Chapter 176 Forgot to Say Sorry

The sun that had just revealed a semicircle emitted soft rays of light towards the sky. They rushed to the battlefield through the clouds and fog. Passing by the Lingshan Mountain, they felt that there was a thick layer of fog, and there was a strange breath leaking out. They couldn't tell what it was is causing trouble.

"Xianjun, should we go down and have a look?" Da Da lay on the clouds and looked down.Little Tail held her back, pursed her mouth and said, "Don't worry about it, we can't just interfere in mortal affairs."

"No, that thick fog is very strange, it smells like demons." Dongli looked at Qin Ling, and said, "Little Tail and I stayed behind, and Immortal Qin Ling took Da Da and Yutu to Immortal Zhenxu's place. "

Just as Qin Ling was about to nod his head, Da Da suddenly said, "No, I will stay with Xian Jun, you go first."

Qin Ling frowned slightly, and stared at Da Da: "What's wrong?"

"I'm very familiar with this breath." Da Da's fingers trembled, she stretched out her hand to grab the hem of Qin Ling's clothes, and said in a low voice, "I want to take a look."

Qin Ling looked at Dongli, and Dongli nodded in agreement, "Let's go, the little tail of the jade rabbit will follow me, Da Da and Xianjun Qin Ling will stay."

Little Tail is unwilling, she hugs Da Da and refuses to let go: "I want to be with Da Da."

Dong Li wiped her little head, and comforted her: "Da Da will catch up soon, let's take a step first."

Xiaowei's eyes were bright, she looked at Dongli and said seriously: "Last time, I accidentally dropped Dada from the cloud, this time I want to protect her."

Qin Ling smiled softly at Xiao Wei: "Little Wei, I will take care of Da Da, you can rest assured to follow Brother Xian to find Lord Zhenxu."

Little Tail gave him a bitter look: "I don't believe you at all."

Dongli put on a straight face, and reprimanded: "Little Tail, don't mess around."

Qin Ling raised his hand, signaling Dongli not to frighten Xiaowei, and he said softly, "Xiaowei, I'm sorry. I promise you, Dada will be delivered to you in good condition."

Da Da kissed Xiao Tail's cheek, his crooked eyes were clean and penetrating, and his fair face had delicate features, and said, "Xiao Wei, thank you."

Little Tail looked back at Yutu, took her hand and nodded in reply: "Then go and come back quickly."

The air in the jungle is humid and dull, and the rainy season accounts for most of the weather. The roots of the stones are covered with moss, which look like scars from a distance.

The emerald green Xiangfei bamboo swayed violently, and the thick white fog twisted into a ball like a whirlpool and swirled above their heads.

The breath became more and more intense and familiar.Da Da's eyes were red in an instant, she grasped Qin Ling's hand tightly, and said in a low voice, "Xian Jun...don't let me go."

Qin Ling firmly grasped her hand, hugged her into his arms, and watched the increasingly dark sky vigilantly.

The bamboo forest rustled, twisting together more and more crazily. Gradually, the white fog turned into black, and the sky and the earth became darker. Da Da was trembling uneasily. The brain is in turmoil.

"Ah!" She screamed, covering her ears with her hands and shaking her head vigorously.

Qin Ling eagerly held her shoulders and stared at her tranquility. He opened and closed his mouth to say something, but he couldn't hear any sound. The ear-piercing voice was screaming crazily in her brain, and she couldn't stop it. come down!


She put down her hands wearily, slowly closed her eyes, and when she opened them again, everything was quiet.

"Lian Shu... Lian Shu... Lian Shu... Lian Shu..."

She heard someone calling her name, not Qin Ling, but... Sanskrit.

A long time ago, Qin Ling asked her: "Do you like caves or bamboo forests? Do you like small rivers or the sea?"

He asked him in a puzzled manner, "Why do you ask that?"

Qin Ling replied: "It's been too long to wander around the world, we have to find a place where no one cares about to calm down and practice."

She was unhappy, and she pursed her mouth aggrievedly: "I don't want to practice, it's boring and hard."

Qin Ling comforted her patiently: "Even if you can fly into the sky with your current cultivation, those three thunderbolts are extremely dangerous. If you are not careful, you will lose your soul."

But she still didn't appreciate it, threw her temper at things, and yelled at Qin Ling: "I don't want to! You are always so overbearing, I don't want to become a fairy, and I don't want to be with you! Let Tian Lei kill you!" I'll forget it!" Her heart was as rebellious as adolescence.

She was wronged, and ran to the forest to cry, and when she fell asleep from exhaustion, she dreamed of Sanskrit.

Sanskrit said, "Lianshu, how about I teach you spells to defend yourself?"

She was having fun with the Persian cat, and she replied without raising her head, "No! Isn't there Sanskrit, why should I be afraid?"

Fanyin's expression faded, and he said coldly: "What if one day I'm not here? Lianshu, don't rely on anyone, it will hurt you."

She didn't care, got up from the ground and hugged Fanyin's neck and acted like a baby at him: "If you are not here, I will die with you."

Sanskrit stared blankly, and pushed her away forcefully.

She was startled, and sat on the ground looking at Sanskrit, her eyes were red with grievance, she looked at him motionless, but dared not say a word.

Sanskrit stared at her for a while, then left without looking back.

Only then did she become frightened, quickly got up from the ground, chased after her, and asked eagerly, "Fanyin, what's the matter with you?

She anxiously called his name, her tears were fierce, and her crying became louder and louder.

She just felt that Fanyin didn't want her anymore, and her heart ached unbearably.

"Sanskrit..." Finally, she let go of her hand, stood behind him and watched his back as he left in a hurry, and called out softly.

The high walls of the palace and the burning clouds in the sky were about to merge into one. She was like a confused child, standing there blankly, looking down at the tenacious life under her feet, the flowers growing from the cracks in the rocks.

A tiny sigh slid into her ear along the wind, and she raised her head in surprise, "Sanskrit!"

The handsome face was full of helplessness, she looked at Fanyin's reddish eye sockets at a loss, and didn't understand why.

Sanskrit waved at her, and she quickly threw herself into his arms, crying aggrievedly: "You scared me! You scared me!"

Fanyin stroked her smooth long hair, she could feel his hands still trembling slightly, and only heard the cold voice softly ringing in her ears: "Lianshu...don't say such dejected words, if I die , you also have to live well."

When she woke up from the dream, she felt flustered. The face in the dream turned into Qin Ling. She hurt Qin Ling's heart belatedly, and when she thought about it, she felt extremely regretful.

But in that dream, she never said sorry to Sanskrit. She didn't learn what hurt, but unintentionally made Sanskrit so painful.

Seeing Sanskrit again, she couldn't tell whether it was a dream or reality. At this moment, she couldn't hate her, she just felt that she had treated him so badly.

 From now on, it will be changed to 2000 words per chapter, so that it can be directly published as a chapter.ok, good night

(End of this chapter)

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