Emperor Zun's petite wife is too sweet

Chapter 127 Let's see who can't hold on first

Chapter 127 Let's see who can't hold on first
Obviously, Xuan Chen had discovered the man in black a long time ago, and dragged Su Yutong to hide here just to let the man in black show up.

At this time, the man in black was looking around because he had lost his heel. Xuan Chen was holding Su Yutong by the hand, the corners of his mouth slightly raised, and he seemed in a good mood.

The two quietly followed the man in black until they walked out of the bustling street and came to an empty field.

At this moment, the man in black let out an arrogant laugh, "Hahaha, do you think I didn't notice you?"

His voice was still very sharp, and it sounded very uncomfortable.

"Are you sure I didn't let you find out on purpose?" Xuan Chen said unhurriedly.

Sure enough, the man in black's laughter stopped immediately, and then he sneered again.

"Oh! So what? You are already in my trap, and you cannot escape!"

As soon as the man in black finished speaking, a formation appeared in the open space where the two were standing.

Regarding this, Su Yutong was not panicked at all, after all, she had a big boss named Xuan Chen by her side.

"Enjoy yourself here!"

The man in black let out another burst of arrogant laughter, and then turned around to leave, but after he walked a few steps, he found that he couldn't move.

"You might as well stay with us."

It was Xuan Chen's voice that reached the ears of the man in black. The man in black turned his side and saw that there was an extra noble concubine in the formation at some point, and Xuan Chen and Su Yutong were sitting on it very leisurely.

Seeing this, the voice of the black-clothed man trembled a little.

"In this case, let's see who can't hold on first!"

"Shangxian, I'm hungry."

At this moment, Su Yutong whispered to Xuan Chen.She didn't even take a few bites of the wonton just now, but now her stomach started to protest again.

Hearing what Su Yutong said, Xuanchen didn't intend to entangle too much with the man in black, he walked out of the formation in front of the man in black, obviously the man in black couldn't believe it.

"You... how did you do it?"

The man in black knew that Xuanchen's strength was unfathomable, but he didn't expect that even the ancient formation he managed to obtain could not trap Xuanchen.

"Why don't you tell me what your purpose is?"

Xuan Chen walked in front of the man in black, although Xuan Chen had a chatty tone, but the man in black couldn't help trembling when he heard it.

"What if I don't tell?"

Even so, the man in black still resolutely refused to reveal his purpose.

Since he didn't say anything, Xuan Chen didn't want to waste time with him, so a ray of white light shot towards the man in black, and the man in black fell to the ground.

Seeing that the man in black had fallen, Su Yutong stretched out her hand towards the mask of the man in black. The conjecture in her heart was about to be verified, and she couldn't help feeling a little nervous at this moment.

After the mask was taken off, she saw a strange man's face under the mask. Su Yutong couldn't help being suspicious. She opened the man's sleeve and saw a mole on his arm.

Was it really the man in black who captured her that day?


Xuan Chen saw that the expression on Su Yutong's face was a bit tangled, so he asked.

"It should be him."

Su Yutong suppressed the strangeness in his heart. The figure and voice of the man in black were exactly the same as last time, and his features were also the same. It should be him.

"Well, let me take you to eat."

Xuan Chen took Su Yutong's hand and walked towards the brightly lit place ahead.

The moment Xuan Chen turned around, a ray of white light emerged from his fingertips, and the white light directly penetrated into the body of the man in black, and the man in black instantly turned into powder and disappeared without a trace.

 Guess this is really the man in black from last time?
(End of this chapter)

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