Chapter 162

Qin Ling stroked her seaweed-like hair soothingly, and said after a long time, "It's my fault, I'll take you up first, and you follow the jade rabbit."

Da Da shook his head, nestling in Qin Ling's arms greedily: "I don't want it, I want to be with Xian Jun."

While the two were talking, the river water suddenly became as thick as blood, and Qin Ling immediately drew a barrier to wrap the two of them together.

"What's going on?" Da Da looked around, the river water that was still clear and transparent just now gradually turned red, and even through the barrier, he could smell the strong smell of blood.

Qin Ling said in a deep voice, "I'm coming out."

Sure enough, not long after, all the aquatic plants disappeared completely, and the river became more and more turbid, turning a blood-like dark red.

"Touch!" A woman's face was pressed tightly against the barrier, the corners of her mouth were grinning, and her long hair was floating in the blood.

"Ah!" Da Da screamed and closed her eyes. She had seen many fools, but this was the first time she saw such a terrifying water ghost. The face was torn apart like ceramic shards, and the corners of the grinning mouth revealed ferocious fangs. teeth, behind her is the bloody river, her upper body is exposed, and the countless wounds on her body are horrific.

Qin Ling covered her eyes, and stared fiercely at the female ghost who hit the barrier wall again and again, only to see that he formed a lotus flower print with one hand, and quickly attacked the female ghost.

A horrifying scream rang out in the river, and Da Da hurriedly buried his head lower.

"Answer, it's all right." Qin Ling kissed her long hair reassuringly, "It's all right, dear, it's gone."

Da Da's pink lips parted slightly, and she took a few deep breaths, only feeling that the violent beating of her heart made it difficult for her to calm down.

"Open your eyes and look at me, Da Da, it's okay, be obedient, open your eyes." Qin Ling held her shoulders and looked at her tenderly.

Slowly opening his eyes, the crystal clear pupils shrank slightly, only then did he realize that she and Qin Ling were already standing on the shore.She breathed a sigh of relief, and the pain in her chest finally disappeared.

Not long after they landed, they heard the angry voices of village names in the distance: "Get out of here!"

Jade Rabbit rolled on the ground in embarrassment, quickly climbed up the tree, and shouted condescendingly: "Why don't you know good people? I sent that little girl back, and I didn't do anything to hurt you!"

"Bailing Village is an auspicious place, and it is because you unruly outsiders broke in that the River God is angry."

"Bah!" Jade Rabbit rolled his eyes and thought: So what if there is a river god?A little river god dares to put on airs to this immortal!

Yutu, who was kicked out of the village, went back to the river unhappily, and complained to Qin Ling, "Are those mortals stupid? They sent everyone back to them and screamed for beating and killing."

Qin Ling smiled: "The customs are different in different places in the world, so don't be annoyed."

Jade Rabbit changed back to a cat sound depressed, and meowed a few times, feeling very happy.

"Come out." Qin Ling's sharp eyes swept under the lush banyan tree.

Da Da followed his gaze, and saw a young woman in her thirties hiding behind a branch, looking at Jade Rabbit in horror.She must have seen the jade rabbit transforming just now.

"Don't worry, we won't hurt you." Da Da blinked her eyes, looking docile and well-behaved, the young woman hesitated for a while, then shrank and walked in front of them, and suddenly knelt down in front of them with a "plop": "I beg all the gods Save my child!"

(End of this chapter)

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