Chapter 174 The Battle of Xingtian
Qin Ling opened his eyes after Da Da left, but he didn't bother her.Watching the little thing come back, he sighed and sat by the river and threw stones into the water.With such a big commotion, Dongli might have been woken up long ago.Looking sideways, sure enough, Dongli sat up, settled his drowsy little tail, stood up and sat beside Qin Ling.

"What's wrong?" Dong Li asked.

"Probably thinking about the past life." Qin Ling didn't know much about the past life.

"It's very strange, I can't see Da Da's past life." Dong Li looked at the little back, and said again: "She is very unusual."

Qin Ling hummed, with a calm expression: "I can't see her past life either, maybe it's because she was classified as a flower after reincarnation, so I can't see her past life."

"If it's because of this reason, when Da Da becomes a fairy queen, there should be a record in the heavenly book at Si Ming's place." Dong Li said.

Qin Ling shook his head: "After I knew that Da Da went down to collect souls, I went to Si Ming to check the heavenly scriptures, and the records about Da Da's previous life were blank. Maybe the immortals had tampered with them, or maybe Si Ming couldn't sense them. Da Da's identity is very strange, I don't know much about her past life, but I can tell from Da Da's words that it may have something to do with Kai Mian."

Dongli frowned, and pondered for a moment before saying: "Little Tail told me about Donghuang Simei. She saved Dada's life again and again. I don't know what her intentions are. As the eldest of the Donghuang fox clan Si Ming, could it be that Jiuchongtian's traitors are the Fox Clan? However, the Eastern Emperor Fox Clan has never participated in the battle for the heavens."

"No, this matter has nothing to do with the Fox Clan. The Fox Clan participated in the battle with Xingtian ten thousand years ago. This matter is extremely hidden. The Fox Clan has a noble status, and the Jade Emperor has scruples, so lightly cover up the matter At that time, Donghuang Simei was forced to practice for unknown reasons, so she was dismissed from the position of chief commander of the fox clan, and the magic pen was also forced to hand in. I was the only one who knew about it, because I was trapped Xing Tian's hiding place, so I happened to know the truth." Qin Ling paused, and after a moment of silence, he said, "I think I have guessed something."

Dongli raised his eyes slightly and looked at him.

"Back then, Xingtian made a fuss in Jiuchongtian, and the Barefoot Immortal fought against him. At that time, Donghuang Simei was practicing under his sect, so she also participated in the battle. But Donghuang Simei fell in love with Xingtian during the thousand-year-long battle, and even almost fell in love with Xingtian. My son betrayed Jiu Chongtian and wanted to use the lifeblood of the Fox Clan to rescue Xing Tian from me, because of this, I was caught by Xing Tian and suffered from the burning fire for nearly a thousand years." Qin Ling said slowly.

"It seems that Donghuang Simei was resigned because of this." Dongli admired: "The number one god of war in the nine heavens, Xianjun Qin Ling deserves it. Not everyone can bear the pain of burning for a thousand years."

Qin Ling shook his head with a wry smile: "That's nothing, compared to this, it's her that hurts me more."

Dong Li looked at Da Da who didn't know when he fell asleep, and couldn't help raising the corners of his mouth, and said in a low voice: "Yes, this is the heart-piercing pain."

Qin Ling smiled faintly, and flew over to place Da Da in the soft cloud bed. She unconsciously turned over and hugged Xiao Tail and Jade Rabbit.

Then, Qin Ling continued: "Xing Tian was warlike, but he didn't cause much trouble. The Jade Emperor didn't seal him, but suppressed him with Zhenjun Liuhe."

(End of this chapter)

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