Chapter 186 Persecution
A long time ago, she sat outside the door and waited for Dongli. She didn't remember her brother Xian'er, she just felt that she couldn't wait for the person she wanted, and felt like a cat was scratching her heart.

Little Tail's mood at this time was the same as that at that time, looking at the familiar door, he felt a coldness in his heart, and his hands and feet trembled.

Why is this happening?She was thinking in a daze, as if she had vaguely sensed Dong Li's mood just now, they were all forcing her to make a choice, weren't they?Otherwise, why did Dad ask the guard to ask her like this?

Little Tail sat outside the door in a daze, hugging her knees and shivering.

"Lili." A sigh resounded not far away, her watery eyes were filled with heartache, and she couldn't help walking over to pull her up. Fan Chu understood Mei Yan's thoughts, but she couldn't see such a pitiful little tail. appearance.

"Why?" Little Tail didn't call her, but only looked at her with those clear eyes.

Fan Chu's heart ached, she couldn't help lowering her eyes and not looking at her, and said softly: "Your father didn't do it on purpose, don't blame him."

Little Tail bit his lower lip, but did not shed tears, and looked at her silently.

Fan Chu pursed her lips, but still couldn't help sighing again, and said, "Come on, I'll take you to see Daddy."

The little tail lowered its head, and followed Fan Chu step by step to walk inward. The guards stared at the front intently, as if there were no two people.

Meizu's palace is lonely and gorgeous, different from Jiuchongtian's low-key comfort, here are the most beautiful red lotus, wall-climbing roses, purple window screens, black couch, but here is sparsely populated, Meizu's people are suppressed Under the eighteen layers of hell, use the mountain of resentment and pain accumulated by those tortured souls to suppress them.

Filling up the wine glass, she drank it all in one gulp, looking at the empty palace, Mei Yan felt as if a stone was pressing on her chest.His people are still suffering, but he... will soon be able to release the Meizu people in a glorious manner, allowing them to stand proudly in the Six Realms as they did thousands of years ago.

"Daddy." Little Tail stood beside Fan Chu and shouted.

Mei Yan was taken aback, glanced at Fan Chu, frowned slightly and said, "What are you bringing her in for?"

Fan Chu clenched his fists, and looked at him stubbornly without saying a word.

Mei Yan sighed, Fan Chu's stubbornness, he has already understood it thousands of times, and Xiao Wei is the same as her, when he is really angry, he doesn't speak.

Mei Yan said: "Ah Chu, I'm sorry, I thought you understood me..."

Fan Chu was startled, bit her lower lip, and said with tears in her eyes: "It's because I understand, so I pretend I don't know anything, but Lili is my daughter, I can't do it!"

Mei Yan was silent for a moment, and waved her hand to trap the little tail in the barrier, the barrier was floating in the air like a transparent crystal ball, the little tail patted the wall of the barrier anxiously, but couldn't get out no matter what, Not even the sound of the outside world can be heard.

Meiyan then said: "Ah Chu, the people of Meizu are still in pain. As the king of Meizu, this is my responsibility. Lili may be wronged, but this is only temporary, and she will not Hate us, Lili can understand."

"No! If you don't let her go home, or even use her to force Immortal Dongli, even if she won't hate you, she will remember it in her heart for a long time. This is a scar!" Fan Chu looked at him pleadingly.

Mei Yan became ruthless, and continued: "They used their little tails to force us! Dong Li sent her here with his own hands, how could he be less cruel than us!"

 Poor little tail~
(End of this chapter)

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