Chapter 193 Nine Bells
"Now, you should already know where this spirit is." Queen Mother Xi glanced at Da Da with her sharp eyes, Da Da sensed something sensitively, and looked at the glowing box in disbelief.

"This box is called the Nine Souls Lock. The box gets hot because it feels the flow of your fairy spirit. It's not an accident that you got this box, but it came to you on its own initiative." Xi Wangmu said again.

Da Da tightly grasped Qin Ling's hand, as if grasping a life-saving straw, her head was about to explode: "Xianjun..." She called out in a low voice.Just like in the past, those who were confused and couldn't figure it out were all thrown to Qin Ling, and she just had to hide behind him.

"To start over again, this is what she said a long time ago." After finishing speaking, Queen Mother Xi continued: "Ling'er, you should have already guessed who the culprit who started the war was, right? ?”

"Stop talking." Qin Ling forbearingly turned away from her.

But the Queen Mother of the West pressed her every step of the way: "Now it is discovered that Da Da is the soul of the Nine Heavens Xuannv, so you are going to betray the Heavenly Court? Ling'er, you know that this is impossible, Da Da will not agree, and you will not agree in your own heart." .”

"No! My heart has already fallen because of answering." Qin Ling swept down the silent temple with fierce eyes, and said coldly: "If it wasn't for the sudden awakening of the Nine Soul Lock, would you want to see me kill you with your own eyes?" Answer answer!" At this point, Qin Ling's pupils turned blood red, and the hatred in his heart swelled in his heart, as long as it reached a zero point, he would fall into the demonic way.

"Ling'er, calm down, you must stay calm, otherwise you..." Queen Mother Xi looked at him nervously, not daring to approach him.

"Get out! No one is allowed to come in." He hugged Da Da tightly, refusing to recognize anyone.

"Crack!" The crisp sound loosened the rope that was about to break. Qin Ling looked at the reddened hand in astonishment. He slowly raised his hand to touch his hot cheek, and said in a low voice: " You're angry?"

She felt sore in her heart, and felt that Qin Ling's desperate and aggrieved voice made her heart twitch violently.

"I'm sorry Xianjun, don't be afraid, I won't die, gods don't die so easily, don't fall into the devil's way, it's dark there, I don't like it." She said, reaching out her hand to caress his back Back, just like he comforted her before.

"What should I do... Da Da, what should we do..." He buried his head in her neck, and tears flowed down his cheeks into Da Da's clothes.

"You are the god of war, and this is your responsibility. Compared with all living beings, we are insignificant." Da Da gently kissed his long hair, and his voice was like warm spring water: "My lord, I made a Meng, the lotus sister of Baishan Lake married the white fox, and Xing'an and I were basking in the sun on the bamboo raft, waiting, waiting, you finally came..."

After hearing this, Queen Mother Xi finally couldn't help turning her face away, tears welling from the corners of her eyes.

"I like everything I have now, and I don't want it to be destroyed. Xianjun, can I beg you?" Da Da begged softly, screaming like a small animal.

Qin Ling closed his eyes and didn't speak. Feeling the soft body in his arms, he seemed to be sucked out, and he couldn't even open his mouth.

When the fourth bell rings, the Meizu army has arrived. When the ninth bell rings, this war is about to begin, and there is no retreat...

"Before, you said that I grew up to the height of your shoulders, and I grew up. I secretly made a gesture last night, and it seemed to be almost the same. Xianjun, I think I have grown up, so I can make decisions for myself , okay?" She asked with a slight smile.

Qin Ling still didn't speak, but shook his body in pain.

"Ling'er..." Queen Mother Xi finally couldn't bear it anymore, she wanted to step forward to hold him back, but Qin Ling's cold eyes swept over her, making her stop in her tracks.The current Qin Ling doesn't recognize anyone, he only knows that he is tightly holding on to the person in his arms and refuses to let go, as if once he lets go, he won't be able to hold on anymore...

The fifth ringing of the bell made her heart tremble. She barely supported her smile, as if she finally realized that growing up was not about the height of Qin Ling's shoulders, but that she could still smile while hugging the trembling Qin Ling.

"Da Da..." He called her name with difficulty, and couldn't control it: "Da Da... Da Da... Da Da... Da Da..." He kept shouting like this, as if there was no end.

Da Da's heart was devastated, she listened to the repeated calls, looked at the still floating curtains, and listened to the more and more rapid bells, she smelled the smell of death.No, maybe it's just separation, but what difference does it make...

Finally, she let go of her hand, and when the eighth bell rang, she finally let go of her hand.

"Xianjun, let's go." She turned her back and didn't look at him.

Qin Ling shook his head: "No, I won't go."

Da Da calmly pinched his fairy root, then stood facing Qin Ling, letting him see how she forcibly pulled out her fairy root from his blood.

"No! Da Da, don't do this, let go!" Qin Ling looked pale into her stagnant eyes.

"Xianjun, don't force me." She said calmly.Beads of sweat kept dripping from his forehead.

Seeing such stubborn Da Da, Qin Ling seemed to chuckle lightly, his eyes were full of bitterness, and he said helplessly, "Da Da, you are obedient, can you let go of your hand? I won't force you, I will listen to whatever you say, you Let go of your hands, will you?"

in the end……

Who is forcing whom?

Nine Heavens... Nine Heavens... Damn Nine Heavens!
Qin Ling laughed out loud, and the tears mixed with the laughter hit Da Da's heart.

The Queen Mother of the West lowered her head and wiped her tears, then sighed: "Good boy..."

"Dang!" The ninth bell rang.

The pale fingers pushed aside the curtain, and the dark flowers on the black robe emerged as a war robe and turned golden as a defense.Qin Ling turned around, every step was like stepping on the tip of a knife.

He knelt down on the ground with a "boom" and finally couldn't help crying.

Qin Ling's footsteps paused, but he didn't turn his head. Tears silently streamed down his face, and his palms were already bloody.


The door opened, and his eyes fell on Qin Ling. His eyes were hurt by the rising sun, so he could only stretch out his hands to cover them.At the bottom of the steps, the elite soldiers of the Nine Heavens stood upright, looking at their God of War.

"Prepare for battle." He transformed the pain in his heart into these two words, full of energy, louder than the nine-fold bell that shook the sky.

The elite soldiers below were aroused by these two words full of pain, and their shouts covered Qin Ling's low murmur: "Wait for me... answer..."

"Has he left?" Da Da asked in a low voice, his eyes were empty, and he heard the sound of those footsteps going away.

 Soon, it will be over in a few days.

(End of this chapter)

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