Chapter 163

"What happened to your child?" Jade Rabbit asked while standing on Da Da's shoulder.

The young woman looked at Yutu with some fear, her brown pupils were slightly narrowed, and she was talking to her.

Qin Ling cast a spell to turn the jade rabbit back into a human body, and said, "You will scare her like this." The transformed jade rabbit pursed her mouth unhappily.

"Okay, tell me slowly what happened." Qin Ling said.

The young woman glanced at him gratefully, and said: "Bailing Village lives by the water, and they believe in the water god, and there are sacrifices every year, but they always kill pigs and sheep, and never use living people to sacrifice." Couldn't help wiping away tears, and continued: "Not long ago, the river surface was turbulent, as salty and astringent as sea water. The elders in the village said that the river god was angry. Then, the whole village dreamed of a woman. , the woman demanded that the boys of the village be thrown into the river."

"Woman?" Da Da thought of the female ghost at the bottom of the water, and suddenly his hands and feet became cold, and he hugged Qin Ling tightly.

"Yes, this woman is only known by an old man who has lived for more than a hundred years in the village. This woman is called Pan Yushu. She used to be a beauty that caused a sensation in the whole village. She was engaged to the Liu family in the same village since she was a child. Later, Pan Yushu's The child disappeared for no apparent reason, so she jumped into the river. Everyone in the village said that Pan Yushu was beautiful, and she was taken as a bride by the God of the River."

"Ridiculous. Nonsense." Jade Rabbit shook his head.

"A boy was sent away the day before yesterday, but the big wave still hasn't stopped. I don't know who said that my child is a natural lucky star, and was taken by that female ghost. Today, my child will be sent to the river. God!" The young woman had tears in her eyes, and her almond eyes were full of despair.

"Xianjun, what do you think?" Answer asked.

"How did Pan Yushu lose her child?" Qin Ling asked.

The young woman shook her head: "Too many years have passed, and the only one who knows is the old man. Besides, they are all over a hundred years old, and the memory is always a little fuzzy."

Qin Ling smiled coldly: "Of course his memory is fuzzy, I'm afraid he is guilty and dare not remember too clearly."

"What do you mean by that?" The young woman was puzzled.

Qin Ling shook his head at her: "Your child deserves to die, and he will be safe and sound tonight, so you can rest assured."

The young woman quickly became grateful and thanked her, and she didn't care what Qin Ling said before, she just wanted her child to be safe!

After the young woman left, Da Da asked, "What did the Xianjun see?" As long as he had a name, Qin Ling could see everything from Si Ming.

Qin Ling sighed and said, "The young woman spoke vaguely. Pan Yushu's husband and she were childhood sweethearts, and they were very affectionate. It's a pity that her husband, Fu Bo, was bitten to death by wild beasts on the mountain on the third day after she gave birth. A few years later, the patriarch of the village fell in love with Pan Yushu's beauty and wanted to marry her in by force. She took the child and wanted to escape from Bailing Village. He drowned in the river and tied Pan Yushu back to the village."

"It's terrible..." Da Da's heart trembled, and he couldn't help but miss Xing An.

"And that person in Gaomi back then is the centenarian that the young woman said just now."

"It's really unfair, why can the bad guys live so long." Yutu said angrily.

"Live longer is not necessarily a good thing." Qin Ling raised the corners of his mouth, seeing that the old man was helpless and suffering all over his body, but he could not help but shake his head.

 Finish today, continue tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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