Emperor Zun's petite wife is too sweet

Chapter 188 Xuanchen and dogs are not allowed inside

Chapter 188 Xuanchen and dogs are not allowed inside
Su Yutong, whose dream was disturbed, was still a little dazed at the moment, and when she was about to lose her temper, she saw Su Yutong's terrified eyes.

Su Yutong didn't hate Su Yutong wisely, and asked a little weakly:

"Female...female, why are you looking for the master?"

"Why do you care about me, tell me where he is?"

What else could she do? Of course she was going to catch the rape.

After Suzaku struggled away from Su Yutong's clutches, she subconsciously moved away from Su Yutong.

"Didn't the master go to find something to help him overcome the catastrophe? I don't know where he went. Didn't the master tell you?"

Su Yutong thought for a while, the day Xuan Chen left, she fell asleep in a daze, she remembered Xuan Chen told her where she was going?

I was too sleepy at the time and didn't pay attention to it, and I can't remember it now, so she didn't care so much, and Xuan Chen didn't tell her about it.

Thinking of this, most of Su Yutong's anger disappeared, but she still felt very uncomfortable seeing Xuanchen and Lanmeng together.

"It's not on the way anymore, why are you still following me?"

In the secluded environment of the lotus pond, Xuanchen stopped in his tracks and glanced at Lanmeng behind him.

After he got what he wanted in Tianque today, he wanted to bring Su Yutong back as a souvenir.

It just so happened that he heard that the lotus root in the secluded lotus pond is a rare delicacy in the fairy world. Knowing that Su Yutong is a foodie, Xuan Chen planned to take some back for her.

And when he came out of Tianque, he met Lanmeng, at first he didn't pay much attention, but Lanmeng followed him all the time.

But when he arrived at the secluded lotus pond, Lan Meng was still following him, Xuan Chen couldn't help frowning.

Lan Meng Xuanchen finally paid attention to her, so she boldly walked in front of Xuanchen.

"Lanmeng knows that Shangxian's catastrophe is coming, and he came here to find an artifact that will help him survive the catastrophe. Lanmeng is willing to help Shangxian."

When Lanmeng said these words, she couldn't help lowering her head, with a rare shy expression on her face.

However, she waited for a long time without Xuan Chen's response. When she raised her head again, she saw that there was no one in front of her. How could there be Xuan Chen's figure?

The shy expression on Lanmeng's face disappeared completely, and her eyes were full of haze.

At this moment, a bird transformed from spiritual power flew towards her, and dissipated in the air after falling into her hands.

Seeing this, the corner of Lanmeng's mouth curled into a mocking smile, and a hint of success flashed in her eyes.

It seems she has seen it.

Immediately, Lanmeng walked back without hesitation.

The lotus roots in the secluded area of ​​the lotus pond are delicious, but they are very hard to find. Xuanchen didn't find the oldest one until the next day.

The older the lotus root here, the purer the spiritual power it contains, and the more delicious it is, of course, the harder it is to find.

And Xuanchen, no matter he was looking for treasures or whatever, he just likes to get the best, so he would rather spend more time than take the best.

After leaving the secluded lotus pond, the corners of Xuanchen's mouth couldn't help but curl up slightly, he could already imagine Su Yutong's expression when he saw the food.

However, when Xuanchen walked to the gate of the Hall of Picking Stars, he was a little stunned.

I saw a piece of paper pasted on the gate of the Hall of Reaching Stars, which said "Xuan Chen and dogs are not allowed to enter", and a turtle was drawn at the bottom of the paper.

Xuan Chen could tell at a glance that it was written by Su Yutong, and for a moment he didn't understand what happened.

But he stood outside the door very obediently and did not go in hastily. Xuan Chen is not an impulsive person.

Since Su Yutong posted this on the door, something must have happened. Only by figuring it out first can he know how to coax Su Yutong.

 Xuan Chen: My daughter-in-law won't let me in, so I just stand outside the door obediently, I am very obedient

(End of this chapter)

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