Chapter 187 You Don't Want Me
Fan Chu lowered his eyes in pain, and said in a hoarse voice, "It's because Immortal Dongli is already like this that we want to bring Lili back. If we don't want her, Lili will have no home..."

Fan Chu's words made Mei Yan's heart ache, but she still insisted on her own decision: "This is a wrestling match, whoever lets go first will lose."

Fan Chu raised his head and said in a trembling voice, "Are you really going to do this?"

"It's impossible for Dongli to give up on her. He will definitely go to the Jade Emperor himself. When the time comes, I want the Meizu to be reborn in the world. It's not that the Jade Emperor has shown mercy to let our Meizu people live! Ten thousand years ago He owes me Meizu, and I want him to pay back every penny!" Mei Yan's eyes turned red, and she became more determined that her method was correct.

Fan Chu shook his head and didn't make another sound.She already understood that no matter what she said Mei Yan would never give up.She knew that the balance in Xiao Wei's heart would be tilted because of this, and she would never be able to love them more as Mei Yan hoped.

The little tail watched Fan Chu go out, but felt a chill in his heart, and shouted loudly: "Mother!"

Fan Chu raised his head to look at her, shed tears, and then disappeared before her eyes.

Xiaowei panicked for a while, not knowing what Meiyan said to her, Mother would leave without her.

Mei Yan tapped her finger lightly, and a hole was broken in the barrier, Little Tail struggled to crawl out of it, and Mei Yan said indifferently: "What are you doing back?"

Xiaowei got up from the ground, hugged his arm and asked aggrievedly: "Why doesn't Daddy let Lili go home?"

Meiyan mercilessly shook off Xiaowei's arm, and said coldly: "The thing you brought back last time, do you know how important it is to Meizu?" In fact, it was just that he deliberately let Xiaowei take away.

Thinking of the magic flute, Little Tail felt guilty, bowed his head and said, "I...I...I took it to Brother Xian'er..."

Mei Yan snorted, and said with a serious face: "You go, don't come back."

Tears rolled and rolled in Xiaowei's eye sockets, and finally fell down. She lost her temper and said, "I don't! I won't go back! You all force me! You! You..." She turned pale with anger and waved her hand over The black carved spirit stone on the table.

Meiyan raised her hand, looked at Xiaowei's stubborn eyes, her heart ached, but she still swung it down.

Little Tail felt that this slap hit her fragile heart directly, making her internal organs ache.

Mei Yan clenched his fists, endured and endured, just when he thought he couldn't help hugging Xiaowei, Xiaowei finally turned and ran away.

The world is just a beautiful scene, the shade of willows is full of buds, the Qinhuai ten-mile incense shop, the famous talented man rides a horse leaning on the inclined bridge, and the incense shop is full of red sleeves.

Xiaowei sat on the sycamore tree and looked down, crying aggrievedly.

They don't want her anymore.This realization made her tremble.

"Girl, why are you on the tree?" At some time, the talented man on horseback stopped under the tree and looked up at her.

Little Tail choked up, and blurted out: "Brother Yaoyang..."

A long time ago, when Little Tail was still Su Xiaobai, she was a soul seducer in the world.The master gave her a pipa, which was called Hun Duan, and it was the sound used to send off ghosts.

Su Xiaobai doesn't like to play the pipa, she only likes to climb trees with her senior brother Xu Yaoyang.One day, she secretly cut the strings of the pipa, causing the strings to be broken, and then pretended to play too hard and the strings broke.

 Uh... well, I'm the stepmother... By the way, Xu Yaoyang finally popped out~ Okay, okay, let's not talk nonsense, today is over, tomorrow will continue
(End of this chapter)

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