Chapter 183 Decision Making
The flowing clouds in the Nine Heavens gradually turned gray, and the miasma of the Yin soldiers was so powerful that the flower fairies in the heaven couldn't bear it any longer. After eating the elixir, they are only a little energetic, and there are still some little fairies who have just become immortals, as well as the immortal servants of Yunjianfang, who cannot stand the attack of this miasma and cannot move.

"Did Immortal Qin Ling see the situation of Jiuchongtian?" Jade Emperor frowned.

Qin Ling whispered, "Jade Emperor, wait patiently for a few more days."

The Jade Emperor snorted softly, closed his eyes, and said slowly: "The longer the time drags on, the more the Yin soldiers can resist the purple light of the heavens and strengthen their combat effectiveness, and the Jiuchongtian will be in danger. At this time, you call How can I wait?"

"Did the Jade Emperor ever think that if it doesn't show up, what if we just start killing it? It will never end the trouble." Qin Ling said this presumptuously, but the Jade Emperor was not in the mood to argue with him. The Nine Heavens were at stake. How could he care about Qin Ling's attitude when he moved his whole body at once?

"I do have a doubter." The Jade Emperor suddenly said.

Qin Ling quickly raised his head to look at him, only to hear the Jade Emperor sigh and ponder for a while before saying, "If I told you that this person is Da Da, what would you do?"

Qin Ling didn't hesitate for a moment, and answered bluntly, "Impossible."

"Is there anything impossible?" The corners of Jade Emperor's eyes raised slightly, and he glanced at him with a half-smile.

Qin Ling was stunned by the Jade Emperor's words. He opened his mouth, but couldn't utter a word.

The Jade Emperor looked at him, shook his head at him, and said, "I just asked a casual question, so you can listen to it casually."

Qin Ling didn't make a sound, his eyes were half downcast and he was thinking.

"Jade Emperor... I have a suggestion." Qin Ling thought about this suggestion for a long time, but felt that it was actually mature now.

Unexpectedly, the Jade Emperor snorted coldly and said, "Impossible!" He naturally understood what Qin Ling's suggestion was, asking him to go to Mei Yan to compromise, it was impossible, if he didn't love his sister Fan Chu, how could he be like Mei Yan? Yan wished to keep them together.But that Meiyan was not satisfied, the Meizu tribe who wanted him to release the seal even broke into the underworld!It is absolutely impossible for him to bow his head to Meiyan this time!

"I am ashamed that my own strength is not weak. Now that Jiuchongtian is facing the enemy, although it does not mean that it will definitely fail, but there is a possibility of failure. Jade Emperor, you know what this failure means. If we cooperate with Meizu, we will not have a single battle." There is a possibility of total failure. If the demons win, there will be an overwhelming destruction in this world, the balance will be broken, and the consequences will be out of control." Qin Ling knew very well that the Jade Emperor had the same idea as him , just can't let go of his dignity.

Seeing that the Jade Emperor was silent, Qin Ling said again: "Meiyan has something to ask the Jade Emperor, why doesn't the Jade Emperor let the situation go?" When he said this, the Jade Emperor naturally understood what he meant.

"I will discuss this matter with Immortal Dongli, and only wait for the Jade Emperor to nod." Qin Ling continued, already fully sure of the result in his heart.

Sure enough, "Since Lord Qin Ling has already made a decision, I will do it according to your wishes." Jade Emperor said, he knew it was the best.

Qin Ling bowed his hands and retreated. When he walked to the door, the little fairy boy had been waiting for a long time. When he saw Qin Ling coming out, he quickly stepped forward; "Xianjun, does the Jade Emperor agree?"

 There are some things about Xiaowei and Meiyan in the back. If you like to marry a wife, you should look forward to it as a child's shoe for Su Xiaobai~
(End of this chapter)

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