Chapter 185 Send back to Meizu
The Phoenix Mountain was bleak, and the burnt flowers were wailing bitterly. Dongli cast a spell to shrink his little tail and put it in his sleeve, and said in a low voice, "Be more obedient, don't stick your head out to look." He didn't want to let These miserable flowers broke Little Tail's heart.

Dongli summoned the Dragon King to rain on Phoenix Mountain, and applied fairy spirits to the elves of Phoenix Mountain, which made Phoenix Mountain more peaceful. It's a pity that those Phoenixes have to continue to suffer, and only get back the reincarnation staff. The flame will stop.

"Brother Xian'er, have you found the Phoenix Crown Prince?" Little Tail still couldn't hold back, and struggled to get out of his sleeves, looking at Dongli with bright black eyes.

Dongli reprimanded: "Didn't I tell you to stay inside obediently?"

Little Tail pursed his mouth aggrievedly: "It's pitch black inside, it's so boring."

Dongli was helpless, stretched out his palm comfortingly, and let the little tail lie on his palm.

Little Tail hugged his finger and bit it lightly, complaining: "You attacked me just now."

Dongli gently stroked her head with her fingertips: "I'm sorry, but you don't listen to me."

Rubbing his fingertips, the little tail replied, "I'll listen, I'll listen."

"Then let's go, I'll take you back to Meizu, little tail, you must come back." Dongli couldn't help but sighed in his heart, if Meiyan refused to cooperate, Xiaowei, as the princess of Meizu, would be the princess of Meizu in the future. I can't go back to heaven.Meizu originally disapproved of him being with Xiaowei, fearing that he would be successful.

Xiaowei always thinks about problems simply, and only thinks that Meiyan will definitely agree, so he is not as sad as Dongli, just like every time he used to go home to live.

Sending the little tail to the gate, Dongli endured and endured, still hugged the little tail from behind, and sniffed her neck greedily.

"Brother Xian'er, what's wrong with you?" Xiao Wei turned around curiously, but Dong Li stopped him and said, "Don't look back."

"Why?" Little Tail didn't understand, but he was still obedient and didn't turn his head back. He just stretched his hand behind to touch Dong Li's face.

"You must come back." Dongli asked again.

Little Tail nodded, as if infected by Dongli, she also became a little sad. She twitched her pantothenic nose and said loudly: "I will definitely come back."

Dong Li sighed in her ear, finally let go of her hand, and said, "Go."

Little Tail only felt that the back of the warmth had become a bit cold. She stood there and waited for a while, but she didn't hear Dong Li's voice, and then turned around. But she just felt empty in her heart, because Dong Li just left.

The guard outside the door saw Little Tail coming back, and bowed his hands in salute, but didn't let her in.

Little Tail asked anxiously: "Why are you stopping me? Are the Emperor Father and Queen Mother not here?"

The guard looked at her in embarrassment, and replied, "Both the king and queen are here, but the king himself gave an order not to let the princess in."

When Little Tail heard it, tears welled up in her eyes, she didn't understand why her father didn't let her go home, she just felt as if she had been abandoned.

"Get out of the way quickly, you must have misheard, I want to go in and see my dad." She prefers to be called Mei Yan's daddy rather than the word father.

"Princess, don't embarrass us. It is indeed the order that the king personally gave us. As for the reason, the king said that the fake princess came back, so he asked her which one she would choose?" The guard couldn't bear it, but the choice was sooner or later to face.

 I have been a bit busy running around these two days, but it will be fine tomorrow, and the two shifts will resume, so let’s do it today.ok, good night everyone

(End of this chapter)

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