Chapter 178 Mantis Catching Cicadas
When Da Da and Qin Ling arrived at the battlefield, it was obvious that the barrier had been repaired, and Qin Ling suddenly felt something was wrong, so he quickly crossed the barrier with Da Da.

Immortal Zhenxu lay on the ground, Yutu lay on top of him and cried heart-rendingly, Da Da choked for breath, and quickly ran to Yutu and hugged her: "How could this happen, how could Immortal Zhenxu die? What..." Her eyes were red, and tears fell.

Yutu glared at her angrily: "What nonsense are you talking about?"

Da Da was taken aback for a moment, and said blankly "Ah?", pointed at Zhen Xu and asked, "He he he he he is not dead?"

"Of course he's not dead!" Jade Rabbit looked and answered speechlessly.

"Then why are you crying?" she answered in a nasty voice.

"Master was seriously injured. I've been here for so long, but he still hasn't woken up. I'm worried..." Yutu sniffled and looked at Dongli: "Is there anything the Immortal Dongli can do?"

Dong Li shook his head at her: "The one with the strongest healing ability is the Tu family. If Xianjun Zhenxu can't heal himself, then I can't."

Little Tail interjected: "Tutu, don't worry, Xianjun just won't wake up for a while, and it's not like he won't wake up forever, just be patient."

Yutu lowered his head, lying down on the ground unwillingly and calling him: "Master! Master! Open your eyes and look at me!"

Qin Ling looked at Dongli, his face was a little pale, the Shui tribe didn't participate in the battle, so it was too much for Dongli to support the barrier on the battlefield.Qin Ling quickly cast magic power to stabilize the barrier, and Dong Li suddenly felt light, and the heavy feeling disappeared.

Qin Ling asked, "Did Kai Mian appear?"

Dong Li shook his head: "The elders of several factions of the Demon Race have all gone to the battlefield, but Kai Mian did not appear."

"It seems that he didn't get the magic flute." Qin Ling frowned, puzzled, if it wasn't for Kuimian, who would have stolen the magic flute?
After calling in the lieutenant general, Qin Ling asked about the situation on the battlefield. The heavenly soldiers suffered heavy losses, and Kai Mian summoned many yin soldiers with his own magic power.Fortunately, he didn't get the magic flute. Otherwise, with his current magic power, he could use the magic flute to summon all the Yin soldiers. At that time, Jiu Chongtian would really be unable to keep it.

"The Jade Emperor has sent support, and the gods of all counties and cities have arrived on the battlefield. We want to annihilate Kai before he gets the magic flute." The lieutenant general said.

Qin Ling was stunned, and was shocked: "What! The gods of the county have all reached the battlefield?"

Dong Li was also surprised, and hurriedly said: "How can you be so careless, the gods of the county and city are all important generals guarding Jiuchongtian, so Jiuchongtian would be at a loss!"

"Too bad!" Qin Ling looked anxious, "I'm afraid it's the mantis catching the cicada, and the oriole is behind!"

The lieutenant general heard, "Then, what should we do?"

"Who gave this order?" Qin Ling's sharp eyes flashed a cold light. It seemed that the man behind Jiu Chongtian could not help but show up soon.

"Yes, it's the Queen Mother of the West." Beads of sweat broke out on the lieutenant's forehead.

Qin Ling was taken aback, how could it be her aunt?He frowned and looked at Dongli.

Dong Li said: "It seems that we have to go back to Jiuchongtian."

Qin Ling nodded: "The battlefield is no longer here, but in Jiuchongtian."

"Thirty thousand elite troops will be reduced immediately, and I will return to Jiuchongtian with my lord. The three gods of the county and city with the word "year", the word "an" and the word "an" will accompany me. In addition, the four gods with the word "autumn", the word "rain" and the word "white" will be left to guard the battlefield, and the remaining gods will stand by at Beitianmen. .” Qin Ling immediately gave the order that this war would end if he failed, but this last battle was extremely difficult.

