Chief Adorable Immortal: Lord Xianjun's little monster

Chapter 177 The Jealous Little Pinellia

Chapter 177 The Jealous Little Pinellia
"Why did you appear here..." she trembled.She thought a lot about the reunion with Sanskrit, a person she had avoided for so many years.She has seen Sanskrit's mana in her previous life, and she is not surprised that he can live for thousands of years.

There was a trace of bitterness at the corner of Fanyin's mouth, and he waved to her as he did many years ago: "Lianshu..."

She couldn't help walking towards him and holding his outstretched hand, but the feeling of nothingness made her tremble all over, and she suddenly raised her head: "You?"

"I have no entity." Sanskrit smiled bitterly, "I have already become a ghost, no, I don't even have a soul, and I don't even know what I am."

"How could this be?" Her heart trembled, and a touch of regret spread out in her heart.

Sanskrit shook his head: "We don't have much time, Lianshu, I just saw you to tell you, don't get to the bottom of it, or you will be wiped out."

"Why?" She didn't understand, and looked at him in confusion.

"Don't ask why, I have to go, remember what I said." He already felt that Qin Ling was about to break through his illusion, so he hurriedly left.

"Wait a minute." Da Da grabbed the hem of his clothes, and asked with cautious expectation in his bright starry eyes, "Tell me, why did you abandon me..."

His long eyelashes fluttered, and tears came down. He turned around to look at Da Da, his lips moved, and he said after a long time: "I'm sorry..."

"No! I don't want your sorry! Tell me, why!" Her voice couldn't help raising, and her eyes became angry.

Sanskrit stared at her, and said sadly, "Why do you bother to know, to disturb your heart now?"

"Because my nature is like this, if you don't hit the south wall and don't look back, you should know me very well." She turned her face away, suppressed the flushed eyes, and whispered: "No, maybe I have changed, yes , I am finally no longer that idiot who doesn't know anything, but a fool who only knows how to hit a wall!"

Sanskrit finally couldn't bear it anymore, hugged her tightly in his arms, and kept kissing her cheek.

Da Da was indifferent, although her heart would still be rippling for the Sanskrit sound, but it would no longer be pounding for his kiss.She loved Qin Ling more than when she loved Sanskrit.

"Have you ever thought that it's not me..." Sanskrit asked with difficulty.

"It's not you?" Da Da pushed him away, raised his eyes and looked at her in astonishment.

Sanskrit remained silent, but he told Da Da with his eyes that it was what she thought.

"It turned out to be Kai noodles..." Da Da smiled wryly, "Why is that? Why did you treat me like this..."

"Maybe there are many facts that you can't accept, but Lianshu... your destiny has been set a long time ago, and you were born for it." Sanskrit stroked her long hair, "Just like Yuan Fortunately, you are so similar."

"Yuan Xing... what do you mean by that?"

Sanskrit shook his head at her: "I should go, remember my words, don't pursue all the truth, just like the No.70 second door you opened, maybe if you open it this time, it will be a scourge that will swallow you up." As he spoke, his figure faded away.

"The truth...what the hell is the truth!" Damn the truth, why did it leave her so much confusion, so that she didn't know what to do next, just like the thick black fog, trapping her in this mountain forest If you can't get out, no one else can get in.

"Da da!" Qin Ling eagerly called her name.

Those dish-like eyelashes trembled, and she slowly opened her eyes. Her heart was turned upside down, and she felt that the truth was only one step away from her.

Yuan Xing... what exactly does it mean...

"Da Da, are you okay?" Qin Ling hugged her tightly, "I'm sorry, this time you had an accident in front of my eyes, I'm sorry Da Da! I didn't protect you well!" When he sensed Da Da's soul was trapped in another barrier, it was like a blow to the head, Da Da was actually sucked out of his soul in his arms.

"It's not your fault, it's my own willingness to go." Otherwise, under Qin Ling's protection, Sanskrit would never be able to do it.

"Who is that person?" Qin Ling asked.

"I also want to know..." Da Da's eyes were blank, and he murmured, "I don't know such a close and familiar person, and I don't even know if I know him or not..."

Qin Ling frowned, and kissed Da Da's pale pink lips soothingly: "Look at me Da Da, be good, don't think about anything."

The clear pupils were slowly aimed at Qin Ling's face, and the big tears poured out unpreparedly. She said, "I feel like I have been trapped in a chess game, and I am one of the chess pieces. Sanskrit Said, I was born for this, Xianjun... I don't want to be a pawn, I'm afraid..."

Qin Ling smiled softly at her, and stroked its fur like comforting a frightened cat: "No, you are not a pawn, you are my answer, it is my baby Pinellia, it is Yuan Xing's mother is my wife."

She said: "Yes, we are married, and I am the wife of Xianjun!" Thinking of this, she couldn't help but curl her lips: "Xianjun, we are married, we are married, we are married..." She whispered in his ear, over and over again, only thinking that these were the most beautiful love words in the world.

Suddenly, as if awakened from a start, she straightened up and looked at Qin Ling seriously, and asked seriously, "What should the eighth princess do?"

Qin Ling pinched her pouting lips uncontrollably, and couldn't help laughing: "You are the only wife of mine, what do you think should I do?"

Da Da sighed dejectedly: "She really loves you, and the eighth princess is also very pitiful."

Qin Ling dismissed it, and snorted coldly in her heart, do they have a pinellia flower that takes pity on me?But he said: "Then what should I do? Let me go to her."

Da Da shouted unhappily: "No!" After thinking about it, his hands trembled, and he looked at Qin Ling angrily: "Why are you facing her! Xianjun! I hate you!"

Qin Ling couldn't help smiling, and pressed the angry lion into his arms and rubbed her cheek affectionately.

Da Da panicked immediately, and the flames, no matter how high they were, were all extinguished with a single sound.She pursed her mouth: "I'm angry when you say that."

Qin Ling said helplessly: "You know how to be angry, why do you feel sorry for the eighth princess? You know that you will hurt her, so you just make up your mind and don't care about anything. Naturally, I will arrange everything."

Da Da sighed, and retorted softly: "Then you can't say that, I'm very sad."

"Small jar, vinegar jar." Qin Ling laughed.

"I'm jealous because I like you." Da Da said seriously with a small face.

Qin Ling bent his eyes, his handsome eyebrows looked like a fairy in a painting, and his slender index finger couldn't help but climbed onto her shoulder. Qin Ling whispered in her ear, "Da Da...I miss you so much."

This time, Da Da seemed to understand the meaning of his words, his cheeks blushed instantly, and the hand holding him seemed to have no strength, and it fell limply on his waist.

 Finish today, continue tomorrow
(End of this chapter)

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