Emperor Zun's petite wife is too sweet

Chapter 189 Just because he pasted a piece of paper, he didn't even dare to enter his own house

Chapter 189 Just because he pasted a piece of paper, he didn't even dare to enter his own house
"Woman, the master is back, and he is outside the door now, are you sure you won't let him in?"

Knowing that Xuanchen was back, Suzaku didn't open the door for him immediately, but came to ask Su Yutong's opinion.

Although Suzaku is Xuanchen's most sincere pet, it just wants to see if Su Yutong will be taught a lesson by Xuanchen for doing so.

"No entry."

Su Yutong hugged Li Yan'er, teasing her while answering Suzaku's question.

Whoever asked Xuanchen to have a private meeting with Lanmeng secretly would not let him in.

Suzaku glanced at the direction of the gate, then at Su Yutong, and decided not to mix it up, lest the master take his anger out on it again.

So Suzaku walked back to the nest with its short legs and was about to go back to sleep. As soon as it returned to its nest, it was pulled out by a force.

In the next second, it found itself outside the Star Picking Palace, and Xuan Chen was standing in front of it.

The moment he saw Xuanchen, Suzaku panicked, the master wouldn't blame it for not opening the door for him, would he?

"What's up with her?"

Just when Suzaku was thinking of an excuse, he heard Xuanchen ask such a question. As soon as Suzaku raised his head, he saw Xuanchen's troubled expression.

As Xuanchen's pet, it has been with Xuanchen for nearly 2 years, and it is the first time it has seen Xuanchen show such an expression.

So Suzaku shook her head honestly, "I don't know either. She woke me up suddenly yesterday and asked Master where you were. I don't know the rest."

Suzaku really didn't understand what happened yesterday, but Xuanchen gave Suzaku a "what's the use of you" look.

Suzaku instantly felt that he had received ten thousand points of damage.

"Try to find out what happened, or you won't go in."

After Xuanchen left these words, he turned and walked towards the imperial concubine not far away.

Looking at Xuanchen's back, Suzaku even suspected that he was hallucinating, this was the first time he had seen his master so obedient.

You know, Xuanchen was a master who never suffered a disadvantage before, it is impossible for others to take advantage of him.

Now, just because Su Yutong pasted a piece of paper on the door, he dare not even enter his own house.

Just when Suzaku was in a daze, a ray of white light appeared from Xuanchen's fingertips, and the next moment Suzaku appeared in his nest again.

Thinking of the task Xuanchen taught it, Suzaku couldn't even sleep, and walked around beside his nest, thinking about how to get some words from Su Yutong.

Su Yutong also knew a little bit about Su Yutong. If it asked directly, Su Yutong would definitely not tell it.

Just as it was thinking, it suddenly saw the sweet-smelling 梼杌 sleeping in a nearby nest, and at this moment a thought suddenly appeared in its mind.

After playing with Su Yutong for a while, Li Yan'er fell asleep in her arms. Su Yutong was a little lost in her arms holding Li Yan'er.

She couldn't help but glanced at the direction of the gate, was Shangxian really so obedient and just outside?Or have you already gone to look for Lanmeng?

At this time, Su Yutong really wanted to take a look at the situation outside the door, but she was afraid of being discovered by Xuanchen.

At this moment, a little green dumpling ran up to her and rubbed her leg with his little head.

"Master, do you want to go to immortality?"

"No... no."

Su Yutong's eyes flickered slightly, was she so obvious?

Wu Wu stared at Su Yutong with big eyes, tilted his head and said honestly:

"Master is lying, even Wuwu can see it."

Su Yutong: "..." Can't you give her some face?

(End of this chapter)

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