Chapter 184 Chaos Begins
Qin Ling nodded to him, his handsome features couldn't help but smile, and the fairy boy grinned happily, and quickly drove the auspicious cloud to inform Dongli.

Little Tail has been troubled by Modi's affairs in Meizu for a long time, and she is most afraid of such a dilemma.This time, it is finally a chance to make Meizu and Jiuzhongtian get along for a while.

Dongli came to the temple to pick up Xiaowei and go back to Meizu. Things originally wanted to go with them, but the Jiuchongtian was full of yin soldiers, and it would be dangerous to take Xiaowei out. Adding another thing would increase the danger.It was impossible for Dongli to take this risk, and if it wasn't for the seriousness of the matter, he wouldn't let Xiaowei take this risk.

Jiuchongtian's clouds and turmoil became more and more violent, Jiuchongtian's purple light couldn't resist for too long, so it had to be resolved quickly.

The hall was full of immortals, and the heavenly soldiers and generals also surrounded it several floors.The Jade Emperor stood on the 99 steps and looked outside, his eyes narrowed slightly, his heart filled with emotions, and a sense of exhaustion spontaneously emerged.This Nine Heavens is always like this. When it is calm, the years are like stones, as if they have solidified into a reef by the sea, and they do not move, but the waves invade one layer after another, going round and round, as if there is no end. Difficult, boring, and deeply sad.

It is said that being happy is like a fairy, which is the yearning of a limited life for the infinite, but if you live for too long, how can you be tireless?

Dongli returned to Meizu with a small tail, and along the way he saw the flaming Phoenix Mountain, like a sea of ​​flames.A trace of uneasiness flashed across Junxiu's eyes, and he swooped down quickly with his small tail.

Little Tail hugged his arm tightly and said, "That Phoenix Mountain is so scary."

Dong Li patted her on the back and comforted her: "Don't be afraid, brother Xian'er will protect you."

"Mom, something happened to the Fenghuang family? How could the flame of rebirth burn down the whole mountain?" Thinking of that annoying little Fenghuang, the little tail didn't think he was so annoying anymore, but thought that he was still good at heart, so He urged: "Brother Xian'er, let's hurry up."

The flame of Nirvana will not be extinguished easily, if it is extinguished, the rebirth of the phoenix will fail.But the phoenixes in the entire Phoenix Mountain are reborn in Nirvana, which is a bit wrong.

Dongli sniffed the smell in the air, frowned, and said, "It's the breath of the demons, but it's a bit strange."

"What's so strange? What did you do when you came to Phoenix Mountain?" Little Tail asked.

"No, it's not ashamed, it's someone else from the Demon Race, and that person has powerful mana, and besides, there is another aura, which is outside the six realms." Dong Li said, his face suddenly changed, "Oops !" He whispered: "The reincarnation of the Phoenix family has been stolen!"


"The staff of reincarnation, the fairy weapon of the Phoenix clan, can regenerate the last strand of spirit wandering outside the six realms. But the staff of reincarnation must not be used without the order of the Jade Emperor, otherwise the Phoenix clan will burn themselves." Dong Dong Li explained.As for why it burns itself, this matter has to start from the beginning of chaos.Phoenix was so proud that he refused to obey Chi You and set up his own family.The leader of the Phoenix clan fought with Chi You for tens of thousands of years before deciding the outcome. He subdued the Phoenix clan for his own use, sealed the staff of reincarnation, and ordered: "The Phoenix clan guards the staff until the sky and the earth are empty. If the staff touches it, the phoenix will die. .”

Phoenix's Nirvana is a new beginning. If the whole clan starts Nirvana, although it will not be destroyed, it will take tens of thousands of years to recover.

 The author himself doesn't know much about myths and stories, they are all made up randomly, don't pay too much attention to the details, just read it later.

(End of this chapter)

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