Emperor Zun's petite wife is too sweet

Chapter 117 is over!She seems to really like Xuan Chen!

Chapter 117 is over!She seems to really like Xuan Chen!

While Su Yutong was staring at Xuan Chen, Xuan Chen was also looking at her. Seeing Su Yutong staring at him motionless, Xuan Chen suddenly thought of the things he hadn't finished last time.

Just when Su Yutong was still distracted, she suddenly felt something stuck to her lips, and when she came back to her senses, she saw Xuan Chen's magnified face appearing in front of her eyes.

In the next second, Xuan Chen disappeared without a trace in front of her, while Su Yutong was still in place at this moment, a little lost in thought.

Did Shangxian kiss her just now?
Thinking of this, her heart beat faster, and when she looked up at the sky, she saw that the red luan star seemed to become brighter.

It's over!She seems to really like Xuan Chen!

For a while, she still couldn't accept this fact.

Maybe it was too shocking, but Su Yutong was late the next day. When she hurried to the classroom, she saw Lanmeng was in the classroom.

Seeing that the person inside was Lanmeng, Su Yutong couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. Fortunately, it wasn't the Antarctic fairy, otherwise she would definitely be punished to stand again.

Lanmeng just wanted to let Su Yutong in, but when it was time for get out of class to end, she had no choice but to walk up to Su Yutong and say:
"Don't be late next time, I'll take you to tutor now, what I just said."

Although Su Yutong really wanted to refuse, Lanmeng didn't give her a chance to refuse, so she turned and left after speaking, Su Yutong had no choice but to follow behind her.

This time Lanmeng still took Su Yutong to the place where she usually lived.

"Tongtong, how is your result in this assessment?"

"Medium grades."

When talking to Lanmeng, Su Yutong looked at her arm subconsciously. She still couldn't forget the abnormality when she saw Lanmeng last time.

But this time she couldn't see anything unusual, and Lan Meng didn't seem to notice her gaze, she still put her arm there, and let Su Yutong look at her.

"There are many excellent people among the new disciples this time. It's not bad that you can get this result, but you must not slack off in the assessment, and don't let down the expectations of the immortal."

Lanmeng's tone was full of sincerity, and it seemed that she was full of expectations for Su Yutong.

"I know, Fairy Lanmeng."

Only then did Su Yutong look away from Lanmeng's arm.

And Lanmeng also began to tell her what she taught today.

What Lanmeng taught today is how to control one's spiritual power freely, that is, how to maximize one's own damage when fighting with others.

"Okay, you can try the method I told you, and now gather all your spiritual power in the dantian."

After Lanmeng finished explaining, he asked Su Yutong to try it first.

According to the method Lanmeng just said, Su Yutong closed her eyes and controlled her own spiritual power to slowly move towards the dantian.

Seeing that Su Yutong was concentrating at the moment, Lanmeng walked behind Su Yutong, a ray of red light appeared from her hand behind her back, and she was quietly approaching Su Yutong.

The moment the red light came into contact with Su Yutong, Lanmeng's expression changed, and she immediately retracted the red light.

At this moment, Su Yutong also gathered all her spiritual energy in her dantian, but she couldn't help opening her eyes because she didn't hear Lanmeng's next instruction.

As soon as she opened her eyes, she saw that Lanmeng's face was not very good, and a strange feeling rose in her heart.

"Fairy Lanmeng, what's wrong with you?"

Lanmeng's eyes dodged a little, and her tone was a little abnormal, "I'm fine, since you've figured it out, that's it for today, you should hurry up and eat."

(End of this chapter)

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