Emperor Zun's petite wife is too sweet

Chapter 128 What You Spend Is My Wife Ben

Chapter 128 What You Spend Is My Wife Ben

In Bixiao Pavilion, just as Lanmeng entered the room, she saw Yuhua sitting in her room, she smiled and said:
"Master, why come to me when you have time?"

Yuhua didn't answer her words, but looked at her and asked, "Where did you go today?"

Lanmeng hooked the corner of her mouth, "Where else can I go, of course it's always in Bixiao Pavilion."

As soon as she finished speaking, Yuhua slapped her, but Lanmeng was knocked down by Yuhua's palm, and Yuhua stood in front of Lanmeng with her hands behind her back.

"Where did you get the injury?"

Lanmeng covered her chest, her face was a little pale, but the corners of her mouth were full of sarcasm.

"You actually care about me?"

Yuhua helped Lanmeng up with a dark face, "I have already reminded you today, don't touch her, if she has something to do..."

"What would you do if she had something to do? Did you kill me? Did you think I was going to kill her no matter what I did?" Lanmeng's face was gradually stained with anger, "If it wasn't you..."

"Enough!" Yuhua immediately interrupted Lanmeng, as if he really didn't want to hear what Lanmeng was going to say next.

"As long as you don't hurt her, I don't care about the rest."

"Heh!" Lanmeng sneered, then pushed Yuhua away, "It's so late, you should go back, right?"

Yuhua glanced at Lanmeng with a complicated expression, then walked out of Lanmeng's room.


After Su Yutong ate his fill, the sky was completely dark, and the street was filled with stalls. At this time, the whole street was filled with tempting aromas.

Many of the snacks sold on the street today were seen by Su Yutong for the first time, so she turned on the mopping mode again. After a while, Su Yutong basically bought all the food on the street.

Although Su Yutong passed the competition today, she will still go to Bixiao Pavilion to study tomorrow, so the two of them did not stay in the lower realm for long.

Walking on the road, Su Yutong touched a storage bag full of snacks, feeling very happy in her heart. At this moment, she suddenly thought of a question.

Since meeting Xuan Chen, she has eaten and drank Xuan Chen's food. I don't know if Xuan Chen will let her pay it back in the future?

So Su Yutong raised his head and asked: "Shangxian, I have spent so much money on you, will you ask me for debts in the future?"

She is a penniless little erotic book. If she could use her little erotic book to pay off her debts before, she really has nothing now.


When Xuan Chen said this, it didn't look like he was joking at all, Su Yutong's heart turned cold.

Didn't you agree that she is his book?As his book, why did she spend some money on him?
"Shangxian, do you have the heart to ask money from me who is so poor and penniless?"

Su Yutong thought, Xuanchen has lived for tens of thousands of years anyway, could it be possible that even this little money has to be fussy?
At this time Xuanchen stopped, looked at Su Yutong and said solemnly:

"Although I can't bear it, I am very principled when doing things. If you spend my money, it's not justified, so naturally you have to pay it back."

Su Yutong thought about it for a while, and it seemed that this was the reason. At this moment, Xuan Chen continued:
"Besides, what you spent was my wife's capital. If you don't pay me back, I will have no money to marry a wife in the future."

Hearing Xuanchen say this, Su Yutong couldn't help but asked: "Shangxian, do you still want to marry a wife?"

Isn't Shangxian not good?Still want to marry a wife?Aren't you afraid of ruining the little girl?
"Why can't I marry a wife?" Xuan Chen couldn't help being a little happy when he heard Su Yutong ask this question, did he finally know about jealousy?
(End of this chapter)

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