Chapter 192 Destroy Heaven and Earth
The fairy servants filed in one after another, and Qin Ling put on the armor of the God of War.He looked back, and Da Da was staring at him in a daze.He couldn't help smiling, reached out and touched her cheek, and asked in a low voice, "What's wrong?"

Da Da seemed to wake up suddenly, she was silent for a while, and suddenly saw the tears behind the curtain, she suddenly lowered her head.

Qin Ling also noticed it, and turned around. The eighth princess was standing through the curtain, she was dressed in a military uniform, and she looked heroic.

"What is the eighth princess doing?" Qin Ling asked calmly, frowning.

Ao Ling stood there without moving, and through the layer of white gauze, one could see that her eyes dimmed instantly.

"Xianjun..." Da Da suddenly grabbed the corner of his clothes, and said in a low voice, "Xianjun..." She didn't say anything, but this whispered call had already let Qin Ling know what she was thinking .

"As a daughter, the eighth princess shouldn't be on the battlefield." Qin Ling softened his tone.

Ao Ling raised his head and said: "I have obtained the Jade Emperor's permission to lead the Dragon Clan out of the station. You don't have to be nervous, I am here this time just to say sorry to Da Da. Originally, I was meddling between you, but now Xian Jun You have recovered your memory, and this is the end of this absurdity." Her eyes glowed but did not collapse, and before that, she had thought for a long time before realizing that this time, there was really no chance.

Da Da parted the curtain to reveal her head, looked at her with a pair of beautiful pupils, and said seriously: "Princess Eight, I don't blame you, don't tell me I'm sorry."

The eighth princess smiled and said, "Da Da, you have become gentle."

Da Da smiled embarrassedly, and turned to look at Qin Ling.

Qin Ling smiled at her, and seemed to feel the same way.If it was before, she must have said angrily: "Princess Eight, don't apologize to me, I will never forgive you! Villain, you are a villain, and you took advantage of Xianjun's amnesia to snatch him away from me!" He I can even imagine Da Da's widening eyes and jumping feet.

At this moment, a bell rang through the heaven and earth. Qin Ling and the eighth princess were in a panic. The fairy servants panicked and looked at Qin Ling in horror.

"Don't be afraid, it will come sooner or later." Qin Ling reassured.

The eighth princess's eyes tightened a little, becoming tight and sharp.This stop is finally about to start, she bowed and said: "Just leave it here, thank you Xianjun for your hospitality these days."

Hearing the answer, the whole heart was raised, and before knowing whether the words of the eighth princess had the flavor of farewell to life and death, they heard the second bell ring!

Qin Ling hugged the trembling Da Da in his arms, and said in a low voice, "Don't be afraid, Da Da will pass right away."

"No... I have a hunch, that feeling... I don't know, but it will be very bad." Da Da began to speak incoherently, her heart was beating so hard that it seemed to be knocked into her heart by the drumbeat, and her whole body was in trembling.

Qin Ling also became uneasy. He squeezed Da Da's wrist in amazement, and felt her spirits running around. This was different from nervousness and fear. These spirits were gradually becoming stronger and wanted to break through this body. The body explodes!

"Ah!" Da Da suddenly felt his chest burn, and hurriedly took out the box that he had always carried with him. The box glowed with golden light, like a ball of flame that was about to burn.

Qin Ling's pupils shrank, and he couldn't help tightening his arms holding Da Da, and asked in a deep voice, "Why is this box here with you?"

Da Da suppressed the discomfort and replied: "I found this in the garden behind the temple."

"Da Da... Da Da..." Qin Ling hugged her in pain, and roared in a low voice, "No!" The voice sounded like a wounded lion roaring.

"What's the matter with you? What's the matter with you, Xianjun!" Da Da held his face in fear, and looked at him tightly with panicked eyes.

But at this moment, the third bell rang, still with the momentum of swallowing rivers and mountains, making people flustered.

"Immortal Lord Qin Ling, please go to the battlefield!" The immortal general couldn't hold back and rushed in.

"Get out!" Qin Ling waved his hand and threw the fairy general out.

The fairy general was stunned, and stood up clutching his chest: "Xianjun..."

"Shut up!" Qin Ling glanced at the wounded general with sharp eyes like swords.

"Xian... Xianjun..." Da Da looked at him in fear, shivering, and his voice was as inaudible as a cat meowing.

Qin Ling's red eyes looked at Da Da, and kissed him vigorously without saying a word, Da Da struggled in fear, she wanted to push away the strange Qin Ling, but his strength was so amazing that it almost made her out of breath.

Finally, Da Da tasted the blood in her mouth, she couldn't help sobbing, tears fell down her cheeks and fell on Qin Ling's body, Qin Ling suddenly woke up as if he had been burned, and stared blankly at Da Da.

"Xianjun, I'm so scared, what's wrong with you?" She asked him crying.

But Qin Ling's tears flowed harder than hers. He only felt a tearing pain in his chest. He finally knew why he couldn't see Da Da's predecessor, and who she was!

"Xianjun, talk, don't look at me like this, I'm very scared!" She didn't know how to describe the fear in her heart, so she used two words in a row to be very scared.

Qin Ling tried his best to suppress his trembling, but his voice was still hoarse. He said, "Da Da, do you want to start over again?"

Da Da was stunned by his words for a moment, tremblingly said: "What did you say?"

"Destroy Jiuchongtian." He repeated calmly: "Destroy Jiuchongtian."

"You're crazy!" Da Da looked at him in disbelief: "Destroy the world, destroy the world, and ruin the lives. Little Tail, Immortal Dongli, and Jade Rabbit and Immortal Zhenxu! Don't you want any of these?"

"What do you want? What do they have to do with me." He laughed mockingly, full of hostility.

"Ling'er!" A familiar voice came from behind Qin Ling, which dissipated a lot of the hostility that Qin Ling had just burst out.

"What did you just say! Do you know that you almost fell into the devil's way!" Xi Wangmu said sadly.

Qin Ling calmed down, but he knew that what he said just now was not impulsive!Why is it so unfair to him, insisting on snatching Da Da away from him!
"Do you hate the Jade Emperor for knowing Da Da's identity but not revealing it. But do you remember what the Jade Emperor said to you?"

That day, he and Dongli thought about the Jade Emperor saying that when Jiuchongtian Youshen was planning the war, the Jade Emperor once said: "After you fought with Xingtian, Xingtian was imprisoned in Wangchuan, but in fact, Xingtian was reincarnated a long time ago. .”

At that time, he didn't understand why the Jade Emperor would mention this, so he asked, "So what?"

The Jade Emperor said: "Xing Tian's reincarnation was assisted by Nine Heavens Profound Girl. This matter is an open secret, so all the immortals thought that Nine Heavens Profound Girl was missing that soul, which was on Xing Tian's body."

 Gradually it will become clear~ What kind of conspiracy is it, what is the story, will be explained clearly~
(End of this chapter)

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