Chapter 189 Trust
If Meizu disagrees, what will Little Tail and Immortal Dongli do?The future has become hostile, no!Not to mention the future, I don't know if I can pass this level.Answering in his heart, his eyes dimmed.

Qin Ling held back and shook his head at her, signaling her not to ask Immortal Dongli any more.

Answer probably also knew that Dongli was feeling bad now, nodded repeatedly, and watched Immortal Dongli leave, only to feel that the back of Immortal Dongli, who was elegant and elegant in the past, looked a little embarrassed.

Qin Ling embraced Da Da in his arms, and said in a low voice; "Immortal Dongli must be the one who compromised first."

Da Da felt sad and didn't want to talk to him. She knew the reason why Xiaowei couldn't come back, and Qin Ling was part of it.

But after being silent for a while, Da Da couldn't help but said: "The Jade Emperor can't let go, Mei Yan wants dignity, they hurt Xiao Wei's heart because of this." She was very sad, Xiao Wei is her friend, she doesn't want Xiao Wei There is a hint of unpleasantness in the tail.

"You don't know what it's like if you're not in the position. As kings, what they lost is not only their own face and dignity, but also a race." Qin Ling explained.

"So Dongli Xianjun acquiesced to this approach?" Da Da said, biting his lower lip, and said: "Being a fairy is not happy at all."

Qin Ling nodded, and it took a long time before he whispered, "I'm sorry..."

"Sorry for what?" Answered the question.

Qin Ling shook his head, stretched out his hand to stroke her little head, rubbed it comfortably against his gentle palm, and said, "Xianjun, are you sorry for making me a fairy? I don't regret it at all. I'm just afraid that you turned me into a fairy, but left me alone in Jiuchongtian." Her bright eyes looked at him seriously.

Qin Ling smiled, and kissed her lips tenderly, but his heart was sour. He knew that Da Da was afraid, afraid that something would happen to him, but he couldn't guarantee anything now...

Daba seemed to understand that Qin Ling would not promise her easily, her eyes were red and red, but she still didn't shed tears.She sat on his lap and twisted her body, saying: "Xianjun, please carry me on your back, just like when I was a child."

Qin Ling stood up, "Okay."

Da Da lay on his back, and Qin Ling walked back and forth in the temple with her on his back, while the flowers and plants that were dazed by the miasma came to join in the fun at this time, and stretched their necks to look at them.

As Qin Ling walked slowly, the huge temple was as quiet as if he had fallen asleep.He felt that his back was getting wet slowly, and warm tears finally flowed down, and he was heartbroken.

"Da Da, don't cry, I promise you that I will come back safely, the war will end soon, and we will all be fine in the future." Qin Ling comforted.

Da Da wanted to be stubborn and shook his head: "You are lying, you know that it will never stop, the war will continue, even if there is no face, countless races will stand up and start a war against Jiu Chongtian. "

Nine Heavens stands at the highest end, a position that many races have been spying on for a long time.

Qin Ling opened his mouth, wanting to say something uplifting, but he didn't know how to speak, because he knew that what he said was correct.Maybe one day Jiuchongtian will fall, and then the world will be destroyed, and everything will start again, but in his heart, he is faintly excited.

Maybe I've lived too long, and I'm already tired of this kind of life.

On the hillside where weeds grow wildly, Little Tail sighs for the one hundred and first time.She seemed to be lost so easily. In fact, she could go back to Jiuchongtian, but she didn't, because Dongli didn't come to pick her up, and she wasn't even sure whether Dongli would drive her out after she went back by herself.Thinking of this, Little Tail couldn't help but get red eyes again.

The gifted man led the ox to graze on the hillside, saw the little tail cocking its legs and sighed from a distance, so he shouted loudly: "Xiaobai!"

The little tail got up from the ground and looked, the talented man was struggling to climb onto the cow, and then rode on it, looking majestic.

The little tail quickly patted the grass clippings on his body and ran to the talented man, looking up at him: "Gentleman, your cow is so majestic, can you give me a ride?"

The talented man snorted and said, "You are too small, Ah Niu will throw you off."

Little Tail pursed his mouth in displeasure: "I have ridden your white horse before, there is no problem, and I will have no problem riding your A Niu."

The talented man was furious and asked, "You stole my white horse!"

Little Tail quickly played dumb: "Who? Who rode your white horse?"

The talented man snorted, not bothering with her, and patted Ah Niu's buttocks, and Ah Niu walked forward slowly.

The little tail followed behind to look at him, and suddenly asked: "Genius, let me marry you!"

The talented man turned his head and asked her, "Then have you ever been married?"

Little Tail nodded honestly: "It's done." Then said proudly: "I also have a son named Shishi, whose name is Xuan Qing."

The talented man glanced at her contemptuously, and said, "Since we have been married and have a son, how can we be worthy of being the number one scholar?"

The little tail looked at him with aggrieved eyes, and the talented man couldn't help curling up his mouth with those big watery eyes.

Finally, the little tail couldn't bear it anymore, and rushed over to hug the talented man, but he sat on Niu's body, and the little tail just hugged Niu's front hooves and began to cry bitterly: "Brother Yaoyang! You said that if you If no one wants me, marry me..."

A Niu was made irritable by her, and wanted to leave when he raised his hoof, but the little tail ate something, and his strength was astonishing, dragging A Niu's front hoof so that he couldn't move.But the talented man was sweating from fright, fearing that Ah Niu would accidentally hurt her, he quickly climbed down from the cow's back with all his hands and feet to pull her up.

Little Tail refused to let go, just looked at him like that, his eyes were red, and there were still tears on his face.

The talented man sighed, leaned down and touched Xiaowei's head, and said, "Little Bai, let go of your hands, Ah Niu will be angry with you."

Little Tail let go, and crawled directly to the talented man from the ground.

The talented man hugged her, patted her on the back to comfort her, and said: "Even if the whole world doesn't want you, he will definitely want you."

Little Tail knew who the "he" was, but she was still very sad.

Seeing that she didn't speak, the talented man said again: "Although I don't know what happened, but he loves you so much, he is reluctant to let you be wronged. Xiaobai, you are so old, and you have little things, you should be stronger." .”

Little Tail was still weeping, she felt uncomfortable, so wronged that there was nothing but bitterness in her heart.They used her as a bargaining chip and forced each other to soften their hearts!She only felt that Brother Xian'er could refuse this method, but he didn't...

Seeing her so sad, the talented man couldn't help but feel a little uncomfortable, and said in a low voice, "Don't cry, the more you cry, the uglier you will become, and you are not beautiful in the first place."

 Tomorrow, it will probably be broken for another day~~~~~(>_<)~~~~ I have to go out, it is not convenient to bring a computer, and I don’t save the manuscript~
(End of this chapter)

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