Chapter 188 Little Tail and Talent
Su Xiaobai was not so delicate. When she was young, she went to catch wild cats on the mountain, and she didn't cry when she was scratched by the cat. She was so proud that she hugged the cat and showed it to Xu Yaoyang. Xu Yaoyang was so angry that he hung the cat on the It took a long time to toss on the tree outside the door before releasing it to the forest.

But the strings of the pipa were as sharp as a knife, and the ten fingers connected to the heart made Su Xiaobai cry so loudly.But this time, instead of sympathizing with her, the master asked her to kneel in the cave.

Su Xiaobai was so wronged that she felt pain in her heart. When Xu Yaoyang secretly stuffed her with chicken legs, she called him for the first time: "Brother Yaoyang..."

Xu Yaoyang was so moved that he almost shed tears. He watched Su Xiaobai grow up, but he had never heard her call him brother so obediently.

It's a pity that the emotion has not been brewed enough, Su Xiaobai directly shattered his fantasy, and complained: "Senior brother, people who practice Taoism should eat less meat dishes, why are you tempting me with chicken legs! Tell me! What are your intentions!" Su Xiaobai glared at him after eating the last bit of chicken and licking the bone from head to tail.

Xu Yaoyang wanted to cry but had no tears, he just felt thunder crackling!Then his little touches disappeared in smoke.

This time, she was more wronged than being punished for cutting her finger, but the talented man in front of her would not comfort her like he did a long time ago: "Why are you crying? It's so ugly, come here, try the suave big The smiling half-step maniac made by senior brother for you, the happiness has no limit, and you can't stop at all!"

She thought they would be together forever, but in the end they didn't fly together.She was brought back to Jiuchongtian by Dongli, while Xu Yaoyang stayed in the human world to search for Hongxiu, his floating life.He tried his best to connect the disconnected entanglements, but he had long since forgotten who he was and why he was in this world.

Every time the little tail was in his reincarnation, he would hide on the Sansheng Stone and cry secretly. Watching him drink Mengpo soup, and then forget all the past, he felt that Hongxiu's ten thousand years of hard labor had come to an end.

The last trace of Hongxiu's soul before disappearing was redeemed by Xu Yaoyang's exhausted spirit. On the road of reincarnation, they agreed not to let go when they were reincarnated, but Hongxiu pushed him into reincarnation alone on the Naihe Bridge, and she, He made an agreement with Po Meng for ten thousand years of hard labor in exchange for an eternal encounter.

She is always more infatuated than him, and always more greedy than him...

Many years later, she sat on a tree and cried. Someone asked her, "Girl, why are you crying?" But she couldn't answer, "I thought, I still have you."

They are nothing now, so the little tail can only wave to him: "Go quickly, don't meddle in your own business, or you will lose your life."

"Hey~ you, I care about you, but you curse me!" The familiar face spoke with different emphasis, which made Xiaowei feel even more uncomfortable, as if this piece of skin was occupied by other souls, and she I really want to drive this strange soul out and find her senior brother Yaoyang.

"One bite at a time, sour scholar!" Little Tail pursed his mouth, turned his head and stopped looking at him.

"I am my suave and suave number one scholar, but you have been called a sour scholar by your shameless tail. I haven't seen you for so many years, but this mouth is still so annoying!" Son fell from a tree.She stared at the gifted man dumbfounded, and then stammered for a long time before saying, "Do you remember me?"

The talented man slapped her pointing finger away with a folding fan, snorted, and said, "I haven't had Meng Po soup in this life."

The little tail was so excited that she shed tears, the snot and tears came down both ways, and all rubbed on the talented man's clothes. It took a long time to moan and cry, but the first sentence was: "Sister Hongxiu has been waiting for you for many years... ..."

The talented man was taken aback, and then pretended to be crazy and became stupid again: "Girls who just pounce on each other casually should be molested?"

Little Tail gritted his teeth resentfully, and roared, "Why are you pretending you don't know me again?"

The genius picked out his ears and asked loudly, "Ah? What are you talking about? I can't hear you!"

The little tail was discouraged, and the little heart was fermented soybeans, which swelled up instantly when he called him white-tailed, and then cooled down into pieces while he was pretending to be crazy.

But she felt a little pity for him, pity him, senior brother Yaoyang who didn't drink Mengpo soup.

It was almost dusk, Xiao Tail watched the gifted man get on the horse, his movements were chic and free, his slender back didn't look sad, but the setting sun that pretended to be affectionate outlined him with indescribable sadness.

She seemed to understand a little bit, he didn't say it, but he remembered it in his heart, he didn't say it because he didn't dare to say it, he was afraid that he would cry, he said that a man doesn't flick his tears easily, he despises himself who weeps.

The gifted scholar who had gone far away turned around at some point, and was as tall as she was standing on the tree branch while riding a horse.The talented man beckoned to her: "Come on, sit up, and you will know that you are a little beggar that no one wants. This number one scholar will take you in for a night."

Little Tail ignored the words 'little beggar', and happily jumped from the tree branch to the horse's back. The horse raised its front hooves and howled for a while, and then galloped like a gust of wind.

This feeling is so good, Little Tail closes her eyes and enjoys it, all kinds of things in the world emerge one by one in front of her eyes, the master with gray beard, the domineering Dabai, the sullen senior, the weird Zhuzhu and her mother, and her Chen An, whom she once liked, and Chen Shuang, who was bullied by her, and Xiao Linzi and Hongxiu, the little ghosts who followed her.

At this moment, Little Tail's heart is no longer so empty, and those who loved her will miss her forever.

A beautiful bright moon, a gifted scholar reciting poems in the courtyard in the middle of the night, instantly killing the heart of an ignorant girl who climbed the wall without sleeping in the middle of the night.Sitting on the roof, Little Tail looked at him shaking his head and yelled at him: "Wisdom, wit, do you want to come up and blow the wind?"

The gifted scholar snorted disdainfully, and spit out a word: "Vulgar!" Then he said: "It's not the wind that blows this number one scholar, it's loneliness."

Little Tail made a face at him, then lay back on the roof peacefully, looking at the stars in the sky, wondering if Brother Xian'er would come to pick her up?
Seeing that Dongli Xianjun came back alone, he quickly grabbed him and asked, "Why didn't you bring Xiao Tail back with you?"

Dongli shook his head sadly at her: "It's okay, at least she's safe."

Answer didn't understand why, she only knew that Xiaowei would be unhappy if she didn't see Immortal Dongli for a day, so she said: "Does the king of Meizu agree to cooperate? When will Xiaowei come back?"

 There is not much follow-up content for this book~ A new article is also in the works, do you want to read about ancient times or modern cities?Do you want a heroine similar to Xiaobai, or a silent and unpleasant heroine?Come on, come and leave a message to tell me.

(End of this chapter)

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