hair, and blew away his soft voice: "Probably...the fate is gone..."

What a ridiculous answer, how could Yuan just say goodbye?How can a familiar person change?
She smiled wryly, and walked silently in front of Yuan Xing. They walked past palace walls, and the eye-catching red made her dizzy for a while.Finally, she said, "Yuan Xing, I want to move out of the palace."

Yuan Xing suddenly stopped, and asked with a complicated expression, "Why?"

"I probably understand that Fanyin must be angry. He is angry that I miss you in my heart, so he doesn't want me now." She said self-righteously, as if she had finally pushed away the dark clouds. What Yuan Xing said, was still full of attachment at that time, didn't it just change... People change, it's really scary, isn't it?

Yuan Xing's gentle face showed a sarcastic smile to her for the first time, and he only felt that his internal organs were deformed.

"You raised me, I'm very grateful to you, Yuan Xing, without him I would die..." She begged, turning her face away, unwilling to see Yuan Xing's pain.

"Okay, you move out, how can I watch you die." He smiled, tears fell out: "If you leave the gate of the palace, we will break the law, you don't owe me, and I don't owe you. "

She clutched her heart in pain, and wanted to beg him not to say such painful words, but Yuan Xing had already turned around angrily, cleanly.

She knew that the cruel person... was her...

He changed and changed her...

The person who brought her back on a rainy night, she hurt him like a mantra!

She knelt and sat there, unable to control herself in pain.

The wind is coming, the rain is coming, and they all know why.

I can't hear, I can't hear, your voice is too small.

The wind stopped, the rain stopped, who cried in my dream.

I don't understand, I don't understand, people in the sky are laughing...

She used to think that she and Yuan Xing would never be separated for the rest of their lives, whether it was relatives or lovers, she was always attached to him in one way or another.Yuan Xing is the string of warmth, and the mantra is the sword that stabs her self-esteem. In the end, she clenched the sharp blade tightly with her bare hands. In the end, she couldn't help bleeding, and stabbed the blade into Yuan Xing's heart... …

How ironic, how ridiculous...

Carrying that poor bag, she held her heart to look for Sanskrit.

"Jump down from here and give me your soul." He held her hand, as if he was gentle back then.

"Why?" She was still naive, still asking why.

"Because you love me..." He laughed out loud, and looked at her indifferently: "If you jump into this cliff, there will be no afterlife, will you or not?"

She also laughed, her eyes were flushed, and she looked at him sadly: "I'll jump!"

What does this jump have to do with not jumping, her heart is so painful that she doesn't want to beat anymore.So what if you want to live in the afterlife?Wait for this love knife to cut a piece?

A little flustered, a little worried, except for this little bit in her heart, it seemed that everything was really gone.It's so good to just jump lightly!

 There is a lyric in it, which is a song I like very much. I just heard it and added it when I thought it was very suitable. It comes from Qi Yu's "Water of Desire".This book is already on the shelves. Thank you for your comments and support. The first thing I do when I wake up every day is to read the comments. Although I didn’t reply to them one by one, I read them carefully. I will always love you all.

(End of this chapter)

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