Chapter 155

Hearing what Xuanchen said just now, Su Yutong was a little embarrassed, and now she heard Lanmeng teasing her like this, she felt even more embarrassed.

"I...I will try my best to get rid of it."

After finishing speaking, Su Yutong couldn't help complaining to Xuanchen in her heart, why she would lose all face for making up such a reason.

"I love it, don't need to change it."

When Lan Meng was about to turn around and leave, Xuan Chen said this suddenly, Lan Meng's body froze, but when she turned around, there was still a kind smile on her face.

"Lanmeng was wrong. Tongtong is really lucky to meet Shangxian. It's getting late, so Lanmeng will leave first."

After speaking, Lan Meng saluted Xuan Chen again before leaving.

But after she walked out, the expression on her face became a little cold, and then she seemed to think of something, and a confident smile appeared on her face again.

After Lanmeng left, Su Yutong quickly finished all the food on the table. After eating, Su Yutong touched her round belly and admired the sunset with some satisfaction.

"I am full?"

At this time, Xuan Chen's voice sounded in her ear.

"Well, full."

Su Yutong touched his stomach again, and replied with some satisfaction, I have to say that the Penglai stuff is really not bad.

"Then it's time to detoxify."

Su Yutong:! ! ! ? ? ?
Didn't you say you can eat it?Why do you need to detoxify again?
Su Yutong looked at Xuanchen in disbelief, but Xuanchen replied solemnly:
"Seeing that you want to eat, I really don't want to spoil your interest."

Su Yutong: "..."

"Shangxian, if I don't detoxify, will I die?"

Su Yutong always felt that Xuan Chen was lying to her, but she couldn't find any proof.

"Although this poison is not fatal, it is very uncomfortable when it occurs. Are you sure you can bear it?"

There was a faint smile on the corner of Xuan Chen's mouth, and then he saw Su Yutong's face was slightly flushed, and he said again:
"If you are shy, we can go into the house to explain."

When Xuan Chen said this, the charm in Su Yutong's heart disappeared immediately. Why was she shy?Why don't you cure the poison?
Anyway, she was the one who took advantage of Xuanchen, so don't take advantage of the bastard!

So Su Yutong walked up to Xuan Chen and leaned over to kiss him on the lips. Xuan Chen hugged Su Yutong's waist, and Su Yutong sat on his lap in an instant.

At this moment, Xingze brought a group of elders to discuss matters with Xuan Chen, and saw such an exciting scene just as he walked in.

For a moment, everyone's expressions were a little embarrassed, but Xingze coughed fearlessly.

His cough successfully interrupted the two of them. Su Yutong turned around and saw a group of people standing at the gate of the courtyard, and suddenly felt embarrassed.

She immediately got up from Xuanchen's lap and went back to the room in embarrassment, while Xuanchen looked at Yuhua at the door in a good mood.

Quite provocative, Yuhua's complexion was naturally very bad, the whole face turned black.

"Yo! Xuanchen, I didn't realize that you are such a beast."

Xingze walked to the side very bluntly and sat down, looking at Xuanchen with a wicked smile.

Probably because he was in a good mood, Xuan Chen ignored Xing Ze's teasing, and immediately recovered his expressionless face.

"What's the matter with me?"

Seeing that Xuan Chen was unwilling to cooperate with him in making jokes, Xing Ze also instantly recovered his serious appearance.

"Lan Hua said that he would like to invite his disciples to stay in Penglai for a while after the wedding. Let us ask you what you mean."

Although Xingze has always been in charge of Bixiao Pavilion, but this time Xuanchen also came together, he can't do it for him.

 Lanmeng: I am the worst female supporting role to be cheated by the male lead......

(End of this chapter)

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