Emperor Zun's petite wife is too sweet

Chapter 118 Don't get too close to her from now on

Chapter 118 Don't get too close to her from now on
Su Yutong had no interest in cultivation in the first place, but after hearing what Lanmeng said, of course she left soon.

After Su Yutong left, Lanmeng stared at her back with gloomy eyes, and tightly held the hands under the sleeves.

As soon as Su Yutong walked out, he saw Yuhua walking towards him, and Yuhua walked over immediately when he saw Su Yutong.

"You just came out of Lanmeng?"

For some reason, Su Yutong felt that there was some concern in Yuhua's tone.


Su Yutong nodded, only to see Yuhua's face change slightly.

"Are you not feeling well?"

uncomfortable?Yes, are you hungry?
Su Yutong didn't understand why Yuhua asked such a question.

Seeing the confusion in Su Yu's eyes, Yuhua calmed down the expression on his face a little, and then said.

"Don't get too close to her in the future."

After saying this, Yuhua left before Su Yutong asked clearly.

After Yuhua left, the strange feeling in Su Yutong's heart became stronger and stronger.

Isn't Shangxian Yuhua the master of Fairy Lanmeng?Why did he tell her not to get too close to Fairy Lanmeng?He also asked her if she felt unwell.

Regarding Yuhua's weird behavior today, Su Yutong suppressed her doubts in her heart.

When Su Yutong walked to the dining hall, she was surprised to find that there was no food in it. At this moment, her stomach growled twice in response to the occasion.

In the afternoon, it was the Antarctic Fairy's class again. Su Yutong felt that escaping once was also an escape. Anyway, she had already escaped so many lessons from the Antarctic Fairy, so it would be okay to run away again.

So Su Yutong felt at ease again, and skipped class to eat and drink at Yuehe's.

After arriving at the Marriage Bureau, this time Su Yutong actually saw Li Yan'er wearing new clothes, she couldn't help complaining in her heart: If she didn't buy it for Li Yan'er last time, Immortal Yuehe would definitely not think so much.

At this moment, Yue He was holding Li Yan'er in his arms, teasing her from time to time, only to see that Yue He had just finished teasing, and then Li Yan'er slapped him on the face.

Luna: "..."

"Pfft!" Seeing this, Su Yutong couldn't help laughing. It looks like Li Yan'er has learned a new skill recently.

"Little Shushu, why are you here?"

Hearing the laughter, Yue Heyi turned his head and saw Su Yutong smiling with his mouth covered.

"Xianjun Yuehe, this time I skipped class to find you."


Yuehe looked at Su Yutong with an expression of "a child can be taught". When he thought that Su Yutong didn't even attend class in order to find him, he felt a burst of pride.

"That's right!" From Su Yutong's point of view, looking for Yuehe and looking for him to cook for dinner meant quite the same thing, so she just took it as one.

Then Su Yutong took the initiative to take Li Yan'er away, and then looked at Yuehe with burning eyes.

"Xianjun, have you researched any new dishes recently?"

The implication of Su Yutong's words is obvious. Apart from gossip, what Yuehe is most interested in is cooking. As soon as Su Yutong asked this question, Yuehe immediately became interested.

"Don't tell me! I really have research recently, you wait for me to do it for you to try!"

After finishing speaking, Yuehe ran towards the house in a desperate manner, and Su Yutong showed a triumphant smile, now it's all over, her lunch is settled!

Li Yan'er, who was being hugged by Su Yutong, also seemed very excited at this time, waving her little hand and calling her sweetly "Mother".

It may be that the problem of eating has been solved, and Su Yutong is also in a good mood. She and Li Yan'er said:
"Yan'er, you have to remember that your master is your foster husband, you must take him seriously in the future, if he makes you angry, you can beat him!"

(End of this chapter)

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