Chapter 116

As for what happened to Xingze and Po Meng in the house, Su Yutong didn't know. In short, when he finally came out, his face was full of despair, and when he saw Su Yutong and Xuanchen, his eyes were still full of resentment.

On the contrary, Po Meng was very happy to see it, and Xingze should have given in.

"Xingze Xianjun, I wish you happiness."

Seeing Xingze like this, Su Yutong couldn't help but want to sprinkle some salt on him.

Xingze's eyes became even more resentful, if Xuanchen wasn't here, he would have wanted to pinch him.

"Let's go."

After Xingze left in a daze, Xuanchen dragged Su Yutong away.

"Shangxian, where are we going?"

Seeing Xuanchen walking towards the gate leading to the lower realm, Su Yutong felt a little excited. Could it be that the Shangxian wants to take her to the lower realm to play?
"To catch the living soul."

Xuan Chen didn't stop, and continued to walk forward.

Su Yutong: "..." Bai was very happy.

After arriving at the lower realm, I saw that the two armies had started a fierce confrontation on the battlefield. At this moment, some disciples were already catching souls on the battlefield.

Perhaps they saw Su Yutong's method yesterday, and today they also followed Su Yutong's example, focusing on those dying people.

Then a big sack appeared in front of Su Yutong. When she looked up, she saw that it was Xuan Chen who handed her the sack.

At this moment, Xuanchen's intention was obvious, asking her to catch ghosts, Su Yutong reluctantly grabbed the sack and walked towards the battlefield.

She said why did Xuan Chen come with her? It turned out that he was here to supervise her.

Su Yutong continued to grab according to yesterday's method, but today's competition was a bit high, and she only grabbed a full sack when the time was about to end.

During this period, Xuan Chen was watching her from the side.

The assessment period is only three days. During these three days, it can be said that it has relieved a lot of pressure on the underworld.

On the third day, most of the disciples had learned Su Yutong's trick, so many of them got very good grades.

And Su Yutong also got a middle grade as she expected.

On the day when everyone was about to leave, Xingzhe was the most active one. He didn't want to stay here all day because the shadow Granny Meng left on him was too great.

Su Yutong was a little curious, why Po Meng let Xingze leave so reassuringly, she later found out that Po Meng forced Xingze to sign a contract of sale that day.

This kind of contract is not an ordinary contract of selling one's life. It is said that there is a formation on it, and once it is violated, it will be hit by five thunders.

Although the five thunderbolts will not kill people, but the sourness will definitely make life worse than death.

After knowing this, Su Yutong immediately felt a little sympathetic to Xingze, but she only sympathized for a moment.

After returning to the Upper Realm, the sky was about to darken. The Great Elder had commented on the achievements of the disciples today when they were in the Underworld, so when they returned to the Upper Realm now, everyone naturally returned home.

When Su Yutong and Xuan Chen returned to the Star Picking Hall, the sky had already darkened, and the red luan star above the Star Picking Hall was still shining brightly, and the light seemed to be stronger than a few days ago.

Looking up, Su Yutong couldn't help but doubt, is this really her Red Luan star?
With a casual glance, Su Yutong saw Xuan Chen's handsome face under the moonlight.

Damn it!That heart-pounding feeling came again!

At this moment, Su Yutong began to doubt whether she fell in love with Xuanchen, but she was still a little entangled.

After her verification, Xuanchen is a douchebag. If she falls in love with him, won't her happiness in the next life be ruined?

(End of this chapter)

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