Emperor Zun's petite wife is too sweet

Chapter 156 I will hold a bigger wedding for you in a few days

Chapter 156 I will hold a bigger wedding for you in a few days

"You decide."

Xuan Chen's answer was still the same as usual, he had no intention of managing this kind of thing at all.

Xingze even suspected that if he said he wanted the management right of Bixiao Pavilion, maybe Xuanchen would agree to him without hesitation.

"Then I agree, it just happens to let the disciple relax for a while."

What Xingze said on his lips was actually thinking in his heart that he could finally live happily for a few more days.

A few elders looked at Yue He with hatred, but Yue He completely ignored their eyes.

He brought this group of elders to Xuanchen, in fact, to have a legitimate reason to take a vacation.

He knew that Xuanchen would definitely let him decide, so that the group of elders would have nothing to say, but what Xingze didn't expect was that he saw such an exciting scene when he came in.

After the elders left, Xingze still stayed with Xuanchen, his heart of gossip was burning.

"I said Xuanchen, you are too unkind, Xiao Shushu is so young and you actually did it, tsk tsk tsk."

Xingze stroked his chin and looked at Xuanchen meaningfully, and the next second Xingze appeared outside the courtyard in the form of a parabola.

Xingze: "..." Don't let people tell the truth?

The next day was Lan Hua's wedding day. It was said that his wife was the princess of the East China Sea, and the marriage between the two of them was also arranged by their parents. Now that they reached the age, they got married naturally.

However, from the layout of the wedding, it is not difficult to see that Lan Hua attaches great importance to his wife. The place in the main hall is all red, and the surrounding layout is also quite luxurious.

As soon as he entered the main hall, Su Yutong couldn't help but began to look around. Everyone said that there were many treasures in Penglai, and it was true after looking at it now. The ornaments placed around were of great value.

"I'll hold a bigger wedding for you in a few days."

Xu Shi saw Su Yutong's scrutinizing gaze, and Xuan Chen said this as soon as he sat down.

Su Yutong looked at Xuan Chen with some doubts, "Are we going to have a wedding too?"

Didn't you say get a certificate?Why do you still have a wedding?

"As I said before, I like to be disciplined in doing things. Now that the certificates have been obtained, all matters related to marriage must be completed."

What Xuan Chen said was serious, Su Yutong thought about it carefully, it seems that this is the reason, otherwise she would not be able to justify spending Xuan Chen's money.

"Then listen to the gods."


There was another trace of success in Xuan Chen's eyes.

Soon two people dressed in red appeared at the door, the woman was wearing a phoenix crown and Xiapei, and walked into the hall hand in hand with Lan Hua.

With everyone's blessings, the wedding ceremony of the two was completed.

In order to show the importance he attaches to Bixiao Pavilion, Lan Hua arranged for the people in Bixiao Pavilion to be in the closest position to him.

Xuan Chen sat with Xing Ze and a group of elders, and when Lan Hua came to toast, Xing Ze had a few words with him.

When Lan Hua left, Xingze seemed to have seen something, and immediately sat down and bowed his head, trying to minimize his sense of existence.

Su Yutong was wondering when Xingze learned to keep a low profile when he suddenly heard a voice from beside him.

"What's wrong? Just don't want to see me so much?"

Then Po Meng appeared behind Xingze, and patted Xingze on the shoulder, and Xingze visibly shook.

Then Po Meng looked at Su Yutong again, "Tongtong is here too! What a coincidence!"

"That's right! Why don't you sit here too, Mrs. Meng?"

Su Yutong looked at Xingze and showed a wicked smile.

(End of this chapter)

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