Chief Adorable Immortal: Lord Xianjun's little monster

Chapter 173 The secret in the single-chanted jade pendant

Chapter 173 The Secret in the Single Chant Jade Pendant ([-])

But what responded to her was an empty echo, and the space inside must be very large. This realization made her curious heart restless again.She looked at the open door lock and said to herself: "It opened it by itself, not has nothing to do with me, I just go in and have a look, just one..." Thinking like this, she felt Not disobeying Sanskrit's order, Mao looked around to make sure no one was around before opening the door and walking in.

The room was as dark as what she saw, with palm-sized beads floating in it, replaying past events in the beads, and she even found memories about her in those beads, Sanskrit His face was magnified in the clear beads, and he was smiling softly at her, reaching out his hand to caress her cheek.She also saw Shaoyao and Yam sneaking out of the house to buy rouge, bargaining with the boss, and even Yuan Xing going to court.This is like a secret library, sealing up those things that happened.

She was very excited, turning around in those glowing beads, exploring other people's secrets.

At this moment, she saw a dimly lit bead, inside which was a battlefield for fighting, with hideous faces holding weapons she had never seen before, and stepping on black things under their feet, like black clouds, the bead Many people in the room were running around and howling, and the bloody scene made her shake her body uncontrollably, feeling flustered and uneasy, she quickly turned around to find the direction of the door.

Because she couldn't see the light, she didn't know how big the room was. She just felt that these beads floating in mid-air were continuous, as if there was no end, as if there was another space behind this door. .

Finally she touched the door, opened it suddenly and ran out, the warm sunlight warmed her all over, and the inexplicable fear in her heart suddenly dissipated, she patted her chest, turned around and looked, the door seemed to have never been opened It was closed tightly, and the rusty chain hung heavily on it, and the cats with two eyes of different colors were calling to her by the door.

She hurriedly picked up the cat and left in a hurry. When she disappeared around the corner, she looked back unintentionally, but saw the face of a woman wearing a black robe with a black hat attached to the back of the robe. Cold, looking at her like a knife in his eyes.

Thinking back to this point, Da Da finally remembered where he had seen Shan Yin, that was the woman who was staring at her from the corner of the wall.

Jiuchongtian Qin Ling's palace also has many doors, and she is also full of curiosity. Qin Ling said that her curiosity would bring her disaster, so he deliberately locked the door without secrets, and gave her a deep feeling. Lesson, let her understand how terrible curiosity is.But this accident made Dada remember this memory that she couldn't remember at all, as if it was deliberately sealed up, but she had too many memories, and she forgot it in a blink of an eye, until now she saw this bead, Just remembered again.

What will be inside this bead?Da Da circled the bead for a long time. She used fairy spirits and called the elves in the forest to help, but the bead still did not move at all. She firmly believed that there must be some clues inside that could solve her confusion.

Da Da groped in his chest for a while, took the carved wooden box in his hand, and looked around.She found this box in the garden of the temple. At that time, in order to make things difficult for her, Chu Xia asked her to clean up the invisible garden of the temple.She originally thought it was an ordinary box, but this box gave off a faint light when Donghuang Simei appeared in her room for the first time.

Da Da couldn't help wrinkling his nose, really distressed.The secret in this box has not been solved, and now there is another mysterious bead, and the brain is really not enough.

 End today, continue tomorrow

(End of this chapter)

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