Chief Adorable Immortal: Lord Xianjun's little monster

Chapter 161 You Are The Destiny I Must Force

Chapter 161 You Are The Destiny I Must Force
Qin Ling shook his head: "Currently her elder brother hasn't been on the Hades Book." His future eyes have seen her troubled and brilliant first half of her life, and the second half of her lonely death.Whether her brother is dead or alive, it is impossible for her to be by her side.It's just that he didn't tell Da Da, he knew Da Da would be sad.

Da Da opened his mouth, just about to comfort her, don't be afraid, your brother will definitely come back.But Qin Ling suddenly interrupted her words: "Yutu, take this child back to the village, and Da Da and I will go down and have a look."

Entering the bottom of the river with Da Da, Qin Ling turned her head to look at her. The dim light made her skin fairer, like a fairy in the water. Qin Ling thought of Baishan Lake. She always loves to sleep in the water. Trees love water.He made a small raft for her with his own hands and covered it with white gauze. The summer in the world made her not so comfortable, so she lay on the raft and hid under the lotus leaves in the afternoon.

"Answer." Qin Ling called out to stop her.


"Don't make promises to mortals casually, God must keep what he says." Qin Ling kissed her on the cheek, his eyes were gentle: "Don't change other people's fate at will, because you don't know what will affect it. The fate of thousands of people has been distorted since then, and they have taken another path."

Answer and nodded obediently: "I understand, sometimes there must be something in life, and there is always time in life, don't force it."

"Yes. But there is only one exception." Looking into her bright eyes, Qin Ling said slowly, "If it were you, I wouldn't let go. If it's not in my life, then I'll go against the sky."

Da Da couldn't help but bend his eyes, but said on his mouth: "Can gods be an exception?"

"No." Qin Ling replied bluntly, "Yutu was very worried that you were captured by a monster, but I told her that if you really die here, it is your fate. Yutu was very angry, and she said that if I remembered, It is impossible to say such a thing, I was very disdainful at that time, but after the seal was lifted, I was shocked to realize how regretful I was, how terrible I said."

Qin Ling's heart was throbbing, and when he thought about the monster eating Da Da... he felt terrified when he thought about it.

Answer looked at him very seriously: "I know, Xianjun didn't do it on purpose, I did something wrong, Xianjun... I understand..."

Qin Ling's eyes were deep. He held her face and kissed it lightly, and whispered in her ear, "Thank you for being safe."

The surface of the river was choppy, but the bottom of the river was calm. Qin Ling sniffed the faint smell of rust in the water. It was the smell of Yin soldiers. They came too late and had completely evolved into the overlord of the water, Taisu.

"Did the Yin soldiers take the child away?" Da Da asked hastily.

Qin Ling frowned: "No, just like Heng He, he evolved into Tai Su, manipulating his desire to fool around. That child was taken away by the water ghost here."

Speaking of water ghosts, Da Da felt a little cold all over. The female ghost named Shan Yin once dragged her to the bottom of the lake, forcing out her water-repelling beads and sinking her into that painful dream.

"What's wrong with you?" Qin Ling asked concerned when he saw that Da Da's expression was wrong.

"I...I'm afraid..." Da Da held Qin Ling's hand tightly, his face pale.

Qin Ling asked, "Did something happen before?"

"Shan Yin, that female ghost in the palace, she once dragged me to the bottom of the lake and brought me into a fantasy." Da Da shook his head, unwilling to continue.

Qin Ling hugged her tightly and stopped talking, his eyes were full of murderous intent, that female ghost was so bold, he would definitely not let her go!

 Finish today, continue tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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