Jade Rabbit stayed behind to take care of Immortal Zhenxu, and Qin Ling Dongli took Da Da and Xiaowei back to Queen Mother Xi to find out the truth.

The fiery heat of Yachongtian still made Da Da overwhelmed, and Xiao Tai could only rely on Dong Li's protection to keep cool.

Looking around, there was no heavenly soldier guarding the entrance of the Yachongtian, which made the secret path uncomfortable and frowned.

"Aunt is not here." Qin Ling said.He couldn't feel the fairy spirit of Queen Mother Xi floating.

"Let's go back to Jiuchongtian and report this to the Jade Emperor," Dong Li suggested.

"Immortal Qin Ling, Immortal Dongli?" The heavenly soldiers of Nantianmen looked at them in astonishment: "Isn't Immortal Qin Ling supposed to be on the battlefield?"

"I have something important to report when I come back this time." Qin Ling replied, and then asked, "Is there anything unusual in Jiuchongtian recently?"

Tianbing replied respectfully: "Go back to Xianjun, everything is normal in Jiuchongtian, but Baoyao floated once recently."

Dongli frowned and looked at Qin Ling: "If Baoyao doesn't float once, one of the immortals will die."

"Then we'll see whether it's the mastermind behind the scenes, or I, Qin Ling." He snorted coldly, his dark eyes showing a bit of hostility.

Da Da hugged his arm uneasily, and gently stroked his slender fingers.

Qin Ling lowered his head and gave her a comforting smile: "Don't worry, I won't leave you."

Dongli said: "Don't say such frustrating words yet, you and I will go to see the Jade Emperor first, and let Da Da and Xiao Wei go back to the Water God Temple first."

Qin Ling's shrine can't go now, and there is an embarrassing eighth princess inside, and she doesn't want to face it even if she wants to come and answer.Qin Ling had no choice but to nod: "Da Da, you and Xiaowei don't run around, no matter who it is, don't reveal a word about the fact that there is a traitor in Jiuchongtian."

Da Da solemnly nodded and agreed, while the little tail blinked and asked, "What if Sister Chang'e asks?"

Dongli touched her little head, and said, "No one else."

Little Tail snorted, and pouted with some dissatisfaction: "Jiu Chongtian has also become so scary."

Da Da hugged her affectionately, and said solemnly: "Little tail, don't be afraid, I will protect you."

The petal-like face of the small tail raised slightly, and he smiled with his eyes bent: "Da Da, you are so kind."

The Water God Temple was no longer bustling as before, Xiaowei and Brother Xian went down to earth, Dongshi just felt abandoned, lonely, and didn't even have the desire to make trouble.He spends all day reading in the study room, and occasionally wanders around in Qin Ling's shrine.He doesn't like the eighth princess, she snatched the place of answering, but the snacks made by the eighth princess are really delicious, he always warns himself not to be greedy and forget the position, but when he smells the faint fragrance, he can't help stretching It has a long neck and pokes in.

"Things, things!" Little Tail happily ran into the door, turned around, and asked the fairy attendant beside him, "Where did things go?"

The fairy servant replied: "Mr. Xuan Qing went to the temple."

"Ah? What did he go to the temple of Lord Qin Ling?" Xiaowei was not very happy: "Could it be that he went to see the eighth princess?"

The fairy servant was taken aback by her, and whispered: "The eighth princess has made some desserts, please let Mrs. Xuan Qing taste them."

This time, Little Tail was so angry that she yelled: "Little thing with no conscience!" She rolled up her sleeves and walked around the hall with her hips on her hips, saying incessantly, "Don't be angry, I will be fine!" Teach the little one a lesson!"

Da Da held the little tail dumbfoundingly: "What are you doing? The eighth princess has no bad intentions."

 Finish today, continue tomorrow.Praise me, praise me, there are updates every day~ I am so proud.

(End of this chapter)

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